Description of the final instar nymphs of seven species from Anacroneuria Klapálek (Plecoptera: Perlidae) in Costa Rica, and first record for an additional genus in Central America Author Gutiérrez-Fonseca, Pablo E. Author Springer, Monika text Zootaxa 2011 2965 16 38 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.278201 878ed78c-199d-465c-a2dc-e6fbdc65608a 1175-5326 278201 Anacroneuria holzenthali Stark, 1998 Figs. 9–11 Description. Body length : 9–13 mm . Head ( Fig. 9 ): brown forward of ocelli, with pale, well-defined m- line and pale anterior frontoclypeus; often with pale spots on the outer side of the ocelli. Pronotum : rectangular; brown with pale median stripe. Surface covered with fine short setae, lacking bristles. Margins completely fringed with short thick bristles, somewhat variable in length. Meso- and Metanotum : pale irregular spots around the midline; wing pads dark when well developed. Dorsal surfaces covered with fine short setae, and scattered thick bristles; welldefined anterior and lateral lines of thick bristles. Margins completely fringed with short thick bristles, somewhat variable in length. Foreleg ( Fig. 10 ): dorsal surfaces covered with fine short setae, except for hairless median bar and basal posterior triangle-shaped area on femur. Posterior margin with dense fringe of long setae. Femur dorsally with well-defined transverse row of ≥10 long, thick spines; scattered short and medium-sized spines on dorsal surface; basal posterior patch of very small spines along margin, reaching transverse row of long spines. Ventral posterior-lateral area of coxa with irregular patch of 10 small, thick spines ( Fig. 11 ). Distribution. Costa Rica , Honduras , Nicaragua . FIGURES 9−11. Anacroneuria holzenthali , 9. Head and thorax (pro, meso and meta notum); 10. Foreleg; 11. Ventral area of coxa. FIGURE 12. Map of Costa Rica showing distribution of Anacroneuria holzenthali . Local distribution ( Fig. 12 ): Lowland and middle elevation streams on both Pacific and Caribbean slopes, within a wide range of altitude, reaching up to 2600 m asl. Together with A. marca , this species has one of the most widespread local distributions of all Costa Rican species. Reared specimens. San José: Quebrada sin nombre, San Jerónimo por puente de la lechería, Moravia, ii.2008 , Gutiérrez, 3 3; Alajuela : Quebrada sin nombre, trib. río Zapote, Upala, 300 m , 24.viii.2008 , Gutiérrez, 2 3; Quebrada sin nombre, afluente río Pizote, Upala, 323 m , 24.viii.2008 , Gutiérrez, 2 3; Afluente Río Oro, Upala 233 m , 24.viii.2008 , Gutiérrez, 3 Ƥ; Río Grande del Gallo, Venecia, viii.2008 , Gutiérrez, 2 Ƥ; Río Los Negritos, 446 m , Venecia, viii.2008 , Gutiérrez, 3 Ƥ; Río Celeste, Venecia, viii.2008 , Gutiérrez, 2 Ƥ; Reserva Biológica Alberto Manuel Brenes, San Ramón, 800 m , ix.2008 , Gutiérrez, 1 3; Quebrada sin nombre, El Ángel, near Laguna Hule, 750 m , vi.2007 , Gutiérrez, 1 3; Cartago: Río San Pedro , El Poró, Turrialba, 900 m , several dates ( 2007–2008 ), Gutiérrez, 27 3, 29 Ƥ; Quebrada sin nombre Turrialba, 900 m , several dates 2008, Gutiérrez, 3 3, 6 Ƥ; Río Javillos, cerca unión con Río Reventazón, Turrialba, 470 m , viii.2007 , Gutiérrez, 2 Ƥ; Heredia: Río Chirripó, Sarapiquí, 350 m , 23.vii.2008 , Gutiérrez, 2 Ƥ; Puntarenas: Quebrada Beneficio, Barranca, 500 m , several dates 2007– 2008 , Gutiérrez, 1 3, 15 Ƥ; Río Piedras Blancas, Piedras Blancas, San Vito, 50 m , iii.2008 , B. Pacheco, 1 3, 1 Ƥ. Additional material examined. San José: Quebr. Grande, Matastal, Puriscal, 28.v.2005 , R. Chaves, 2 Ƥ; Cataratas Chirraca, San Ignacio de Acosta, 1100 m , 09.x.2005 , E. Arroyo, 1 Ƥ; Quebrada La Dicha, Aguas Buenas, Reserva Biológica El Comelio, Acosta, 1200 m , 15.xi.2005 , P. Calderón, 2 Ƥ; same 17.ix.2005 , 1 Ƥ; Quebrada Chiquita, Estación Biológica Cuericí, Cerro de