Coarazuphium lundi (Carabidae: Zuphiini), a new Brazilian troglobitic beetle with the designation of a neotype for C. pains Álvares & Ferreira, 2002
Pellegrini, Thais Giovannini
Laboratório de Ecologia Florestal, Departamento de Ciências Florestais, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, Brazil, Postal code: 37200 - 000. & Departamento de Entomologia, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, Brazil, Postal code: 37200 - 900.
Ferreira, Rodrigo Lopes
CEBS: Centro de Estudos em Biologia Subterrânea, Departamento de Biologia, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, Brazil, Postal code: 37200 - 000. drops @ ufla. br; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 3288 - 4405
Zampaulo, Robson De Almeida
VALE. Avenida de Ligac ̧ ão 3580, CEP: 34000 - 000, Mina de Águas Claras-Mac.
Vieira, Letícia
Laboratório de Ecologia Florestal, Departamento de Ciências Florestais, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, Brazil, Postal code: 37200 - 000. & leticia. vieira @ ufla. br; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 1077 - 589 X
journal article
Key to adult species of the genus
(adapted from
Pellegrini & Ferreira 2017
1. Head elongate, HW/HL ratio about 0.6. Elytra apical sinuosity with inner borders sharp (
Fig. 27
). Male genitalia: right paramere styliform (
et al
. 1998: 306
Fig. 10
), about as long as left paramere.
C. cessaima
Gnaspini, Vanin & Godoy 1998
1’. Head oviform to subquadrangular, HW/HL ratio from 0.75 to more than 1. Elytra truncate or sinuate, if it is sinuate apical inner borders are not sharp. Male genitalia: right paramere styliform or not, distinctly shorter than left paramere............... 2
2(1’). Elytron with apical margin truncate, not sinuate. Male right paramere styliform or broad............................. 3
2’. Elytron with apical margin sinuate. Male right paramere broad, not styliform, distinctly shorter than left paramere........ 9
3(2). Head dorsally bearing only one pair of anterior supraorbital setae and a pair of postocular setae (pos) (
Pellegrini & Ferreira 2017: 556
Fig. 5
)..................................................................................... 4
3’. Head dorsally with more than two pairs of setae—if with only two pairs it possesses a posterior supraorbital setae (psos) instead of the postocular (pos) pair.............................................................................. 6
4(3). Metafemur bearing a spine at the middle of the ventral side (
Pellegrini & Ferreira 2017: 556
Fig. 4
); antennae short, about 0.68 times of body length....................................................
C. spinifemur
Pellegrini & Ferreira 2017
4`. Metafemur without a spine at the middle ventral side; antennae long, reaching metafemur............................ 5
5(4`). Aedeagus very long and slender, about 2.89 times left paremere (
Pellegrini and Ferreira 2011
Fig. 2
C. tapiaguassu
Pellegrini & Ferreira 2011
5`. Aedeagus shorter, about 2.6 times left paremere (
Pellegrini and Ferreira 2017: 557
Fig. 6
C. amazonicus
Pellegrini & Ferreira 2017
6(3’). Head with two pairs of occipital setae (
Ball & Shpeley 2013: 30
Fig. 4A
6’. Head one pair or without occipital setae................................................................... 8
7. Maximum width near middle portion of elytra. Male rigth paramere slender, styliform (
Ball & Shpeley 2013
Fig. 10C
C. whiteheadi
Ball & Shpeley 2013
7’. Maximum width in the posterior middle of elytra (
Fig. 5
). Male right paramere short and triangular, not styliform (
Fig. 10
C. lundi
sp. nov.
8. Two pairs of prosterior setae in the head dorsally (
Fig. 22
), one posterior supraorbital and one occipital. Maximum width of elytra posteriad transverse midline (
Fig. 17
C. pains
Álvares & Ferreira 2002
8’ One pair of posterior supraorbital setae without the occipital (
Bená & Vanin 2014: 291
Fig. 6
). Maximum width of elytra near middle (
Bená & Vanin 2014: 289
and 290,
Figs. 1 and 4
C. ricardoi
Bená & Vanin 2014
9(2’). Head dorsally with three pairs of setae posteriad the anterior supraorbital setae................................... 10
9’. Head dorsally with one or two pairs of setae posteriad the anterior supraorbital setae............................... 11
10(9). Elytron with a slight apical sinuosity (
Pellegrini & Ferreira 2014: 537
Fig. 12A and C
C. formoso
Pellegrini & Ferreira 2011
10’. Elytron with a pronounced apical sinuosity, head with two dorsal protuberances (
Pellegrini & Ferreira 2014: 537
Fig. 12B and D
C. caatinga
Pellegrini & Ferreira 2014
11(9’). Head dorsally with two pairs of setae (posterior supraorbitals and occipitals) at posterior border of head capsule (
et al
. 1998: 304
Fig. 1
) Male left paramere broad, conchoid (
et al
. 1998: 305
Fig. 3
C. bezerra
Gnaspini, Vanin & Godoy 1998
11’. Single pair of setae (posterior supraorbitals) at posterior border of head capsule (
Godoy & Vanin 1990: 796
Fig. 1
). Male left paramere styliform (
Godoy & Vanin 1990: 798
Fig. 2
C. tessai
Godoy & Vanin 1990