A conspectus of the native and naturalized species of Nephrolepis (Nephrolepidaceae) in the world Author Hovenkamp PH Author Miyamoto F text Blumea 2005 50 279 322 http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/nhn/blumea/2005/00000050/00000002/art00004 journal article HovenkampMiyamoto2005 26. Nephrolepis x pseudobiserrata Miyam . , hybr . nov. N. biserrata x N. brownii . Planta hybrida, differt ab N. biserrata sqamis stipitis et rachibus ovato-lanceolatis valde numerosis adpressis margine ciliatis , pinnis basibus supernis auriculatis ; ab N. brownii soris submargine , indusis majus rotund-reniformibus , pinnis inferior vix reductis , textura laminae coriaceior . - Typus : Miyamoto & Nakayama 1444 ( holo TUAT ; iso BISH , BM , K , MICH , NY , TAI ), Ryukyu Islands, 11 March 1985. Plants epiphytic or terrestrial. Rhizome erect to ascending, scales densely set, narrowly ovate, 6-9 by 1.8- 2 mm, dark-brown, lustrous, margin densely ciliate. Stipes 30-50 cm long; basal scales appressed, narrowly ovate, 5-7 by 1.3- 2 mm, centrally dark-brown, lustrous, margin, pale brown, ciliate. Lamina lanceolate; pinnae 40-70 pairs, linear, 3-12 by 1-2.5 cm, margin dentate, acroscopic base auriculate, basiscopic base rounded or cuneate. Indument . Rachis scales dense, appressed, 2-4 by 0.3-0.4 mm. Sori submarginal, indusia round-reniforme . Spores abortive. Distribution - Ryukyu Islands, but may be found elsewhere as a result of the expansion of the range of N. brownii . Specimens examined: JAPAN . Ryukyu Islands: Ishigaki Isl., Sukieda-Yoshihara , 30 m: Miyamoto & Nakayama 1444, 11 March 1985; Miyamoto & Nakayama 1443, 1446, 1447, 1449- 1451, 1454 (all BISH , BM , MICH , NY , TAI , TUAT ); Ishigaki Isl., Ishigaki city, Mt Banna-dake , 80-100 m, Miyamoto & Nakayama 1189-1203 ( TUAT ).