La Muerte, 2600 m , 27.ii.1997 , WordClass-UCR students, 1 3, 5 Ƥ; Quebrada por Colegio Agropecuario, Santiago de Puriscal, Barrio San Isidro, 1100 m , 12.x.1990 , E. Quesada, 1 3, 1 Ƥ; Río Agres, San Antonio de Escazú, 1500 m , iv.1995 , C. Flores , 1 3; Río Poás, Desamparados, 27.vii.1995 , M. Peinador, 1 Ƥ; Alajuela : Río San Lorencito, San Ramón, Estación Biológica Alberto Manuel Brenes, 850 m , x.1998 , UCR students, 1 3; same, iii.1995 , R. Rodríguez, 1 3; same, 13.ix.1996 , N. Franz, 2 Ƥ; same, 10.x.1998 , UCR students, 4 3, 2 Ƥ; same, 23.xi.1996 , M. Springer, 2 3, 3 Ƥ; same, 30.xii.1998 , PennState Univ. Students, 10 3, 10 Ƥ; same, 30.xii.2000 , PennState Univ. Students, 14 3, 2 Ƥ; same, 18.ix.2001 , M. Springer & Ulm Univ. Students, 4 3, 4 Ƥ; same 2.iii.2002 , R. Acosta, 2 3, 7 Ƥ; same, 17.x.2002 , J. Ortiz, 2 3; same, 8.xii.2003 , J. Ortiz, 1 m ; same, no date, G. Chaverri, 3 3, 2 Ƥ; same, 25.ix.2005 , A. Castillo, 8 3, 1 Ƥ; Río Las Musas, San Ramón 900 m , 4.x.2003 , P. Gutiérrez, 1 Ƥ; same, 31.viii.2003 , A. Y . Jimenéz & J. Vindas, 3 3, 6 Ƥ; Río Ciruelas, upstream, primary forest, 900 m , 2.x.1998 , G. Chaverri, 3 3, 1 Ƥ; Río La Vieja, PH Chocosuela, 50 m arriba, San Carlos, 730 m , 9.iii.2001 , Springer, 1 3; same, 4.xii.2001 , Springer, 1 3; Río Purgatorio, Santo Domingo , San Carlos, 300 m , vii.2006 , E. Martínez & Y . Astorga, 1 Ƥ; Heredia: Curso de agua junto a Río Sarapiquí, Sarapiquí, 900 m , 25.viii.2005 , B. Pacheco, 6 3, 1 Ƥ; Quebrada El Salto, Est. Biol. La Selva, Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí, 50 m , , OTS students, 1 Ƥ; same, vi.1997 , OTS students, 4 3, 8 Ƥ; Río Chorreras, Los Cartagos, 1800 m , 3.xii.2000 , L. López, 1 3; Cartago: Río Tiribi, La Unión, 1780 m , 20.viii.1998 , R. Mora, 1 Ƥ; Trib. Río Colorado, El Poró Turrialba, 850 m , 9.xii.2003 , Gutiérrez, 2 Ƥ; Quebrada sin nombre, posa bajo catarata, Reserva Biológica Copal, Pejibaye Jiménez, 1200 m , 18.ix.2005 , C. Lizano, 1 Ƥ; Río Paéz, Orosí, Paraíso, 1250 m , 15.xi.1998 , C. Guillen, 1 Ƥ; Limón: Río Costa Rica , Pococí, Guápiles, 230 m , 14.xi.2005 , E. Arroyo, 1 Ƥ; Guanacaste: Quebrada en la entrada, Reserva Cacao, ACG, 1200 m , 4.x.1998 , Springer, 1 3, 2 Ƥ; Puntarenas: Río Bellavista, Estación Biológica Las Alturas, San Vito, 1500 m , 11.xi.1992 , Springer, 1 3; Río Jaba, Las Cruces, San Vito, abajo represa, 1070 m , iv.1997 , N. Powell, 1 3; same, abajo beneficio La Meseta, 1 Ƥ; same, Finca Gamboa, secondary forest, iii. 1997, 2 3 , 1 Ƥ; same, Estación Las Cruces, 1200 m , 10.x.1999 , Springer, 3 3; Río Sonador, Longo Mai, Buenos Aires, 550 m , 23.vii.1998 , A. Nunn, 2 3; Quebrada Junco, Pérez Zeledón, 590 m , 7.x.2005 , F. Ruiz, 1 3; Río Guacimal, Monteverde, 1400 m , iv.2001 , A. Burgin, 2 Ƥ; Río Cañaza, Golfito, 10 m , v.1999 , T. Hermanson & J. Steffen, 2 3; Río La Gamba, parte arriba, Golfito, 75 m , v.1999 , J. Hansen, 1 3, 1 Ƥ; Quebrada Cañaza, arriba, Golfito, 50 m , v.1999 , J. Hansen, 1 Ƥ; Quebrada La Cañaza, Golfito, 50 m , 15.i.1999 , Springer, 1 3, 3 Ƥ. Habitat and substratum. Submerged leaf litter packs and underneath rocks of medium size in strong current; in streams and rivers of various sizes in forested areas, but also in coffee plantations. Inhabits streams across a wide range of altitudes. Diagnosis. The nymph of A. holzenthali is very similar to A. benedettoi and A. divisa in color pattern, shape and size ( Fig. 9 ), but in A. benedettoi and A. holzenthali the transverse row of spines on the femur is composed of more spines (>10) ( Fig. 10 ), than in A. divisa (≤9). The only difference that could be found to distinguish A. holzenthali from A. benedettoi consists of the patch of small spines ventrally on the coxa, which is arranged in a welldefined row in A. benedettoi , while forming an irregular patch in A. holzenthali ( Fig. 11 ).