Revision of the genus Allometopon Kertész (Diptera: Clusiidae) Author Owen Lonsdale text Zootaxa 2016 4106 1 1 127 journal article 37266 10.11646/zootaxa.4106.1.1 db12a9b2-ae53-4790-bdba-6a5799762618 1175-5326 258766 A5ADF236-5219-4014-9DC4-C43F981DD1A4 Allometopon kokodensis spec. nov. Figs 307, 308 , 336 Description. General : ( Figs 307, 308 ) Body length 3.5mm . Arista sparsely short plumose. M1+2 ratio 3.7. First flagellomere slightly enlarged. Clypeus relatively broad, stout. Male unknown. Chaetotaxy : Most setae broken, but sockets evident. Three fronto-orbitals (anterior seta smallest, based on socket size). Ocellar seta shorter than tubercle. Postvertical absent. Interfrontal seta small, dark. Frons minutely setulose. Two dorsocentral setae, closely set near posterior margin of scutum; anterior pair missing, but socket small. Acrostichal seta absent. Two pairs of lateral scutellar setae [missing]. Colour : Setae dark brown. Head mostly yellow; first flagellomere with dark brown dorsal stripe on outer 1/3 and inner 1/4; face, gena and parafacial white, with ventral margin of gena brown (stripe surrounding base of vibrissa and genal setae); clypeus yellowish-white with dorsomedial margin brown; mouthparts, including palpus light brown; ocellar tubercle brown; back of head with one pair of central spots; gena and anterior half of postgena pilose. Scutum with three brown stripes joined at anterior margin, separated by one pair of narrow yellow stripes; postpronotum and lateral margin of notopleuron paler brown, with region between this brown marking and lateral brown scutal stripe white. Scutellum brown. Metanotum yellowish-white with mediotergite and posterodorsal section of anatergite brown. Pleuron dirty white with anepimeron brown, anepisternum with oblique dorsal brown stripe, meron with large brown spot, and anterior surface of katepisternum brown (notched medially). Wing dusky, darker along anterodistal margin. Base of halter knob light brown. Legs dirty white in ground colour; fore femur with small brownish infuscation on outer-basal surface and brown stripe on basal 4/5 of inner surface; mid and hind femora with brownish infuscation that is more extensive on anterior surface. Abdomen brown with base of tergite 8 and terminalia yellow. Female terminalia : ( Fig. 336 ) Sternite 6 slightly wider than long, depigmented and desclerotized posteromedially. Sternite 7 long, narrowing posteriorly. Basal section of ventral receptacle with minute transverse wrinkles. Spermatheca darkly pigmented, spherical, and with weak transverse texturing. Etymology : The specific epithet is derived from the type collection locality. Distribution: Papua New Guinea . Holotype : PAPUA NEW GUINEA . Kokoda Trail, Kavai R., Manari, 700m , 12–14.viii.1976 , O . Kukal, rainforest, dung trap (1♀, DEBU ). Comments: Type material for Allometopon kokodensis is represented by only a single female, but it warrants description based on the highly characteristic thoracic and leg pattern, including an oblique dorsal stripe on the anepisternum, brown basal streaking on the femora, a scutum with thin yellow and white stripes, and a brownish basal marking on the halter knob.