Illustrated Key to the Snakes of the Philippines Author Weinell, Jeffrey L. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045; Author Hooper, Errol Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045; Author Leviton, Alan E. Herpetology Division, Institute of Biodiversity Science & Sustainability, California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Drive, San Francisco, California 94118. * Corresponding author; Email: jweine 2 @ gmail. com Author Brown, Rafe M. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045; text Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 2019 2019-09-30 66 1 1 49 journal article 299708 10.5281/zenodo.11512680 ccd739a4-10c3-4700-b27e-459bd82f1676 0068-547X 11512680 Calamaria Key to Philippine species. 1a. Mental scale not in contact with anterior chin shields ( Fig. 31A )...................... 2 1b. Mental scale in contact with anterior chin shields ( Fig. 31B )......................... 4 2a. Number of pair of subcaudal scales <30 (males), <25 (females)...................... 3 FIGURE 31. Ventral view of head of (A) Calamaria palavanensis (KU 309445), (B) Calamaria gervaisii (KU 307983). Mental scale (blue), anterior chin shields (reddish brown), first infralabial scales (green). 2b. Number of pair of subcaudal scales>40 (males),> 30 (females)........................................................... Calamaria sp. Mindoro (Weinell et al., in review ) 3a. Number of pairs of subcaudal scales ≤ 21 (males), ≤ 14 (females)...... Calamaria virgulata 3b. Number of pairs of subcaudal scales 23–25 (males), 16–20 (females) Calamaria palavanensis 4a. Ventral surface of body with dark bands....................... Calamaria lumbricoidea 4b. Ventral surface of body without dark bands....................................... 5 5a. Dorsal surface behind head has 2–6 dark, black-edged crossbands..... Calamaria bitorques 5b. Dorsal surface behind head lacks dark, black-edged crossbands....................... 6 6a. Diameter of eye less than eye-mouth distance...................... Calamaria joloensis 6b. Diameter of eye equal to or greater than eye-mouth distance......................... 7 7a. Each dorsal body scale with a light network; a continuous light stripe on first row of dorsal body scales present............................................ Calamaria suluensis 7b. Each dorsal body scale above first row yellowish with a dark network; a dark-edged, interrupted, light stripe on first row of dorsal body scales usually present..... Calamaria gervaisii