Two new species of Anthaxia Eschscholtz, 1829 from Spain (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) Author Arnáiz-Ruiz, Lucía Author Bercedo-Páramo, Pablo text Zootaxa 2003 267 1 7 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.157110 c63983ce-de3d-4d99-8e2f-b15f0e13114e 1175­5326 157110 Anthaxia (Melanthaxia) lencinai sp. n. Description of the holotype Length 3,8 mm .; moderately convex, elongate, parallel­sided; entire body with shining black coloration. Head: frons, in dorsal view, slightly convex, somewhat depressed in the middle; clypeus slender, medially emarginate; clypeus­frontal suture concave; vertex wide, approximately 2,0 times as wide as width of one eye; internal margins of eyes slightly converging dorsally; head sculpture consisting of irregular polygonal cells with very fine central grains; frons with very short, sparse white pubescence, clypeus and clypeus­frontal suture with semierect, sparse white setae of variable length; antenna expanded from antennomere 4. Pronotum: convex, transverse, 1,6 times as wide as long; maximum width at anterior third; anterior margin feebly bisinuate, arcuately projecting, posterior margin slightly bisinuate; lateral carina only defined at basal third; two irregular, shallow, central depressions; posterior half with distinct longitudinal median groove; lateral margins almost regularly rounded in the anterior third then regularly narrowed to obtuse posterior angles; pronotal sculpture consisting of irregular, well­defined polygonal cells with poorly developed central grains; entire pronotum with very short, barely visible, white pubescence. Scutellum: subtriangular, slightly wider than longer, fine and densely microsculptured. Elytra: convex; 1,6 times as long as wide at humeri, there as wide as maximum width of pronotum; humeral swellings and basal depressions well­marked; elytra surface irregular, microsculptured with homogenous grainy sculpture and very short white, barely visible pubescence; elytral apices feebly serrate and separately rounded; epipleuron extending to sutural apex. Whole ventral surface of body microsculptured, with short whitish, regularly distributed recumbent pubescence; sculpture of prosternal process distinctly more rugose than that on abdomen; meso­ and metatrochanters rounded; metasternum with two grooves, one longitudinal, median groove and the other transverse, semicircular groove; apical portion of ventrite 5 concave with incurved and feeble serrate margins, apex regularly rounded, depressed. Apex of metatibia unarmed. Aedeagus as in Figure 4 . FIGURES 3-4. Anthaxia (Melanthaxia) lencinai sp. n. 3. Habitus; scale bar = 1,0 mm. 4. Aedeagus; scale bar = 1,0 mm. Variation This is a variable species as are most of its allies. Length: 3,7-4,2 mm .; some specimens with irregular pronotal sides, subquadrangular, slightly marginated before posterior angles; posterior half of pronotum with deep groove, very well marked (usually in females); median pronotal depressions irregularly marked, varies from shallow to deep. Type specimens Type locality: Spain , Cuenca province, Puerto de Cabrejas, altitude 1150 m ., N 40º 0 6’ W 2º30’, UTM 10x10 Km. 30TWK43. The male holotype of A. lencinai ( MNCN , catalogue number 9194) bears the following labels and data: [white label]: Aedeagus mounted / [white label]: Pto. de Cabrejas (CU), 13-VII-1996 , Lucía Arnáiz leg. / [printed red label]: HOLOTYPUS / Anthaxia (Melanthaxia) lencinai L. Arnáiz & P. Bercedo des. 2003. Paratypes : 1 male , La Sagra, Granada , 1500 m ., VII-1949 , Anthaxia (Melanthaxia) cum godeti, S. Bílý det. 0 3, Cobos coll. ( MNCN ); 8 ex. (males and females), Moratalla, Sierra de Villafuerte, Murcia, 1650 m ., 18-VII-2002 , J. L. Lencina leg.; 1 male , Moratalla, Sierra de Taibilla, Murcia, 1800 m ., 25-VII-2002 , Lencina & Muñoz leg.; 1 male , Moratalla, Puerto Alto Revolcadores, Murcia, 1500 m ., 24-VI-2002 , J. L. Lencina leg.; 1 ex., Paterna del Madera, Río de los Endrinales, Albacete, 1100 m ., 7­VII­2002 , Lencina & Ortuño leg.; 3 males , Huéscar, Barranco de los Pastores, Sierra Guillimona, Granada , 1400 m ., 4­VIII­1986 , J. L. Lencina leg.; 5 ex., Puerto de Cabrejas, Cuenca, 1150 m ., 8­VII­ 1995 & 13­VII­1996 , Lucía Arnáiz leg. All of these specimens (most of them a little deteriorated, tarsomeres and antennae lost) are provided with a printed red label bearing following data: PARATYPUS / Anthaxia (Melanthaxia) lencinai L. Arnáiz & P. Bercedo des. 2003. The paratypes are deposited in the following collections: 4 specimens in collection of MNCN (type’s catalogue number 9194), 2 specimens in collection of S. Bílý ( NMPC ), 4 specimens in collection of J. L. Lencina (Jumilla, Murcia, Spain ), 2 specimens in collection of C. L. Bellamy ( CLBC , Sacramento, California, USA ) and the remainder of the specimens in collection of P. Bercedo­ L. Arnáiz (Vegas del Condado, León, Spain ). Differential diagnosis Anthaxia (Melanthaxia) lencinai sp. n. ( Fig. 3 [Habitus], Fig. 4 [Aedeagus]) is very closely related to A. godeti from which it can be distinguished by characters given in the table. Character A. (M.) godeti Gory & Laporte A. (M.) lencinai sp. n. Antennae Widely expanded from antennomere 4 Less expanded Etymology
Pronotum Usually, maximum width in posterior third Maximum width in anterior third
Body 3,5­8 mm. Usually short and rather robust 3,7­4,2 mm. Short and slender
Epipleuron Incomplete, not extended to the apex at the suture Complete, extended to the apex at the suture
Meso­ and metatrochanters Sharp­pointed Rounded
This species is named after our friend and enthusiastic entomologist José Luis Lencina Gutiérrez who collected most of the type material.