First Record Of Fossil Species Of The Genus Tetramorium (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Author Radchenko, A. G. Author Dlussky, G. M. text Vestnik Zoologii 2015 2015-08-01 49 4 311 316 journal article 10.1515/vzoo-2015-0033 32a5288c-916e-4166-9c8e-572c828203f1 2073-2333 6452478 Tetramorium paraarmatum sp. n. Tetramorium sp. n. : Kosmowska-Ceranowicz, 2001: 59 . Tetramorium sp. A : Dlussky, Rasnitsyn, 2009: 1032 . Materialexamined: queen (dealate), holotype , No 15440 , Muzeum Ziemi PAN, Baltic Amber, Gdansk-Stogi, Poland . E t y m o l o g y. From the Greek prefix “ para ” — beside, near, and the species name Tetramorium armatum Santschi, 1927 , to what described species resembles. Q u e e n ( fig. 1, 2 ). Head longer than broad (HL/HW 1.20), with subparallel sides, straight occipital margin and rounded occipital corners. Lateral portions of clypeus raised in both sides into a sharp shield-like ridge in front of antennal insertions, so that antennal sockets separated from the clypeal surface. Eyes well developed, of moderate size. Anterior clypeal margin convex, with shallow medial notch. Antenna 12-segmented, with 3-segment-ed apical club, scape short, far not reaching occipital margin (SL/HL 0.58, SL/HW 0.69). Mesosoma quite long and narrow (SCL/SCW 3.23), flattened, pronotum does not overlapped by scutum, its anterior and lateral parts visible from above. Propodeum with relatively long, blunt, subparallel and directed backward spines (ESL/HW 0.17, ESD/ESL 1.27). Petiole relatively long and narrow (PL/PW 1.71), with not very long peduncle, its node apparently cuneiform. Postpetiole broader than length, but not strongly widened (PPL/PPW 0.67). Fig. 1–2. Tetramorium paraarmatum sp. n. , holotype queen, body in dorsal view: 1 — photo of holotype; 2 — line drawing, made based on photo. Scale bar 1 mm. Hind tibia with one simple spur (second, smaller spur, is invisible). Head dorsum smooth, only gena, frontal lobes and lower part of frons laterally with fine longitudinal striation. Scutum and scutellum smooth, pronotum and dorsal surface of propodeum with fine transversal striation. Head margins with quite abundant, not too long suberect hairs; mesosoma with similar hairs, waist, and especially gaster, with more abundant, longer hairs. Legs with short subdecumbent hairs (only partly visible). Total length ca 3.5 mm . Measurements (in mm): HL 0.66, HW 0.55, SL 0.38, ML 0.85, PL 0.24, PW 0.14, PPL 0.14, PPW 0.21, HTL 0.35, ESL 0.11, ESD 0.14, ScW 0.13, ScL 0.42. Workers and males unknown.