Review Of Subtribe Apodacrina (Diptera, Sarcophagidae) Of Middle East With Descriptions Of Ten New Species Author Verves, Yu. G. text Zoodiversity 2020 2020-07-17 54 3 183 204 journal article 53626 10.15407/zoo2020.03.183 d7e9d83e-0bdb-430a-8525-76a1bdac0a94 2707-7268 6377612 Xeromyia stenorhina ( Rohdendorf, 1934 ) ( figs 17–18 ) Apodacra ( Xeromyia ) stenorhina Rohdendorf, 1934: 8 . Xeromyia stenorhina : Koçak& Kemal,2015:352 (faunistic); Rohdendorf & Verves, 1980: 497 (in key); Verves, 1986:86 (catalog); Verves & Khrokalo, 2018 (Supplementary Material): 21 (faunistic); Verves et al., 2015: 272 (review). Material. Israel : 1 } , Yeriho , 16.11.1972 , leg. M. Kaplan ( TAU ) . 1 } ,` En Gedi , 30.03.1919 , leg. Bytinski-Salz ( TAU ) . 2 { , Sede Boqer , 1.05.1954 and 7.09.1972 , O. Theodor and M. Kaplan ( TAU ) . 4 { , Ein Aqev , 8.08.1972 , leg. A. Freidberg ( TAU ) . 1 { , Ein Rhadian , Dunes , Sth Palestine , without data, leg. O. Theodor. 1 } , Ras Fehkha , 22.11.1976 , leg. M. Kaplan ( TAU ) . D i s t r i b u t i o n: Palaearctic: North Africa: Egypt ; Asia: Israel . H a b i t s: Psammophilous and xerophilous species.