Taxonomic revision of Pachyptera (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae) Author Francisco, Jessica Nayara Carvalho Author Lohmann, Lucia G. text PhytoKeys 2018 92 89 131 journal article 1314-2003-92-89 FFFB4965FFECEF2BD9660A7E9A7EFFBE 1166343 4. Pachyptera kerere (Aubl.) Sandwith, Recueil Trav. Bot. Neerl . 34: 219. 1937. Fig. 11 Bignonia kerere Aubl., Hist. Pl. Guiane 2: 644, tab. 260. 1775, excluding the fruit description and tab. 263. Bignonia heterophylla Willdenow, Sp. Pl. 3: 298. 1800 [1801]. nom. superfl. illeg. Sererea heterophyla (Willd.) Rafinesque, Sylva Tellur. 107. 1838. nom. superfl. illeg. Adenocalymma kerere (Aubl.) Bureau & K. Schum. Fl. Bras. 8(2): 119. 1891. Adenocalymma stridula Miers, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3 7: 392. 1861. nom. illeg. , Petastoma kerere (Aubl.) Schnee in. Pittier, Cat. Fl. Venez. 2: 404.1947. Mansoa kerere (Aubl.) A. Gentry, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 66(4): 783. 1979 [1980]. Type: French Guiana. Cayenne, s.d., fl., J.B.C.F. Aublet s.n. (holotype, BM000992379!). Pachyptera foveolata DC., Prodr. 9: 175. 1845. Adenocalymma foveolatum (DC.) Baillon, Hist. Pl. 10: 7, fig. 9-16. 1891. Adenocalymma foveolatum (DC.) K. Schumann, Nat. Pflanzenfam 4(3b): 214, fig. 89 F-G . 1894. nom. superfl. illeg. Adenocalymma foveolatum (Bureau) Bureau & K. Schumann, Fl. Bras. 8(2): 109. 1896. nom. illeg. Type: French Guiana, s.loc., 1819-1821, fr., M. Poiteau s.n. (lectotype, designated by Sprague and Sandwith 1929, p. 84: G-DC [G00014105]!). Adenocalymma brachybotrys DC., Prod. 9: 202. 184. Type: French Guiana. s.loc., 1821, fl., G.S. Perrottet s.n. (holotype, P03578200!). Adenocalymma symmetricum Rusby, Descr. S. Amer. Pl. 122. 1920. Type: Venezuela. Lower Orinoco, 1896, fl., Rusby & Squires s.n. (holotype, NY00313053!). Bignonia benensis Britton ex Rusby, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 27: 70. 1900. Type: Bolivia . Junction of Beni and Madre de Dios rivers, Aug. 1886, fl, H.H. Rusby 1143. (lectotype, designated here, NY00313133!; isotype, MICH01115822!, NY00313132!, US00603898!, US00125816!). Tanaecium zetekii Standley, Contr. Arnold Arbor 5:140. 1933. Type: Panama . Barro Colorado Island, 3 Feb 1932, fl., R.H. Woodworth 363. (holotype, F651874!; isotype, A00093244!, MO807829!, US00125783!). Description. Liana ; stems solid, tetragonal (cylindrical in younger portions), green or brown, with greyish striations, lenticellate; prophylls of axillary buds 3(-5)-seriated, flattened and ensiform. Leaves with blades discolorous (concolor), membranaceous to chartaceous (coriaceous), elliptic, obovate or ovate-lanceolate, asymmetric, apex acute, acuminate or caudate, base cordate, oblique, lateral blades 4.4-22.5 x 2.1-14.3 cm, apical blades 5.2-22.5 x 2.0-11.5 cm; petiole semi-cylindrical, 0.3-6.9 cm long, petiolules not puvinated, lateral petiolules 0.3-6.0 cm long, apical petiolules 0.8-6.0 cm long. Inflorescence a congested raceme, 0.6-4.8 cm long; pedicel (0.2 -)0.5-5.7(- 7.5) cm long; bracts 1.1-2.4 mm long; bracteoles cymbiform or filiform, 0.4-2.3 x 0.5-0.8 mm. Calyx green, sometimes with purplish apex, tubular, bilabiate or sub-bilabiate, truncate, minutely 5-lobed, 0.5-1.2 x 0.4-0.9 cm. Corolla white to cream, infundibuliform, 4.0-9.5 cm long, 0.9-2.5 cm of diameter at the tube mouth; lobes rounded (sub-circular), 0.6-1.9 x 0.5-1.8 cm. Androecium with the longer stamens 18.0-29.1 mm long, the shorter stamens 11.9-20.3 mm long, glabrous; anthers villous, included, thecae