Hermit crabs from Brazil: Family Paguridae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Paguroidea), except Pagurus Author Nucci, Paulo Ricardo Author Melo, Gustavo Augusto Schmidt De text Zootaxa 2011 3104 26 41 journal article 45955 10.5281/zenodo.203392 88e198de-b943-4b06-8f14-e5fb3948f025 1175-5326 203392 Phimochirus occlusus ( Henderson, 1888 ) ( Figs 1 K, 2K, 3K) Eupagurus occlusus Henderson, 1888 : 70 , pl. 7, fig. 6. Pagurus occlusus . — Gordan , 1956 : 332 . Pylopagurus occlusus . — Forest & Saint Laurent, 1968 : 145 , figs 113, 115–119. Phimochirus occlusus . — McLaughlin, 1981: 5; 1981b: 360, figs 4g , 9c, 10c. — Coelho & Ramos-Porto, 1986 : 42 . — Rieger, 1998 : 416 . — Melo, 1999 : 142 , fig. 84. — McLaughlin et al ., 2010: 34. Material examined. Brazil : Rio de Janeiro – Cabo Frio, 350–400 m , 21 spec. (MZUSP-13881). São Paulo – Proj. REVIZEE, st. 6661, 147 m , 5 spec. (MZUSP-13859). Diagnosis. Shield as long as broad. Rostrum triangular, sometimes slightly keeled, with subacute spine. Lateral projections triangular or slightly rounded. Ocular peduncles short, with corneae strongly dilated; ocular acicles triangular, with submarginal spine. Right cheliped with ventral face and margins of merus spinose; carpus with dorsomesial and dorsolateral margins ornamented with row of spinules; dorsal surfaces of palm and dactyl unornamented, dorsomesial and dorsolateral margins crenulate. Left cheliped with dorsolateral margin of carpus ornamented with row of strong spines and dorsomesial margin with row of smaller spines; dactyl and fixed finger ventrally spoon-shaped. Dactyls of second and third pereopods strongly curved, ventral margins each with row of setae. Telson with terminal margins oblique, each armed with 3 or 4 strong spines. Distribution. Western Atlantic: Antilles and Brazil (from Pernambuco to São Paulo). Habitat. Between 100 and 640 m depth. Remarks. Phimochirus occlusus is close to P. leurocarpus McLaughlin, 1981 (species not recorded from Brazil ) but the two species can be distinguished by the rows of spines on the ventral margins of the dactyls, present in P. leurocarpus and absent in P. occlusus .