Yu. & Paik, J. - C Author Storozhenko, Sergey Yu. Institute of Biology and Soil Science, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, 690022, Russia. E-mail: storozhenko @ ibss. dvo. ru Author Paik, Jong-Cheol Sunchon National University, Suncheon 540 - 742, Republic of Korea. E-mail: jcpaik @ sunchon. ac. kr text Zootaxa 2010 2010-04-08 2421 49 60 journal article 1175-5326 Subfamily Anoplophilinae Storozhenko & Paik , subfam. nov. Anoplophilinae Ichikawa, 1997: 74 . Unavailable name according to Article 13.1 of the Code (ICZN, 1999). Anplophilini Storozhenko & Paik, 2007: 83 . Unavailable name according to Article 16.1 of the Code (ICZN, 1999). Type genus: Anoplophilus Karny, 1931 , here designated. Description. Body medium size. Apterous. Head with rostrum divided into right and left tubercles by broad and shallow furrow (these tubercles distinctly separated from each other). Fore coxae with distinct spine. Fore femora without any spines and denticles. Mid femora with only one small inner movable apical spine. Hind femora relatively stout, upper side of hind femora smooth, lower margin with one unmovable outer apical spine and 2–3 inner apical spines (in some species of the genus Alpinanoplophilus spines small or reduced). Fore and mid tibiae with 3–4 pairs of lower spines on and two pairs of short apical spurs (one upper and one lower). Hind tibiae with 8–17 outer and 9–17 inner dorsal rather strong unmovable spines as well as with two pairs of apical spurs. Lower side of hind tibiae with one or two pair of small apical movable spines. Longest apical spur of hind tibiae not reaching the middle of the first segment of hind tarsi. First segment of hind tarsi with a row of 2–5 dorsal spines, the apical spine very large; second segment without dorsal apical spine. Male subgenital plate with short styles. Upper valvae of ovipositor not widened near the middle, with smooth or feebly dentate at apex upper margin; inner valvae as long as lower one; lower valvae with 4–11 scalloped serrations at apex. Male genitalia membranous, without unpaired dorsal sclerite (epiphallus), divided on three lobes, dorsal lobe small, lateral lobes large. Composition. Two genera from Japan and Korea . Diagnosis. Anoplophilinae subfam. nov. confused with poorly described fossil Protroglophilinae , but differs in number of spurs on fore and mid tibiae, and by armature of hind tibiae (in Protroglophilinae fore and mid tibiae with one lower pair of spurs only, and upper margins of hind tibiae with numerous small unmovable denticles). According to Gorochov (2001) Protroglophilinae is closely related to recent Troglophilinae and keyed in one couplet. The Troglophilinae are characterized by the strongly upper valvae of ovipositor widened near the middle, the male genitalia with an unpaired dorsal sclerite, the first segment of hind tarsi with long dorsal apical spine, and by the fore femora with small inner movable apical spine. It significantly differs in these aspects from the new subfamily. To define the position of the Anoplophilinae subfam. nov. a key to the subfamilies of the family Rhaphidophoridae is given below.