curved forward, 1.9-3.1 x 0.3-1.0 mm; pollen 3-colpate, microreticulate. Gynoecium 3.2-6.0 cm long; ovary 1.8-3.6 x 0.8-1.6, cylindrical, not-sulcate, smooth, densely pubescent, with simple and dentritic trichomes, sparsely lepidote, with glandular peltate trichomes, without patelliform glandular trichomes; stigma capitate or ovate, 1.6-3.1 x 0.9-3.5 mm; nectar disc 0.4-1.9 x 0.5-4.0 mm. Capsule fusiform, inflated (slightly flattened), 8.0-26.0 x 1.5-3.6 cm, each valve with a conspicuous and raised longitudinal midline; seeds irregularly circular and obcordate, 2.8-4.4 x 1.4-3.0 cm, thick, corky, striated, secondary sculpture with two pairs of medium micropores on each striation, wingless. Figure 11. Pachyptera kerere : A Flowering branch B Interpetiolar region with EFNs and prophylls of axillary buds 3-seriated, flattened and ensiform C Apice of the leaflet mucronulate D Branchlets with terminal leaflet replaced by trifid tendril E Trifid tentril F Calyx external view G Open flower showing the androecium with anthers united H Stamen with villous and curved thecae I Gynoecium J Ovary surface pubescent (J.N.C. Francisco 41, SPF) K Fruit fusiform and inflated, with a conspicuous and raised longitudinal midline on valve (T.B. Croat 11085, MO) L Seeds corky and wingless (R.A.A. Oldeman B-1449, MO). Distribution. This species is typically found in wet and often flooded forest vegetation in Belize (Toledo), Costa Rica ( Limon , Puntarenas), Guatemala (Izabal), Honduras ( Atlantida , Colon ), Nicaragua ( Atlantico Sur, San Juan), Panama (Bocas del Toro, Colon , Darien , Panama), Bolivia (Beni), Brazil (Acre, Amapa , Amazonas, Maranhao , Mato Grosso, Para , Rondonia , Roraima), Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Bolivar , Choco ), French Guiana (Cayenne), Guyana (Cuyuni-Mazaruni, Upper Demerara-Berbice, Venezuela), Peru (Amazonas, Huanuco , Loreto, Madre de Dios), Suriname and Venezuela (Amazonas, Apure, Bolivar , Delta Amacuro). Fig. 12 . Phenology. This species flowers and fruits throughout the year. Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from vernacular name "kerere" or "terere" adopted by the indigenous group Galibis, from French Guiana, who use this plant as rope material. Figure 12. Distribution of Pachyptera kerere . Nomenclatural note. The original description of this species by Aublet (1775) included a mistake in the fruit illustration and description, which consists of the description of Amphilophium magnollifolium (Kunth) L.G. Lohmann instead. Bignonia benensis was described by Britton (1990) based on a collection by Rusby 1143 . This material cannot be considered a holotype because it was not cited in the protologue. Two related specimens are deposited at NY and US and one at MICH. Although there are two materials deposited at NY, only one is original material. The the other specimen is a duplicate that was originally deposited at the College of Pharmacy Herbarium, where Britton worked. Materials from this herbarium were only later incorporated into the NY collection along with other items. Therefore, the specimen originally deposited at NY (NY313133) is here designated as lectotype. Taxonomic comments. Pachyptera kerere is easily recognised by the infundibuliform, white to cream corollas, with densely pubescent ovary. The fusiform, woody, inflated (sometimes slightly flattened) fruit, with a conspicuous and raised longitudinal midline, is very distinctive. The seeds are irregularly circular and obcordate, corky and wingless. Pachyptera