Hermit crabs from Brazil: Family Paguridae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Paguroidea), except Pagurus Author Nucci, Paulo Ricardo Author Melo, Gustavo Augusto Schmidt De text Zootaxa 2011 3104 26 41 journal article 45955 10.5281/zenodo.203392 88e198de-b943-4b06-8f14-e5fb3948f025 1175-5326 203392 Phimochirus holthuisi ( Provenzano, 1961 ) ( Figs 1 J, 2J, 3J) Pylopagurus operculatus . — Holthuis, 1959 : 157 , fig. 31. [Non Pylopagurus operculatus ( Stimpson, 1859 ) ]. Pylopagurus holthuisi Provenzano, 1961 : 162 , fig. 3. — Sanchez, 1977 : 222 , fig. 5B. Phimochirus holthuisi . — McLaughlin, 1981a : 5 ; 1981b: 342, figs 4c, 6a–c, 7c. — Williams, 1984 : 225 . — Coelho & Ramos- Porto, 1986 : 42 . — Rieger, 1998 : 421 . — Melo, 1999 : 140 , fig. 82. — McLaughlin et al ., 2010: 34. Material examined. Brazil : Pará – Proj. Geomar, st. 151, 1 spec. (DOUFPE-3806); 1 spec. (MZUSP-7221). Bahia – Salvador , “Almirante Saldanha”, st. 1981b, 1 spec. (MZUSP-8910). Diagnosis. Shield longer than broad. Rostrum triangular or rounded, sometimes with terminal spinule. Lateral projections broadly triangular, with small marginal or submarginal spine. Ocular peduncles moderately short; corneae slightly dilated; ocular acicles long, triangular, with small submarginal spine. Right cheliped with ventral margins of merus tuberculate or spinose; carpus with dorsal face slightly tuberculate; dorsal surface of palm and fixed finger distally tuberculate; dactyl with dorsal median row of tubercles. Left cheliped with 1 spine and few spinules on ventrolateral margin of merus; dorsolateral margin of carpus with strong spine; chela unarmed or with 2–4 small spines proximally. Dactyls of second and third pereopods longer than propodi. Telson with terminal margins oblique, each armed with several strong spines. Distribution. Western Atlantic: United States (North Carolina to Florida), Bahamas , Gulf of Mexico , Colombia , Guyanas and Brazil (from Amapá to Bahia). Habitat. From shallow waters to 210 m . Mainly in calcareous algae. Remarks. Phimochirus holthuisi is very close to P. operculatus ( Stimpson, 1859 ) , a species not found in Brazil . According to McLaughlin (1981b) , P. holthuisi varies widely both morphologically and in pigmentation, and these variations are unrelated to the location or depth of collection.