“ Larger ” Benthic Foraminifera Of The Cenomanian. A Review Of The Identity And The Stratigraphic And Palaeogeographic Distribution Of Non-Fusiform Planispiral (Or Near-Planispiral) Forms Author SIMMONS, MICHAEL Author BIDGOOD, MICHAEL text Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 2023 2023-08-02 19 2 39 169 http://dx.doi.org/10.35463/j.apr.2023.02.06 journal article 10.35463/j.apr.2023.02.06 1842-371x 10834181 Praetaberina apula Consorti et al., 2015 Reference Illustration & Description Consorti et al. (2015) , Fig. 8 , p. 382-384. This is a relatively new species defined by Consorti et al. (2015) based on new samples from the Bari Formation of Italy and re-examination of specimens previously attributed to Taberina bingistani by Fleury (1980) in Greece and by Borghi & Pignatti (2006) in Italy . Specimens of P. bingistani are larger overall and have up to three and a half initially coiled whorls compared with a maximum of only two initially coiled whorls in P. apula . The septula are fewer, but they extend further inwards within the chamber than P. bingistani , thus reducing the central chamber space available for the apertures and pillars. See the Species Key Chart (Appendix) for diagnostic and other characteristics. Stratigraphic Distribution Late Cenomanian See Consorti et al. (2015) . Cenomanian Paleogeographic Distribution Central Neotethys. Fig. 71 Cenomanian paleogeographic distribution of Praetaberina bingistani . Fig. 72 Representative illustrations of Praetaberina apula : a Subequatorial section, Consorti et al. (2015 , fig. 8(4), Italy); b Oblique section, Consorti et al. (2015 , fig. 8(11), Italy); c Oblique section, Consorti et al. (2015 , fig. 8(2), Italy). Reported only from Greece ( Fleury, 1980 ) and Italy (Borghi & Pignatti, 2006) as P. bingistani but now referable to P. apula (following Consorti et al. 2015 ). The two species of Praetaberina discussed here would therefore appear to have mutually exclusive distribution patterns. Mohajer et al. (2022b) reports the occurrence of P. apula from the Izeh Zone of the Iranian Zagros, but only as originally reported by Khosrow Tehrani & Fonooni (1994) i.e., before the species was first described. It is not known by what means Mohajer et al. (2022b) concluded that this occurrence is, in fact, P. apula . This record is not included on the distribution map.