kerere shares infundibuliform corollas with P. incarnata and P. linearis . However, P. kerere can be differentiated by the densely pubescent ovary (vs. sparsely pubescent ovary of P. linearis and densely lepidote ovary in P. incarnata ). Furthermore, P. kerere is easily separated from P. incarnata by the white corolla (vs. light pink to pale purple corolla of P. incarnata ). Specimens examined. BELIZE. Belize : Mile 5 3/4, Northen Highway, 7 June 1974, fl., J.D. Dwyer 12737 (MO). Stann Creek: 16°50'N , 88°30'W , May 1901, fl., fr., E.J.F Campbell 95 (K). Toledo : Maya Mountains foothill, Solomon Camp, vicinity of the junction of Richardson Creek and Bladen Branch, 16°31'48.0"N , 88°45'00.0"W , 80 m, 5 Mar 1987, fl., G. Davidse 32046 (MO). COSTA RICA. Limon : Parque Nacional Tortuguero, Estacion Agua Fria , alrededores de la casa-estacion , vegetacion secundaria y relictos de vegetacion primaria, 10°24'36"N , 83°33'36"W , 40 m, 24 Oct 1987, fl., R. Robles 1121 (MO); Ibid. , Estacion Cuatro Esquinas, 800 m al Sur de la casa-estacion , a orillas de la Laguna de Tortuguero, 10 °30'36.0"N , 83°30'00.0"W , 2 m, 29 Nov 1987, fr., R. Robles 1391 (MO); Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, along road in vicinity of beach between Punta Cocles and Punta Uva, E of Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, 9°37'48"N , 82°42'36"W , 0-5 m, 6 Nov 1984, fl., M.H. Grayum 4411 (MO); Rio Gandoca, Refugio Gandoca-Manzanillo Low-lying coastal swamps and forests, Gandoca (slightly to N of trail from Mata de Limon ), 9°36'N , 82°36'W , 0 m, 27 Jan 1987, fl., M.H. Grayum 8032 (MO); Talamanca, Sixaola, Gandoca, finca Cangrejo, Anai, 9°34'45"N , 82°36'20"W , 10 m, 24 Mar 1995, fr., G. Herrera 7551 (K). Puntarenas : Canton de Osa, cuenca Terraba-Sierpe , Chocuaco, 8°43'50"N , 83°27'17"W , 150 m, 29 Dec 1996, fl., R. Aguilar 4824 (MO); Golfo Dulce, Reserva Forestal Golfo Dulce Aguabuena, sector sur, 08°42'00"N , 83°31'12"W , 50 m, 15 Jan 1992, fl., R. Aguilar 818 (MO). GUATEMALA. Izabal : Dartmouth, between Dartmouth and Morales toward Lago Izabel, Montana del Mico, 15°30'36.0"N , 88°46'48.0"W , 35 m, 7 Apr 1940, fl., fr., J.A. Steyermark 39022 (F, MO); Puerto Barrios, near Rio Parguena , 38-40 km N of Puerto Ayacucho, 25 May 1939, fl., P.C. Standley 73082 (F). HONDURAS. Atlantida : Esparta, 41.5 km E of Tela on the Tela-Ceiba Hwy then ca. 6 km N along old timber road. In remaining patches of primary forest, 15°39'N , 87°16'W , 100 m, 24 Apr 1994, fl., fr., A.E. Brant 2917 (MO). Colon : Rio Guaimoreto, 1.8 mi strip on the north bank of rio Guaimoreto between old bridge and opening of Laguna Guaimoreto 4.5 NE of Trujillo on old road to Castilla, 15°57'30"N , 85°54'30"W , 0 m, 10 July 1980, fl., J.G. Saunders 453 (MO); Trujillo, 1.8.mi strip on the north bank of rio Guaimoreto between old bridge and opening of Laguna Guaimoreto 4.5 mim, NE of Trijillo on old road to Castilla, 15°57'N , 85°54'W , 0 m, 19 June 1980, fl., J. Saunders 397 (MO). NICARAGUA. Atlantico Sur : Rio Pijibaye, 11°27'N , 83°54'W , 10-20 m, 18 Feb 1995, fl., fr., R. Rueda 3216 (MO). Rio San Juan : Municipio de San Juan del Norte, Reserva Indio-Maiz , entre San Juan del Norte y la Finca de Chepelion , 50 m, 8 July 2002, fl., R. Rueda 16901 (MO). PANAMA. Bocas del Toro : Water Valley, vicinity of Chiriqui Lagoon, 23 Nov 1940, fl., H. von Wedel 1754 (MO). Colon : Chagres, Isthmus of Panama, 26 Mar 1850, fl., A. Fendler 206 (K); Portobello, ridge top, 1-3 miles W of Portobello, 7 Sept 1971, fl., A.H. Gentry 