Typification and nomenclatural notes on twenty-three names of Buddleja (Schrophulariaceae) Author O’Leary, Nataly text Phytotaxa 2015 2015-11-18 234 3 237 245 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.234.3.4 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.234.3.4 1179-3163 13632992 Buddleja paraguariensis Chodat (1901: 407) Type ( lectotype , first-step designated by Norman 2000: 91 ):— PARAGUAY . Near Paraná , E . Hassler 319 ( G !, three sheets; second-step lectotype , here designated G barcode 95799! [digital image], isolectotypes G barcode 95800! [digital image], G barcode 95801! [digital image], K barcode 0573261! [digital image], NY barcode 297542! [digital image]) . Notes : Norman (2000: 91) mentioned the holotype to be housed at G . In G herbarium, actually, three duplicates of Hassler 319 exist ( G 95799, G 95800 and G 95801), so Norman’s mention can be considered as a first-step typification (Art. 9.17, Ex. 12 of the ICN , McNeill et al. 2012 ). This designation is here narrowed by selecting the most complete specimen at G as a second-step lectotype (Art. 9.17 of the ICN , McNeill et al. 2012 , McNeill 2014 ). Current status :—heterotypic synonym of Buddleja tubiflora Bentham (1846: 443) .