Revision of Indian species of Baeus Haliday (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea: Scelionidae) Author Kamalanathan, Veenakumari Author Mohanraj, Prashanth Author Samuel, D. K. Author Reddy, M. Krishna text Journal of Natural History 2020 2020-09-30 54 13 - 14 813 917 journal article 10.1080/00222933.2020.1770885 1464-5262 5020678 878C5BFB-C2CB-4163-A08B-C761B4C6F087 Baeus mareecha Veenakumari , sp. n . ( Figures 20 (a–e) and 39(a)) urn: lsid: zoobank. org:act: E9EA9A75-5117-4C04-84D3-7BD45CEF37D0 Holotype . Female; body length = 1.06 mm (1.02–1.21) mm; n = 4 Colour ( Figure 20 (a)). Head, mesonotum and metasoma honey brown, mesoscutellum darker than remainder; hyperoccipital carina black; posterior margins of mesoscutum and mesoscutellum with a black band followed by a blue band; A1 honey brown, yellow apically; A2 honey brown, remaining antennomeres yellowish brown; legs yellowish brown. Head ( Figure 20 (a–e)). Head 1.38 (1.32–1.41)× as wide as high; IOS wide, 0.51 (0.48–- 0.56)× width of head and 1.41 (1.38–1.47)× eye length; eye (L: W = 18.8:13.4) setose, not touching hyperoccipital carina posteriorly; head height 1.65 (1.56–1.70)× eye length; POL>LOL in ratio of 21.5:16.9; lateral ocellus contiguous with orbit; distance from posterior margin of lateral ocellus to hyperoccipital carina 1.20 (1.17–1.24)× MOD ; pilosity sparse and setae short; interantennal process triangular, rugose; length of central keel 0.48 (0.45–0.49)× distance from interantennal process to median ocellus; facial striae long, extending 0.90 (0.87–0.92)× length from mandibular end to lower orbit; malar striae weak; frons adjacent to central keel smooth followed by coriaceous reticulations, with scutes longer than wide; upper frons and vertex coriaceous reticulate; gena reticulate, with short costae on postero-ventral margin, 3.41 (3.34–3.47)× as long as wide; anterior margin of gena in contact with 0.59 (0.51–0.63)× length of ventral margin of eye; length of A1 0.89 (0.85–0.91)× that of clava; length of A2 0.43 (0.40–0.45)× that of A1. Mesosoma ( Figures 20 (a,c,e) and 39(a)). Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum 0.49 (0.45–- 0.51)× and 0.16 (0.15–0.18)× as long as wide, respectively; mesoscutum and mesoscutellum reticulate; metascutellum not visible; propodeum smooth dorsally, 0.84 (0.75–0.87)× the length of mesoscutellum; pilosity sparse, setae short; mesoscutellum with a fovea on antero-lateral margin; lateral pronotal area dorsally imbricate, remainder with impressions of weak reticulations except for smooth region postero-ventrally; postero-dorsal margin of lateral pronotal area with two short projections; ventral margin of lateral pronotal area extending as a blunt projection; transverse carinae on dorsal mesopleuron extend up to the level of dorsal metapleuron; mesopleuron ventrally with a coriaceous reticulate patch followed by semicircular carinae, remainder smooth; mesopleuron not extending as a long projection ventrally; mesopleural pit elongate; metapleuron smooth with uneven foveae antero-ventrally; posterior suture of metapleuron straight; dorsal level of posterior metapleural suture at level of antero-lateral margin of T 2; sculpturing of propodeum anterior to spiracle carinate, region posterior to spiracle with three short transverse carinae; region ventral to spiracle with a crescent shaped carina followed by a semicircular carina; remainder of lateral propodeum smooth with two weak transverse carinae antero-ventrally; propodeal spiracular opening tear-drop shaped. Figure 20. Baeus mareecha sp. n. (a) Habitus (colour); (b) Frons; (c) Habitus; (d) Antenna; (e) Habitus (lateral view). Metasoma ( Figure 20 (a,c,e)). Metasoma 1.20 (1.14–1.28)× as long as wide; pilosity sparse, setae short; T 2 predominantly reticulate with smooth posterior margin; remaining tergites smooth. Material examined. Holotype : Female ( ICAR / NBAIR / P3292 ), INDIA : Karnataka : Mudigere , College of Horticulture , 13 ° 06 ʹ 54 ʹ N 75 ° 37 ʹ 57 ʹ ’E, 976 m , MT , 02.X.2015 ; Paratypes : 1 female ( ICAR / NBAIR / P3293 ), Karnataka : Bengaluru , Attur , 13 ° 05 ʹ 48 ʹ N 77 ° 33 ʹ 59 ʹ ’E, 936 m , PFT, 30 . VIII .2013; 1 female ( ICAR / NBAIR / P3294 ), Tamil Nadu : Dharmapuri , Hosur , Uddanapalli , 12 ° 37 ʹ 28 ʹ N 77 ° 55 ʹ 29 ʹ ’E, 758 m , YPT, 28 .X .2015; 1 female ( ICAR / NBAIR / P3295 ), Tamil Nadu : Dindugul , Thandikudi , RCRS , 10 ° 18 ʹ 34 ʹ N 77 ° 38 ʹ 34 ʹ ’E, 1305 m , YPT, 30 .I .2017; 1 female ( ICAR / NBAIR / P3296 ), Karnataka : Dakshina Kannada : Vittal , CPCRI , 12 ° 38 ʹ 56 ʹ N 75 ° 02 ʹ 27 ʹ ’E, 113 m , MT , 20.02.2015 ; 2 females ( ICAR / NBAIR / P3498P3499 ), Uttar Pradesh : Lucknow : Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research ( IISR ), 26 ° 48 ʹ 18 ʹ N 80 ° 56 ʹ 01 ʹ ’E, 124 m , SN, 21 .X .2011; 1 female ( ICAR / NBAIR / P3500 ), Madhya Pradesh : Bhopal : National Institute of High Security Animal Diseases (NIHSAD), 23 ° 15 ʹ 15 ʹ N 77 ° 29 ʹ 36 ʹ ’E, 485 m , YPT, 16 .XII .2011; 1 female ( ICAR / NBAIR / P3501 ), Andaman Islands : South Andaman , Garacharma , CIARI , 11 ° 61 ʹ 29 ʹ ’N 92 ° 71 ʹ 54 ʹ ’E, 63 m , YPT, 22 .II .2012; 3 females ( ICAR / NBAIR / P3502P3504 ), Karnataka : Mudigere , College of Horticulture, 13 ° 06 ʹ 54 ʹ N 75 ° 37 ʹ 57 ʹ ’E, 976 m , YPT, 30 .IX .2015. Etymology. This species is named after Mareecha, a master sorcerer, in the Indian epic Ramayana. The name is treated as a noun in apposition. Diagnosis. This species is closer to B. krumbiegeli sp. n. and the differences are mentioned under the latter.