1766 (MO); premontane wet forest along Road S1 as it climbis the hill 1 Km SE of Camp Pina, 6 km WNW of Gatun Dam, 125 m, 21 Dec 1973, fl., M. Nee 8948 (MO); Western most part of province, site of proposed copper mine (INMET), Tailings Area, lowland forest on steep slopes, 8°53'50"N , 80°39'44"W , 40 m, 15 Apr 2009, fl., G. McPherson 20983 (MO). Darien : Rio Cupe, Rio Tuira between Boca de Cupe and mouth of Rio Pucro, 7°54'N , 77°30'W , 0 m, 12 Jan 1975, fl., A.H. Gentry 13528 (MO); Yavisa, Rio Chucunaque, 0-1 hour above Yaviza, near sea level, 8°10'48.0"N , 77°40'48.0"W , 0 m, 8 Jan 1975, fl., A.H. Gentry 13477 (MO). Panama : Barro Colorado Island, Canal Area, cove north of dock, 2 July 1970, fr., T.B. Croat 11085 (MO); Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone, shore line N of Smithsonian Laboratory Habour towards Salud Point, 9. 16°, menos 79. 84°, 28 Feb 1964, fl., F. Ehrendorfer 6400-22 (WU); Ibid. , Shoreline, 24 Jan 1968, fl., fr., J.D. Dwyer 8450 (F); Ibid. , tip of Pearson Trail Peninsula S & W to 3rd large cove, 09°10'07"N , 79°51'31"W , 0-5 m, 7 May 1968, fr., T.B. Croat 5406 ( MO). BOLIVIA. Beni : Riberlata, ca. 3 km SW of Riberalta on road to Hamburgo (crossing of Rio Beni), varzea forest, heavily disturbed, 11°01'48.0"S , 66°06'00.0"W , 230 m, 20 Sept 1981, fl., J.C. Solomon 6349 (MO); Vaca Diez , Cachuela Esperanza Rio Beni, 12 Sept 1985, fl., M. Moraes 550 (MO). BRAZIL. s.loc., s.d., fl., s.inf. s.n. (B). Acre : Porto Walter, Along Rio Jurua-Mirim , ca. 3 hrs by boat, above its mouth at Rio Jurua , 11 Nov 2001, fl., P. G. Delprete 7688 (NY). Amapa : Macapa , canteiro do Museu Macapa , 30 June 1981, fl., Veronica 17 (RBR); Rio Araguari, 1°10'48.0"N , 52°07'48.0"W , 22 July 1951, fr., R.L. Froes 27540 (IAN, MO); Rio Calcoene, 16 Nov 1901, fl., W.A. Ducke s.n. (K, MO); Rio Puchaca afluente do Vila Nova, 15 Feb 1961, fl., A.G. Andrade 855 (R). Amazonas : Anavilhanas, Rio Negro, May 1980, fl., M. Goulding 66a (MG, MO); Ibid. , s.d., fl., M. Goulding 2120 (MG, MO); Autaz-Mirim, igapo do Curi, 20 Mar 1973, fl., fr., A.A. Loureiro INPA37554 (INPA); Ibid. , Lago do Purupuru, igapo , 17 Mar 1973, fl., fr., A.A. Loureiro s.n. (INPA); Careiro, Lago do Castanho, igapo , 7 June 1972, fr., M. Honda INPA36004 (INPA); Itaubarana, Rio Purus region, Rio Ipixuna, 15 km downstream from Itaubarana (30 km from Tapaua), igapo , 5°38'0"S , 63°10'0"W , 19 Jan 1986, fl., G. Gottsberger 115-19186 (MO); Itaubarana, Rio Purus region, Rio Ipixuna, 15 km downstream from Itaubarana (30 km from Tapaua), igapo, 5°38'0"S , 63°10'0"W , 23 Jan 1986, fl., G. Gottsberger 16-23186 (MO); Janauaca , Lago do Castanho, 7 June 1972, fr., M. Honda INPA36004 (INPA); Manaus, bank of Rio Negro and Rio Amazonas near Manaus, 4 Apr 1974, fl., fr., A.H. Gentry 11191 (MO); Ibid. , Campus do INPA, Sede do INPA, estrada do Aleixo, km 3, capoeira, solo argiloso, 5 Aug 1973, fl., P.N. Conceicao 5 (INPA); Ibid. , estrada do Igarape do Mariano, capoeira fechada, 23 Apr 1958, fl., fr., J.C. Almeida INPA6383 (INPA); Ibid. , Igarape do Binda, 19 Jan 1955, fl., J.C. Chagas 606 (K); Ibid. , terra umida , 2°18'36.0"S , 60°04'48.0"W , 19 Jan 1955, fl., J.C. Almeida INPA606 (INPA); Novo Airao , margem do Rio Negro, mata de igapo , 01°54'21.0"S , 61°20'08.9"W , 21 m, 12 May 2015, fl., M. Beyer 324 (SPF); Ibid. , 1°40'07.0"S , 61°25'00.1"W , 13 m, 12 May 2015, fl., M. Beyer 332 (SPF); Ibid. , Estacao Ecologica Anavilhanas, 2°31'48.0"S , 60°50'24.0"W , 5 Feb 2007, fl., L.G. Lohmann 836 (SPF); Presidente Figueiredo (entorno), beira do Rio Uatuma , abaixo do Ramal da Morena, 1°00'S , 59°00'W , 24 Feb 2007, fl., C.E. Zartman 6349 (INPA, SPF); Ibid. , beira do Rio Uatuma , abaixo do ramal da Morena, 24 Feb 2007, fr., C.E. Zartman 6333 (INPA); Ibid. , Balbina, 2°01'48.0"S , 60°01'12.0"W , 13 Aug 2008, fl., F.F. Melo 532 (INPA); Rio Ituxi, Boca du Curuquete, Rio Purus, 10 July 1971, fl., G.T. Prance 14036 (INPA); Rio Negro between Rio Quinini and Moreira, sandy river bank, 13 Oct 1971, fl., G.T. Prance 15178 (INPA); Ibid. , Parana do Jacare , 2°01'48.0"S , 60°01'12.0"W , 24 June 1992, fl., S.A. Mori 22470 (MO); Sao Francisco, Rio Negro, Parana do Camanau ate Ponta do Canta Galo, 1°41'24.0"S , 61°16'12.0"W , 25 Apr 1973, fl., fr., M.F. Silva 1092 (INPA); Solimoes , boca do Tefe , capoeira, 27 Sept 1904, fl., A. Ducke MG6821 (INPA); Tefe , Lago Tefe , northwest shore, igapo habitat, sandy, flooded lakeshor, 11 Dec 1982, fl., T. Plowman INPA126243 (INPA); Xiborema, solo argiloso, mata de varzea , 1 Jan 1957, fl., L.F. Coelho s.n. (INPA). Maranhao : Lago Verde, fazenda Sao Francisco, 11Km N of Km 337 of BR 316, forest with Orbignya Palm , 4°0'S , 44°56'W , 25 Sept 1980, fr., D.C. Daly D264 (MG); Palmeirandia , 17 Dec 2006, fl., C.M. Vieira 72 (IAN). Mato Grosso : Colider , canteiro de obras da UHE Colider , terra firme, 10°58' 48.0"S , 55°46'12.0"W , 258 m, 6 June 2011, fl., C.R.A. Soares 3594 (HERBAM, NX); near Tabajara, upper Machado River region, Nov 1931, fl., B.A. Krukoff 1517 (K, NY, P). Para : Agua , Rio Irucu , mata de varzea , 1992, fl., fr., U.R. Maciel 1971 (MG); Ibid. , Rio Marajozinho, mata de varzea , 1992, fl., U.R. Maciel 1793 (MG), U.R. Maciel 1823 (MG); Almeirim, Distrito de Monte Dourado, coletas ao longo do Rio Jari, 0°51'00"S , 52°32'00"W , 68 m, 4 July 2010, fl., R.C. Forzza 5994 (RB); Altamira, Rodovia Transamazonica (BR-230), margem do Rio Xingu , antes da travessia da Balsa, lado esquerdo da rovovia, sentido Altamira - Maraba , 03°07'34.4"S , 51°42'03.2"W , 5 m, 30 Nov 2005, fl., R.G. Udulutsch 2708 (HRCB, MBM, SPF, UNESPRC); Aveiro, Flona do Tapajos , Rio Cupari, 12 May 2011, fl., M.A. Braga 77 (RB); Belem , Campus of IPEAN, 6 Dec 1974, fl., A.H. Gentry 13075 (MO); Belterra, caminho para Pindobal, 29 Oct 1947, fl., G.A. Black 47-1861 (IAN, K); Chaves, Ilha Mexiana, Faz. Nazareth, 18 Sept 1901, fl., M. Guedes s.n. (MO); estrada entre S. Miguel e Rio Caracuru, varzea, capoeira, 17 Jan 1969, fl., N.T. Silva 1654 (K, MO); Furo Macujubirm, 30 Aug 1901, fl., M. Guedes s.n. (MO); Ilha de Marajo , Rio Gipuru, 00°15'S , 50°30'W , 24 Oct 1987, fl., H.T. Beck 178 (F, MO); Melgaco, na Ilha do Marajo , Rio Mapari, afluente do Rio Tajapuru, 29 Nov 1991, NA, G. Santos 226 (MO); Obidos , capoeira, 5 Aug 1902, st., W.A. Ducke s.n. (K, MO); Ourem , capoeira, 4 Dec 1903, fl., R.S. Rorb s.n. (MG); Paraupebas, Reserva Biologica da Serra dos Carajas , Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, area da planta piloto, mina de exploracao de ferro-N4, 500 m, 20 Nov 1991, fr., G. Santos 183 (G, MO); Piria , Bankof Rio Piria, N of km 90, 28 Oct 1965, fl., G.T. Prance 1736 (IAN, K, MO); Rio Moju , 1 June 1954, fl., G.A. Black 54-16283 (K); Rio Tocentius, reg. de S. Joazuim de Itaquara, 18 Dec 1960, fr., E. Oliveira 1243 (IAN, MO); Santarem , 1877-78, fl., M. Jobert 857 (P); Sao Sebastiao da Boa Vista, estrada de acesso a Vila Cocal, 2 Sept 1992, fl., C.A. Santos 31 (MG); Senador Jose Porfirio (Sozel), margem direita do Rio Xingu, 02°34'00"S , 51°55'00"W , 3 Dec 1991, fr., G. Santos 287 (MO); Tucurui , Breu Branco, igapo as margens do rio Tocantis, 14 Oct 1983, fl., J. Revilla 8681 (NY, SPF); Ibid. , Breu Branco, margem do rio Tocantis, 12 Sept 1983, fl., F.E. Miranda 576 (NY); Vitoria do Xingu, Rio Xingu, Sitio Pimental, 2°52'48.0"S , 52°00'36.0"W , 15 Jan 2012, fl., C.S. Rosario s.n. (MBM). Rondonia : Costa Marques, as margens do rio Caltario , 28 Oct 1996, fr., L.C.B. Lobato 2398 (MG); Pacaas Novos, Rio Pacaas Novos, 3 Aug 1968, fl., G.T. Prance 6759 (INPA, K, MO, R). Roraima : Caracarai , Rio Branco, 0°56'46.4"S , 61°52'32"W , 36 m, 15 May 2015, fl., A. Frazao 149 (SPF); Ibid. , 0°36'14"N , 61°35'43"W , 50 m, 20 Mar 2012, fl., G. Martinelli 17395 (RB); Ibid. , parana abalao , 0°56'49"N , 60°58'14"W , 34 m, 27 Mar 2012, fl., fr., M. Nadruz 2647 (RB); Ibid. , proximo ao encontro com o Rio Negro, 1°22'24.5'S, 61°51'59.7"W , 34 m, 16 May 2015, fl., A. Frazao 153 (SPF); Ibid. , Parque Nacional do Virua , margem do Rio Branco, igapo , 01°40'29.0"N , 61°11'24.6"W , 42 m, 26 Sept 2014, fl., J.N.C. Francisco 41 (SPF); Ibid. , proximo da sede do Parque, floresta de terra firme, 01°29'23.3"N , 61°00'09.1"W , 68 m, 24 Sept 2014, fl., J.N.C. Francisco 40 (SPF); Ibid . , 01°29'24.9"N , 61°00'11.4"W , 67 m, 24 Sept 2014, fl., J.N.C. Francisco 39 (SPF); Igarape Agua Boa, Rio Mucajai between Pratinha and Rio Apiau, 22 Jan 1967, fl., G.T. Prance 4012 (INPA, K, MO, R, US); Rorainopolis , Rio Branco, 00°43'46.3"S , 61°51'24.0"W , 32 m, 14 May 2015, fl., V. Thode 424 (SPF); Ibid. , Ponto 11, 0°56'24.0"S , 61°50'24.0"W , 22 m, 14 May 2015, fl., fr., A. Frazao 136 (SPF); Ibid. , boca do Rio Branco com o Rio Negro, 1°23'8"S , 61°52'46"W , 40 m, 25 Apr 2014, fl., R.C. Forzza 8094 (RB); Ibid. , 1°23'8"S , 61°52'46"W , 40 m, 25 July 2014, fl., R.C. Forzza 8113 (RB); Ibid. , mata de igapo com interferencia da agua branca do rio Branco, 1°23'0.2"S , 61°51'6"W , 35 m, 13 May 2015, fl., B.M. Gomes 648 (SPF); Ibid. , em direcao a Caracarai , mata de igapo , 1°12'12.7"S , 61°50'37.3"W , 34 m, 13 May 2015, fr., B.M. Gomes 651 (SPF); Ibid. , ao encontro dos rio Branco com o Negro, mata de igapo com influencia das aguas do rio Negro, 1°5'46.5"S , 61°52'53"W , 28 m, 15 May 2015, fl., B.M. Gomes 659 (SPF); Ibid. , mata de igapo , 1°14'42.7"S , 61°50'56.2 '' W , 29 m, 16 May 2015, fl., B.M. Gomes 662 (SPF); Rorainopolis , Rio Negro, mata de igapo , 01°33'14.2"S , 61°30'27.8"W , 13 m, 12 May 2015, fl., M. Beyer 336 (SPF); Ibid. , 01°33'14.2"S , 62°30'27.8"W , 13 m, 12 May 2015, fl., M. Beyer 337 (SPF); Ibid. , 1°22'5.2"S , 61°45'55.3"W , 18 m, 13 May 2015, fl., B.M. Gomes 639 (SPF); Ibid. , Rio Xixuau , floresta beirando pequenos igarapes , 0°48'22"S , 61°33'32"W , 5 Mar 2010, fl., M.J.G. Hopkins 1961 (INPA); Ibid. , Ilha da casa do Chris, 0°48'01"N , 61°33'29 '' W , 25 m, 3 Feb 2011, fl., T. Marinho 208 (INPA). COLOMBIA. Llamos de Cumaral ad vedem Andim bogosensim orinocum versus, 386 m, Jan 1876, fl., L. Aruz 1035 (P). Amazonas : Araracuara, rocks along Rio Caqueta, Araracuara, 17 Jan 1989, fr., A.H. Gentry 64809 (MO). Antioquia : Chigorodo, Rio Leon 15 km W of Chigorodo, 07°45'N , 76°50'W , 100 m, 19 Mar 1962, fl., C. Feddema 1954 (MICH, MO, US); Necocli , Reserva Indigena Cainan Nuevo, 76°46'W , 8°36"N , 2 m, Aug 1992, fl., L. Castano 93a (HUA). Bolivar : La Raya, Achi, Inspeccion de la Raya, 8°19'48.0"N , 74°33'36.0"W , 30 m, 5 May 1987, fl., H.V. Cuadros 3601 (MO). Choco : Boca del Togoroma, Bank of Quebrada Togoroma, 13 June 1944, fl., fr., E.P. Killip 39122 (COL, F, MO, US); Las Animas, Jequedo, 