Termitaphididae, a family of true bugs (Heteroptera) new to Brazil, with the redescription of Termitaradus trinidadensis Author Carvalho-Filho, Fernando Da Silva 0000-0002-2480-3874 Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi. Coordenação de Zoologia. Av. Perimetral, 1901, 66077 - 830, Belém, Pará, Brazil. fernandofilho @ museu-goeldi. br; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 2480 - 3874 fernandofilho@museu-goeldi.br Author Fernandes, José Antônio Marin 0000-0001-7450-5296 Universidade Federal do Pará, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Av. Augusto Correa, s / n, 66075 - 110, Belém, Pará, Brazil. joseamf @ ufpa. br; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7450 - 5296 joseamf@ufpa.br text Zootaxa 2020 2020-08-06 4822 3 425 433 journal article 8696 10.11646/zootaxa.4822.3.7 c2d3daf3-bfed-41ae-a1ae-41c341f8d8e8 1175-5326 4401768 E98BE08D-CE4D-4282-A326-D417104A8A75 Termitaradus trinidadensis (Morrison) Termitaphis trinidadensis Morrison, 1923: 406 , Figs 10–14. Type-locality: Port of Spain , Trinidad (USNM). Termitaradus trinidadensis ; Myers, 1924: 273 (Key) ; Usinger, 1942: 159 (key); Engel, 2009: 67 (key), García et al . 2016: 356 (Key). Termitaphis insularis Morrison, 1923: 406 , Fig. 9. Type-locality: Port of Spain , Trinidad (USNM). Termitaradus insularis ; Myers, 1924: 273 (Key) . Usinger, 1942: 156 , 159 (proposal of synonym). Redescription. Body color in life . Overall body color light-brown, with hyaline lamina ( Fig. 1 ). FIGURE 1. Live specimens of Termitaradus trinidadensis ( Morrison, 1923 ) in a rotting log occupied by termites Heterotermes tenuis . Scale bars: 2 mm. Body ornamentation . Dorsal surface covered with dense, tiny, granular sculpturing (gs) usually organized in polygonal pattern ( Figs 2 , 3 A–C, 3E). Granular sculpturing is of different lengths and shapes, but mostly rounded ( Fig. 3E ). Modified nodule-like setae (nls) scattered among granular sculpturing ( Figs 2 , 3 A–B, 3E); setae higher than granular sculpturing and composed of two layers of dentate crowns with a central, pointed projection ( Fig. 3E ); nodule-like setae distributed on all dorsal body surfaces, except on lobules (lb) ( Figs 3 A–B, 3D). Lobules dorsally covered with many minute, pointed projections ( Fig. 3D ), ventrally bare. Ventral surface of laminae bearing many scattered pointed setae ( Figs 4A, 4C ). Marginal setae (ms) are slightly clubbed, with dorsal surface bearing many pointed projections, similar to those covering lobules ( Figs 3D, 3F ). Lobules bearing a small seta, similar to marginal setae in shape, but with about half of their length, located close to base of marginal seta ( Fig. 3D ). Ventral surface of the body covered with scattered, pointed setae and with minute granulations on intersegmental region, between legs and in a narrow strip around legs. Imbricated between granulation are small, rounded glands ( Fig. 4B ). Abdominal spiracle rounded ( Fig. 4B ). FIGURE 2. Termitaradus trinidadensis ( Morrison, 1923 ) . A. Adult female; left, dorsal view; right, ventral view. B. Last instar nymph, dorsal view. Scale bars: A = 600 μm; B = 200 μm. Abbreviations: at = antenna; lm = lamina; lg = leg. Head . Antenna four-segmented, geniculate ( Figs 2A , 4A ); first article thin, evenly widened apically, long, length approximately equal to that of three remaining articles combined; second article rounded; third article cylindrical with proximal portion narrowed; second and third article short, with about one fourth of first article length; fourth article elongated, subequal in length to the second article, tapering apically ( Fig. 4A ). Articles covered with scattered, pointed setae ( Fig. 4A ). Labium three-segmented. Coiled stylets visible in diaphanized