A cybertaxonomic revision of the new dung beetle tribe Parachoriini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) and its phylogenetic assessment using molecular and morphological data Author Tarasov, Sergei text Zootaxa 2017 2017-10-04 4329 2 101 149 journal article 31902 10.11646/zootaxa.4329.2.1 7e33ec7d-211b-4042-8d07-344364ee805d 1175-5326 1001915 8226E27D-E3A9-481A-B51B-558643Bbb03A Parachorius thomsoni Harold, 1873 ( Figs. 24 , 27F ) Parachorius thomsoni Harold, 1873 : 103 Parachorius thomsoni ; Gillet 1911 : 54 Parachorius thomsoni ; Boucomont 1929 : 761 Parachorius thomsoni ; Arrow 1931 : 358 Parachorius thomsoni ; Paulian 1945 : 59 Parachorius thomsoni ; Balthasar 1963 : 276 Parachorius thomsoni ; Kryzhanovsky & Medvedev 1966 : 394 Parachorius thomsoni ; Masumoto 1987 : 127 Parachorius lannathai Hanboonsong & Masumoto, 2001 : 138 ( new synonymy ) Type locality . India or. [ eastern India ] ( Parachorius thomsoni ); Maesa Valley Chiang Mai , Thailand ( Parachorius lannathai ) Taxonomic notes. Parachorius lannathai described from Thailand is synonymized with P. thomsoni based on external morphology and the shape of aedeagus. Distribution. Eastern India , Myanmar , Thailand , and Laos . Diagnosis. The species is most similar to P. fungorum and P. hookeri . It differs from them by the following combination of characters (1) metafemoral posterior margin with two distinct denticles of which the apical denticle is spur-like, produced; (2) parameres simple, apex slightly rounded forming triangle. Description. Body. Body black or dark brown, length 6.5–9.0 mm. Elytra uniformly colored. Head. Clypeus with two indistinct teeth, outer margin of each tooth not notched basally. Pronotum. Pronotum rounded laterally. Frontal angles rounded. Disc covered with punctures separated by 1–2 puncture diameter(s). Pronotum in anterior-posterior direction notably shorter than elytra. FIGURE 24. Morphology of Parachorius thomsoni . (A) aedeagus, lateral view ( P. thomsoni holotype, male) (B) aedeagus, lateral view ( P. lannathai , holotype, male). (C–D) aedeagus, lateral view. (E) left metafemur ( P. lannathai , holotype, male). (F) disc of left elytron (G) habitus ( P. lannathai , holotype, male). (H) habitus ( P. thomsoni , holotype, male). FIGURE 25. Distribution maps of Parachorius species. (A) Parachorius asymmetricus . (B) Parachorius bolavensis . (C) Parachorius fukiensis . (D) Parachorius fungorum . (E) Parachorius globosus . (F) Parachorius gotoi . Type locality —type locality of species (holotype or lectotype); Type. Collection data —localities of type specimens associated with species (paratypes or paralectotypes); Collection data —localities of other specimens examined in this study. FIGURE 26. Distribution maps of Parachorius species. (A) Parachorius hookeri . (B) Parachorius humeralis . (C) Parachorius javanus . (D) Parachorius longipenis . (E) Parachorius maruyamai . (F) Parachorius newthayerae . Type locality — type locality of species (holotype or lectotype); Type. Collection data —localities of type specimens associated with species (paratypes or paralectotypes); Collection data —localities of other specimens examined in this study. FIGURE 27. Distribution maps of Parachorius species. (A) Parachorius peninsularis . (B) Parachorius pseudojavanus . (C) Parachorius schuelkei . (D) Parachorius semsanganus . (E) Parachorius solodovnikovi . (F) Parachorius thomsoni . Type locality —type locality of species (holotype or lectotype); Type. Collection data —localities of type specimens associated with species (paratypes or paralectotypes); Collection data —localities of other specimens examined in this study. Literature data — localities retrieved from literature. Elytra. Elytra covered with sparse punctures. Wings. Wings normally developed. Legs. Profemur with anterior margin medially produced in angle or with almost straight or sinuate anterior margin. Protibia with apical spur approximately reaching middle of protarsomere 3. First tooth almost not modified in males, approximately as wide as second tooth; first and second teeth distinctly separated from each other; first distinctly separated from denticles located between first and second teeth. Metafemoral posterior margin not serrate, with two distinct denticles of which apical denticle is spur-like, produced. Metatibia slightly sinuate, inner margin not denticulate, excavated apically. Metasternum. Transverse basal ridge of metasternum long, at least 1/5 of mesocoxa length. Aedeagus. Parameres symmetrical, simple; apex slightly rounded, forming triangle. Material examined. Holotype of Parachorius thomsoni : India : 1 male , “India or. Parachorius Thomsoni Typ. Harold. / Ex Musaeo E.Harold / MUSEUM PARIS 1952 Coll. R. OBERTHÜR / TYPE / HOLOTYPE Parachorius thomsoni Horld, 1873 det. S. Tarasov 2010” (MNHN). Holotype of Parachorius lannathai : Thailand : 1 male , "Maesa Valley Chiang Mai THAILAND 3-6/V/1994 K. MASUMOTO leg. / Coll Masumoto 200 / Holotype Parachorius lannathai Han. & Mas. / Parachorius thomsoni Harold, 1873 det. S. Tarasov, 2015 ", 18°53.988'N, 98°52.524'E (NSMT). 1 male , collection J. Thomson 830 (ISNB). India : 1 male , India orientale (BMNH). Laos : 1 male , Khammouane Province, Ban Khun Kham (Nahin), 18°13.027'N, 104°30.88'E, 300 m , disturbed rainforest, on 3–5/vi/2008 (A. Solodovnikov, J. Pedersen) (ZMUC). Myanmar : 1 male , Shan State, Shweudaung Wildlife Sanctuary (Moe Meik Township), Kyauk-maw village (91f), flight intercept trap, 23°5.129'N, 96°13.527'E, 360 m , on 1–15/viii/2002 (Myint Hlaing, Aung Moe) (NMW).