42 km W of Las Animas, E of Rio Pato on Pan American (under construction) W of Las Animas, 5°16'48.0"N , 76°36'36.0"W , 250 m, 11 Jan 1979, fl., A.H. Gentry 23990 (MO); Truando, cativo swamps along Rio Truando, 18 Jan 1974, fl., A.H. Gentry 9313 (MO). FRENCH GUIANA. Javanes de Mana, 1855, fl., Gusllet s.n. (P); s.loc., 15 Dec 1956, fl., fr., A. Lemee 11 (P); s.loc., 1845, fl., fr., M. Melinon 64 (P); s.loc., 1856, fl., s.inf. s.n. (P); s.loc., 8 May 1874, fl., M. Melinon 121 (P); s.loc., Jan 1900, fl., F. Geay 1861 (P). Cayenne : Camopi, Camopi River, env. 12 km en amout de Camopi, 16 Dec 1965, fl., R.A.A. Oldeman 1796 (P, MO); Mahury River, Crique Gabrielle, tributary of the Mahury River, across from Stoupan, 4°45'00.0"N , 52°18'36.0"W , 10 m, 18 Oct 1991, fl., S.A. Mori 22137 (MO, NY); Mana River, Awara, village Galibi sur la reiver S de l'estucire de la Mana, env. a 18 km de Mana, 26 Jan 1978, fl., A. Raynal-Roques 19920 (MO, P); Maroni River, 1861, fl., M. Melinon 201 (P); Ibid. , 1982, fl., M. Melinon 205 (K, P); Montagne de Kaw, Montagnes de Kaw, Auberge de Brousse des Cascades, savanna and forest edges at end of road, 4°34'48.0"N , 52°16'48.0"W , 140 m, 12 Sept 1987 , fl., A. Weitzman 287 (MO); Rives de l'Oyapock , entre St George at Maripa, Mar 1968, fr., R.A.A. Oldeman B-1449 (MO); Riviere Counana, affluent de l'Orapu , Degrad Counana, 23 Dec 1966, fr., R.A.A. Oldeman B-778 (P); pont sur la crique Kourouaie, RN2, Regina , 04°06'53"N , 52°03'37"W , 4 m, 21 Mar 2009, fl., O. Tostain 2664 (P, NY, US). GUYANA. Pomeroon river, Mora Island, Wakapoa, 27 Dec 1958, fl., V. Graham P232 (K); s.loc., s.d., fl., Senudeas s.n. (P); Madoony Creek, Jan 1889, fl., G.S. Jenman 20968 (K). Cuyuni-Mazaruni : Mazaruni Station, 28 Aug 1937, fl., N.Y. Sandwith 1226 (K); Ibid. , 29 Oct 1943, fl., Fanshawe 4155 (K). Upper Demerara-Berbice : Moraballi Creek near Bartica, Essequibo River, 15 Nov 1929, fl., N.Y. Sandwith 617 (K, MO). Venezuela : Beryen de L'orenoque , 1864, fl., R. Grosourdy 13 (P). PERU. Amazonas : Condorcanqui, Monte virgin, 1 km atras de la comunidad de Caterpiza, trocha de metayar, banda este de la Quebrada Caterpiza, Rio Santiago, 3°54'36.0"S , 77°42'00.0"W , 180 m, 30 Oct 1979, fl., V. Huashikat 1145 (MO). Huanuco : Pachitea, region of Pucallpa, western part of the Sira mountains and adjacent lowland, c 26 km of Puerto Inca, next to the junction of the Rio Pachitea and Rio Yuyapichis, biological field station Panguana, primary lowland rain forest with some xer, 9°36'36.0"S , 74°55'48.0"W , 260 m, 21 Sept 1988, fl., fr., W. Morawetz 11-21988 (MO). Loreto : Boca del Rio Itaya, above Iquitos, 110 m, 17 Sept 1929, fl., E.P. Killip 29401 (F); Indiana, trail from Indiana on Rio Amazonas to Rio Napo, well drained upland forest on clay, 3°27'36.0"S , 73°00'00.0"W , 200 m, s.d., fl., A.H. Gentry 22205 (MO); Iquitos, Carretera de Picuruyacu, en terreno arenoso, 3°44'24.0"S , 73°14'24.0"W , 160 m, 23 Sept 1981, fl., Y.M. Rimachi 5716 (MO); Maynas, explorer's inn tourist camp near Indiana on Rio Amazonas, seasonally inundated tahuampa forest, 3°30'S , 73°00'W , 120 m, 21 Feb 1988, fl., A.H. Gentry 61828 (MO); Ibid. , Mishana, (Rio Nanay), bosque secundario de mas de 20 anos , 03°55'S , 73°35'W , 130 m, 25 July 1984, fl., R. Vasquez 5404 (MO); Ibid. , Pto. Almendras (Rio Nanay), bosque inundable estacional (tahuampa), 3°48'00.0"S , 73°24'36.0"W , 122 m, 7 Sept 1984, fl., R. Vasquez 5540 (MO); Requena, Sanangal, bosque secundario inundable (Tahuampa), 04°10'S , 73°20'W , 120 m, 