specimens. Legs. Short, robust, with stout femora, greatest widths of femora 3.5–4.0 times width of tibiae; tibiae laterally compressed, narrowed basally; tarsi dimerous, first tarsomere about one-half size of second; claw large and without teeth; pulvilli slender and capitated, spatula-like, lengths nearly as long as that of claw. Foretibia with longitudinal row of erect setae. Apices of mid and hind tibiae with stout setae. Number of laminae : 11 in males, 12 in females and 14 in last instar nymph. Laminae (lm) with lobules arranged as follows in adults: 8♂ , 7♀ (head I), 3♂ , 4♀ (head II ), 10♂ , 11♀ (prothorax), 12 (mesothorax plus metathorax), 7 (abdominal I), 8 (abdominal II ), 8 (abdominal III ), 8 (abdominal IV ), 7 (abdominal V ), 8♂ , 7♀ (abdominal VI ), 4 (abdominal VII ), 3♀ (abdominal VIII , absent in male) ( Fig. 2A ). Last instar nymphs: 6 (head I), 3 (head II ), 7 (prothorax), 4 (mesothorax I), 4 (mesothorax II ), 4 (metathorax), 4 (abdominal I), 4 (abdominal II ), 4 (abdominal III ), 4 (abdominal IV ), 4 (abdominal V ), 4 (abdominal VI ), 4 (abdominal VII ) and 3 (abdominal VIII ) ( Fig. 2B ) . FIGURE 3. Adult female of Termitaradus trinidadensis ( Morrison, 1923 ) . A. Last abdominal segments, dorsal view. B. Detail of abdominal lamina, dorsal view. C. Abdominal segments, dorsal view. D. Detail of marginal setae and lobule of thoracic segment, dorsal view. E. Detail of cuticular nodules, dorsal view. F. Detail of marginal seta. Scale bars: A = 100 μm; B= 50 μm; C = 120 μm; D =12 μm; E, F = 10 μm. Abbreviations: gs = granular seta; lb = lobule; lm = lamina; ms = marginal seta; nls = nodule-like seta. FIGURE 4. Adult female of Termitaradus trinidadensis ( Morrison, 1923 ) . A. Antenna and thoracic lamina, ventral view. B. Detail of a gland in abdominal segment, ventral view. C. Laminae of last segments, ventral view. D. Spiracle, ventral view. Scale bars: A = 100 μm; B= 5 μm; C = 120 μm; D =30 μm. Abbreviations: at = antenna; gl = gland; lb = lobule; lm = lamina; ms = marginal seta; sp = spiracle. Measurements . Body length: 2.6–2.7 mm ; maximum width: 1.7–1.8 mm . Male terminalia ( Figs 5 A–B). Pygophore (pyg) rounded; paramere (par) elongated and thin, slightly arched, with pointed tip; phallobase (phb) longer than wide; ejaculatory reservoir (ejr) hammer-shaped; aedeagus (aed) tubular, elongated and twisted; capitate processes rounded. Female terminalia ( Fig. 5C ). Spermathecal bulb (sb) elliptical, slightly dorsoventrally flattened and sclerotized; pumping region (pr) tubular, proximal and distal flanges not differentiated; spermathecal duct (sd) very long, tubular and twisted, with distal third narrowed; outgrowth of spermathecal duct (osd) well-developed, elongate and sackshaped. Material examined. BRAZIL . Amapá : Floresta Nacional do Amapá [= National Forest of Amapá ], mata primária [= primary forest], sob casca de árvore podre caída [= under bark of a fallen rotting tree], 11.IX.2016 , F.S. Carvalho-Filho leg. ( 1 ♂ ) . Pará : Abaetetuba , quintal de residência na área urbana [backyard in urban area], tronco podre [= rotting log], 4.VIII.2008 , F.S. Carvalho-Filho leg. ( 2 ♂ , 2 ♀ ) . Belém , Campus de pesquisa do MPEG [= research campus of the MPEG ], mata secundária [= secondary forest], tronco podre [= rotting log], 8.XI.2010 , F.S. Carvalho-Filho leg. ( 1 ♀ ) ; same data but 10.II.2015 ( 4 ♂ , 2 nymphs) . Melgaço , FLONA de Caxiuanã [= National Forest of Caxiuanã], Estação Científica Ferreira Penna [= Ferreira Penna Scientific Station], tronco podre em área aberta [= rotting log in non-forested place], 17.III.2017 , F.S. Carvalho-Filho leg. ( 1 ♀ ) . Paragominas , Área de mineração da Norsk Hydro , floresta primária [= primary forest], tronco podre [= rotting log], 18.III.2014 , F. S. Carvalho-Filho leg. ( 1 ♀ ) .