Flora of Suriname, volume VI, part I Author P. A. Florschütz text 1964 Brill Leiden http://antbase.org/ants/publications/CampylopusFloraSuriname.pdf book CampylopusFloraSuriname 4. Campylopus harrisii ( C.M. ) Par. Ind. Bryol. Suppl. 92. 1900. Dicranum harrisii C.M. Bull.Herb. Boiss. 5 : 553 . 1897 . Type specimen: Harris 11008A, Jamaica (NY). Resembling the preceding species in habit and leaf outline, but differing in the following characters. Leaves strongly serrate to half way down or more, apex strongly serrate all around, a few upper cells of apex sometimes forming a hyaline tip. Leaf cells just above the auricles very strongly pitted, 30-70 µ long and 5-8 µ wide, towards margin much smaller, but never forming an indistinct hyaline border. Cells at 1/4 of length of leaf above the base rather long and narrow, shorter towards margin, 10-72 µ long and 3-6 µ wide. Inner perichaetial leaves with a clasping base about 3 mm long and a point 5 mm long. Capsule 2,5 mm long on a seta up to 13 mm long, the seta rough below the capsule. Peristome teeth 510-650 µ high. Lid 1,25 mm long. Calyptra ciliate. (Fig. 21) Distribution: Jamaica, Cuba. On rocks. This species seems also to be confined to the higher altitudes of the interior part of the country Emma Range (800 m) and Wilhelmina Mountains, including Tafelberg (up to 1040 m). Not collected in British or French Guiana. Specimens examined: B.W. 7137B; Maguire 24339M4 (NY, U, as C. richardii ); Daniels & Jonker 1239B. The hyaline leaf tips in the Maguire material are not a sufficient character for inserting it under C. richardii . This species shows entire or irregularly cleft peristome teeth. The presence of hair points is a rather variable character, met with in other species too.