8 Aug 1980, fl., R. Vasquez 347 (MO). Madre de Dios : Laguna Cocacocha, edge of Laguna Cocacocha 39 km SW of Pto Moldanado near confl of Rios La Torre & Tambopata, 17 Oct 1968, fl., fr., S.F. Smith 408 (MO, US); Manu, Puerto Maldonado, Los Amigos Biological Station, ca. 7km upriver from mouth of Rio Los Amigos, between Cocha Llena and Cocha Lobo, 12°34'12.0"S , 70°06'00.0"W , 270 m, 4 Nov 2001, fr., J.P. Janovec 2606 (SPF); Tambopata, Cusco Amazonico, 15 km ENE of Puerto Maldonado, 12°24'48.0"S , 69°04'48.0"W , 200 m, 17 Dec 1989, fr., A.H. Gentry 68887 (MO); Ibid. , explorer's inn tourist camp at junction of Rios La Torre and Tambopata, swampy forest, 12°48'36.0"S , 69°42'36.0"W , 270 m, 28 July 1985, fl., A.H. Gentry 51536 (MO). SURINAME. Ile Portal, 1888, fl., P. Sagot s.n. (P); Sipiwalini, Voltzberg Nature Reserve, Coppename River, 1-2 Km north of Foengoe Island, 4°44'N , 56°11'W , 40 m, 21 Feb 1999, fl., B. Hoffman 5362 (MO). VENEZUELA. Des bords de l'Orinoque , 27 Sept 1886, fl., M. Chaffanjon 336 (P). Amazonas : Boca Casiquiare, selvas pluviales en y los alrededores de la orilla del Rio Casiquiare, entre la boca y Isla de la Paloma, 18 Feb 1986, fl., B. Stergios 9001 ( MO); Carinagua, Dept Atures, alrededores de Puerto Ayacucho (ca. 9 Km al S), bosque de galeria del Cano Carinagua, alrededor del puente de la carretera Pto. Ayacucho-Samariapo, 10 Jan 1978, fl., O. Huber 1406 (MO); Dept. Atures , Puerto Ayacucho, end of road from airport to Rio Orinoco, gallery forest along river, 4 Apr 1984, fl., T. Plowman 13473 (F); Puerto Ayacucho, seasonally inundated forest at edge of Raudales del Orinoco, behind Pto. Ayacucho airport, sandy beach and adjacent laja, 5°39'36.0"N , 67°39'36.0"W , 100 m, 3 Apr 1984, fl., A.H. Gentry 46267 (MO); Rio Casiquiare, entre Piedra Guachapita y Curimacare, 2°00'00.0"N , 66°19'48.0"W , 150 m, 16 Jan 1987, fl., B. Stergios 9778 (MO); Rio Orinoco, cano Morocoto below San Fernando de Atabapo, 03°40'41"N , 67°14'15"W , 26 Mar 1974, fl., A.H. Gentry 10943 (MO). Apure : La Ceiba, between Rio Borgue and El Jordan, 7 km E de la Ceiba, 16 km E del Jordan, 350 m, 6 Apr 1968, fl., J.A. Steyermark 101948 (K); locally frequent along Rio Cinaruco for 20 km above las Galeras de Cinaruco, 24 Jan 1956, fl., J.J. Wurdack s.n. (JBRJ, RB); San Fernando, mouth of Rio Arauca at Rio Orinoco, 7°24'N , 66°36'W , 35 m, 14 May 1977, fl., G. Davidse 13198 (MO). Bolivar : Dpto. de Atures, Territorio Federal Amazonas, bosque humedo del rio Cataniapo, cercano a la desembocadura con el rio Orinoco, 6°24'36.0"N , 67°24'36.0"W , 37 m, 15 Feb 1983, fl., A. Castillo 1604 (MO); Moitaco, Distrito Sucre, rebalse del Orinoco, Hato Curumutopo, 11 Sept 1963, fl., fr., G. Martino 18 (MO, NY); Rio Orinoco, frequent on rocky outcrops on Isla Sta. Elena, opposite mouth of Rio Pargueni, 80 m, 13 Dec 1955, fl., J.J. Wurdack 39860 (K); Rio Parhuena , near Rio Parguena , 38-40 km N of Puerto Ayacucho, 6°21'00.0"N , 67°09'36.0"W , 100 m, 30 June 1975, fr., A.H. Gentry 14686 (US, MO). Delta Amacuro : Depto. Antonio Diaz, Cano Atoiba, 9°15'N , 60°57'W , 50 m, 19 Oct 1977, fl., J.A. Steyermark 114985 (MO); Depto. Antonio Diaz, Cano Joba-Suburu, 8°59'N , 61°00'W , 50 m, 21 Oct 1977, fl., fr., J.A. Steyermark 115147 (MO); Rio Amacuro, between Amacuro and mouth of Deadwater Creak Moat, 8°31'12.0"N , 60°28'12.0"W , 65 m, 7 Nov 1960, fr., J.A. Steyermark 87341 (MO); Ibid. , between Amacuro and mouth of Deadwater Creek Moat, 8°31'12.0"N , 60°28'12.0"W , 65 m, 7 Nov 1960, fl., J.A. Steyermark 87347 (MO).