TYPE SPECIMENS OF BIRDS IN THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. PART 5. PASSERIFORMES: ALAUDIDAE, HIRUNDINIDAE, MOTACILLIDAE, CAMPEPHAGIDAE, PYCNONOTIDAE, IRENIDAE, LANIIDAE, VANGIDAE, BOMBYCILLIDAE, DULIDAE, CINCLIDAE, TROGLODYTIDAE, AND MIMIDAE Author LeCROY, M. A. R. Y. text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2003 2003-09-30 278 278 1 156 http://dx.doi.org/10.1206/0003-0090(2003)278<0001:tsobit>2.0.co;2 journal article 10.1206/0003-0090(2003)278<0001:tsobit>2.0.co;2 0003-0090 Lalage karu trobriandi Mayr Lalage karu trobriandi Mayr, 1936b: 1 (Kiriwina Island, Trobriand Islands). Now Lalage leucomela trobriandi Mayr, 1936 . See Coates, 1990: 48 . HOLOTYPE : AMNH 223892 , adult male, collected on Kiriwina Island , 08°30′S , 151°05′E ( Papua New Guinea General Reference Map , 1984), Trobriand Islands , Milne Bay Province , Papua New Guinea , on 6 November 1928 , by Hannibal Hamlin , on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 35869). COMMENTS : The AMNH number of the type was cited in the original description. Paratypes are AMNH 223891, 223893–223895, 223901, and 223902 from Kiriwina and Kaileuna islands. The Whitney Expedition ship France had been anchored off a village on the eastern side of Kaileuna Island and had moved directly across to anchor off Kiriwina Island on 5 November (Hamlin, vol. S, unpublished journals of the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Dept. of Ornithology, AMNH).