TYPE SPECIMENS OF BIRDS IN THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. PART 5. PASSERIFORMES: ALAUDIDAE, HIRUNDINIDAE, MOTACILLIDAE, CAMPEPHAGIDAE, PYCNONOTIDAE, IRENIDAE, LANIIDAE, VANGIDAE, BOMBYCILLIDAE, DULIDAE, CINCLIDAE, TROGLODYTIDAE, AND MIMIDAE Author LeCROY, M. A. R. Y. text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2003 2003-09-30 278 278 1 156 http://dx.doi.org/10.1206/0003-0090(2003)278<0001:tsobit>2.0.co;2 journal article 10.1206/0003-0090(2003)278<0001:tsobit>2.0.co;2 0003-0090 Andropadus ansorgei Hartert Andropadus ansorgei Hartert, 1907e: 10 (Degama, Southern Nigeria ). Now Andropadus ansorgei ansorgei Hartert, 1907 . See Keith et al., 1992: 291 . HOLOTYPE : AMNH 567368 , adult male, collected at Degema, 04°45′N , 06°49′E (Times Atlas), southern Nigeria , on 19 May (not October) 1902, by Dr. William J. Ansorge (no. 468). From the Rothschild Collection. COMMENTS : In the original description, Hartert gave Ansorge’s no. 468 for the type. Hartert (1907e: 11) stated that he had eight specimens of this taxon from Degema and Gregani , southern Nigeria ; AMNH 567369 , 567371 , and 567373– 567377 are the seven paratypes .