Classification, Natural History, And Evolution Of The Genus Aphelocerus Kirsch (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Clerinae) Author OPITZ, WESTON text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2005 2005-05-11 2005 293 1 128 journal article 10.1206/0003-0090(2005)293<0001:CNHAEO>2.0.CO;2 0003-0090 5362748 Aphelocerus argus , new species Figures 68 , 124 , 172 ; map 25 HOLOTYPE : Male. Rio Sn Lorenzo , Tierras Morenas , Tenorio, A. C. A , Prov. Guana, Costa Rica , 1050 m , Mar. 1994 , G. Rodriguez , L N 287800–427600 # 276 ( INBC ). (Specimen point mounted, sex label affixed to paper point, white, hand printed; support card; locality label, white, machine printed; plastic electronic label, white, machine print­ ed; INBC repository label, white, machine printed; holotype label, red, machine print­ ed.) PARATYPES : Eight specimens. Costa Rica : Puntarenas : Santa Elena, 6­V­1985 , A. J. Gilbert ( CDAE , 1; WOPC , 1) ; Monteverde , 1400 m , 28­IV­1979 , H. & A. Howden ( CMNC , 1) ; 20–24­VI­1986 , N. Youssef ( WOPC , 1) ; 16–19­VI­1995 , F. Hovore ( JNRC , 1) ; Buen Amigo , San Luis Monteverde , 1000–1350 m ; XI­1994 , Z. Fuentes ( WOPC , 1): Cartago : 5 km NE Pacayas , 1310 m , 25­V­1995 , beating roadside vegetation, J. Rifkind , H. Lezama ( JNRC , 1; WOPC , 1) . DIAGNOSIS: Specimens from Costa Rica that have the elytral middiscal setal tuft reduced to very few setae belong to this species. DESCRIPTION: Size : Length 5.0– 5.5 mm ; width 2.2–2.8 mm . Integument : Head, pronotum, pterothorax, and abdomen cyanescent; elytral and legs piceous. Vestiture : Integument vested predominantly with dark setae, few pale setae; elytra middiscal setal tuft comprised of one small compact patch (fig. 172). Head : Width across eyes narrower than width across pronotum (33:37), coarsely punctate; interocular depression and frontal umbo indistinct; eyes subspherical, moderately convex; antenna shorter than pronotum (30:40), as in figure 68. Thorax : Pronotum subequal in width and length (37:40), narrower than width of elytra across humeri (37: 42); coarsely punctated in region anterior to faintly indicated anterior transverse depression, side margins moderately arcuate; depth at humerus 15, greatest depth in posterior half 18. Abdomen : Pygidial posterior margin evenly arcuate; aedeagus as in figure 124. VARIATION: No noteworthy variation was observed among the specimens examined. NATURAL HISTORY: Specimens were collected in January, May, June, and July, at altitudes ranging from 1000 to 1400 m . Two specimens were captured by beating roadside vegetation. DISTRIBUTION (map 25): Known only from the Costa Rica Provinces of Guanacaste , Puntarenas and Cartago ; some from Monteverde. ETYMOLOGY: The trivial name is a Greek adjective meaning shining. I refer to the shiny surface of the pronotal and elytral discs.