Plume moths of Malawi (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae) Author Kovtunovich, V. Author Ustjuzhanin, P. Author Murphy, R. text Zootaxa 2014 3847 4 451 494 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3847.4.1 f18438f9-7043-45af-b603-3a12ee96e884 1175-5326 250050 C1F94BC0-BE4B-42A9-9FE0-1F700D384B48 Gypsochares murphy Kovtunovich & Ustjuzhanin sp. nov. ( Figs. 35–37 ) Type material: Holotype , male, ( BMNH 22712) N. Malawi , Rumphi District, Nyika Nat. Park, 20 km N Thazima Gate, forest, S 10º43' E 33º39', 1930 m , 0 7.01.2009, Kovtunovich V. & Ustjuzhanin P. Paratypes , 1 ♀, ( BMNH 22950) C. Malawi , Kasungu District, Chimaliro Forest Reserve, 12º27'S , 33º32'E , 1315 m , 14.01.2009 , Kovtunovich V. & Ustjuzhanin P.; 1♂ , same data as holotype , 07.01.2009 ; 1 ♀ Mugesse Forest, 11– 12.01.2009 , Kovtunovich V. & Ustjuzhanin P.; 1 ♀, 1 ♂ Nkhorongo, 15.09.2009 , 1 ♀ 21.08.2009 ; 1 ♀ 0 9.10. 2010 , 2 ♀ Nyika N.P., 1760 m , 5.08.2009, 1 ♂ Nyika N.P., 1923 m , 23.12.2010 , R. Murphy ; 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ Northern Zambia , 40 km SE Mbala, S 09º09' E 31º27', 1565 m , 0 7.10.2009 , J. Lenz. The above paratypes are deposited in DNMNH and CUK. External characters. Frons smooth, covered by tightly appressed greyish-brown scales. Palpi brown, short, equal to eye diameter, straight, slightly pointed to apex. Antennae slender, light-brown. Thorax and tegulae lightgrey. Wingspan 12-14 mm ( 14 mm in the holotype ). Forewing brownish-grey. Costal edge of first lobe light, with spots of dark scales. Base of bifurcation with small dark-brown spot, often weakly-developed. Fringes greyishbrown inside bifurcation. Hindwing uniform light-brown. Fringes also light-brown on all three lobes. Legs lightyellow. Male genitalia. Valvae asymmetrical. Harpe on left valva shorter than on right, broad in basal part then sharply arcuated at nearly right angle and directed posterad. Harpe on right valva long, сrescent-shaped. Uncus rather long, pointed at apex. Aedeagus long, stout, nearly straight. The distal part ends with a spine bearing a small pointed cornutus. Female genitalia. Papilla analis short, weakly developed. Ostium in shape of broad ring and positioned to right side. Distal part of sternum VIII with anterior apophyses with broad angular shape, left apophysis smaller than right. Posterior apophyses reduced. Diagnosis. External characters and genitalia of the new species are similar to Gypsochares londti Ustjuzhanin & Kovtunovich, 2010 . However, the new species differs from the latter by shape of harpes. The new species has a long crescent-shaped right harpe, while Gypsochares londti has short spicular harpe. The two species also differ in the asymmetrical anterior apophyses of the female genitalia. Flight period: August—October, December, January. Distribution: Malawi , Zambia . Etymology. The new species is named in honour of the explorer of the entomofauna of Malawi , Raymond Murphy .