Synopsis of Central Andean Orthalicoid land snails (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora), excluding Bulimulidae Author Breure, Abraham S. H. Author Avila, Valentin Mogollon text ZooKeys 2016 588 1 199 journal article 1313-2970-588-1 EC4E9A71F7B948D2B245F8DA8C0907FA Taxon classification Animalia Stylommatophora Megaspiridae Thaumastus (Thaumastus) granocinctus (Pilsbry, 1901) Figs 25F, 35 Bulimus (Dryptus) filocinctus Rolle 1901 : 93. Strophocheilus (Thaumastus) granocinctus Pilsbry 1901 [1901-1902]: 126 (new name for Bulimus filocinctus Rolle, 1901 not Reuss, 1861); Neubert and Janssen 2004 : 211, pl. 2 fig. 17. Thaumastus (Thaumastus) granocinctus ; Ramirez et al. 2003 : 282. Type locality. [Peru] "Chanchamayo Peruviae". Type material. SMF 208383 (1), syntype. Diagnosis. Shell relatively large, dark-brown coloured with yellowish subsutural and peripheral bands, sculptured with incrassate growth striae and spiral, incised lines, suture descending in front but slightly ascending behind lip, aperture subovate, peristome hardly expanded. Dimensions. Shell height 80.5, diameter 42.3 mm. Distribution. Peru, Dept. Junin , Chanchamayo ( Rolle 1901 ); ibid., Perene ; Prov. Pasco, Huancabamba. Ecoregion. Peruvian Yungas [NT0153]. Remarks. This species was described but not figured by Rolle. Neubert and Janssen (2004) found a syntype, smaller than the original dimensions (shell height 94, diameter 50 mm) given by Rolle, in the S.H. Jaeckel collection; their figure is the sole that exists of this taxon. Richardson (1995) put Rolle's taxon in the synonymy of Thaumastus (Thaumastus) melanocheilus (Nyst, 1845), but comparison of type material shows that this is not warranted. Simroth (1911) reported on an aberrant shell which showed "Riezenwuchs" [growth which leads to abnormal shell height]; in his case the shell was 88 mm high, with locality Chanchamayo, and seems to fit within the variation. It should be noted, however, that Neubert and Janssen (2004 : pl. 2 fig. 18) figured a specimen of Bulimus achilles var. nehringi Martens, 1889 from Piracicaba, Edo. Sao Paulo, Brazil, which is very similar to Pilsbry's taxon, except being stouter. This observation certainly deserves further study.