A second record of Cryptognathus scutellatus Summers & Chaudhri (Trombidiformes: Cryptognathidae) Author Doğan, Salih . Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Erzincan Turkey E-mail salihdogan @ erzincan. edu. tr Author Doğan, Sibel . Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University Vocational School of Health Services Erzincan Turkey E-mail sibel. dogan @ erzincan. edu. tr text Persian Journal of Acarology 2020 2020-10-15 9 4 319 326 journal article 10.22073/pja.v9i4.62089 2251-8169 5236575 Cryptognathus scutellatus Summers & Chaudhri, 1965 Female ( Figs. 1–5 ) Body ovoid, length (including hood) 306-328, width 206–230. Dorsum ( Fig. 1 ) – Length of hood 51–60. Prodorsal hood with five or six dimples in each longitudinal row, anterior margin of the hood denticulate. Dorsal shield completely reticulated. Each polygonal cell of dorsal reticulum containing 12–30 small pores, all but 2–5 restricted to periphery. No striae on reticular ornamentations. A pair of eyes and a pair of postocular bodies between setae sci and sce . Dorsal shield with eleven pairs of simple setae. Lengths and distances between idiosomal setae as follows: vi 19–22, ve 20–22, sci 26–27, sce 26–27, c 1 26–28, d 1 27–28, e 1 25 –27, e 2 27 –29, f 1 22–26, h 1 23–25, h 2 18–21, vi–vi 38–44, ve–ve 41–48, vi–ve 11–13, sci–sci 65–68, ve–sci 9–10, sce–sce 118–123, sci–sce 30–34, c 1c 1 73–77, c 1d 1 41–44, d 1d 1 103–107, e 2e 2 106–114, d 1 e 1 45 – 50, d 1 e 2 57 –61, e 1e 1 72–77, e 2 e 1 22 –23, f 1f 1 35–36, e 1f 1 54–60, e 2f 1 45–46, f 1h 1 30–32, f 1h 2 38–42, h 1h 1 20–21, h 2h 2 65–70, h 1h 2 20–26. Venter ( Figs 2–4 ) – Prosternal apron half-moon shaped. Venter of body incompletely covered with reticulations: the lateral sides of venter distinctive reticulated, but central reticulations indistinctive. Ventral surface striated and with pores, larger than those on dorsum. Venter bearing six pairs of setae (1 a , 3 a , 4 a , ag 1-3 ), smaller than dorsal body setae ( Fig. 2 ). Coxisternal region striated and with subcuticular reticulations under the striated integument ( Fig. 3 ). Three pairs of genital setae ( g 1-3) located outside of the genital shields. Anal shields located at the posterior end of the body, punctuated and bearing three pairs of setae ( ps 1-3 ) ( Fig. 4 ). Legs – All legs with two claws and empodial raylets. Leg segments weakly punctated. Tubercles on the trochanters absent. Lengths of legs: leg I 206–223, leg II 160–175, leg III 166–176, leg IV 192–210. Setal formulae of legs: coxae 2–1–2–1, trochanters 1–1–2–1, femora 4–3–2–2, genua 5(+1Κ)–4(+1Κ)–2–3, tibiae 5(+1φ+1φρ)–5(+1φρ)–4(+1φρ)–3, tarsi 15(+1φρ+1ω)–11(+1φρ+1ω)– 9(+1ω)–9(+1ω). The setae tc on tarsus II different in length. Tarsi III and IV with one proximoventral setae. Figure 1. Cryptognathus scutellatus (Female) – Dorsal view of idiosoma. Gnathosoma – Length of palp 93–98, length of chelicerae 81–85. Palp setal formula (from palptrochanter to palptarsi): 0 – 3 – 2 – 3+1 claw – 4+1ω+4 eupathidia. Palp supracoxal setae elcp nipple-like ( Fig. 5A ), tibial claw minute ( Fig. 5B ). Two pairs of adoral setae ( ro 1, 2 ) located on the anterior of the gnathosoma region and a pair of subcapitular setae ( m ) located on the posterior of the pharynx. Length of setae m 33–38, distance between the setae ( m -m ) 21–24. Figure 2. Cryptognathus scutellatus (Female) – Ventral view of idiosoma. Figure 3. Cryptognathus scutellatus (Female) – Coxisternal region. Male and immature stages – Unknown. Specimens examined – 1♀ from mixed litter and soil under Quercus sp. and Juniperus sp. , 39° 33' 22.0'' N, 40° 03' 55.8'' E, 1443 m a.sl., 18 April 2020 , Sansa Gorge, Turkey ; 13♀♀ from litter and soil under Astragalus sp. , the same data with previous locality. Distribution – former records: USA ( Summers and Chaudhri 1965 ). Figure 4. Cryptognathus scutellatus (Female) – Genital and anal shields. Figure 5. Cryptognathus scutellatus (Female) – A. Palp supracoxal seta, B. Palpal tibial claw. Remarks Cryptognathus scutellatus Summers & Chaudhri resembles C. ultrarostratus Summers & Chaudhri and C. aureatus Summers & Chaudhri ( Summers & Chaudhri 1965 ) by the similar dorsal ornamentation: dorsal shield completely reticulate, each cell of dorsal reticulum with small pores, all but 2–5 restricted to periphery. However, it can be easily separated from them by the presence of solenidion Κ on genu II. Crypthognathus scutellatus and C. summersi Robaux are also closely related species ( Summers & Chaudhri 1965 ; Robaux 1975 ) in having dorsal ornamentation different from that of the venter: dorsal shield completely, ventral shield incompletely reticulate. However; C. summersi differs from C. scutellatus by the lacking each one seta on trochanter III and femur I and by the missing of solenidion φρ on tibia III. Crypthognathus scutellatus was recorded for the first time in this study except for the type locality Green Valley , Solano County , California , USA . The morphological features of the examined specimens are similar to those of the type specimen; differently, ventral surface and coxisternal region in the Turkish specimens are striated ( Figs. 2 , 4 ) .