Remains Of A Subtropical Humid Forest In A Messinian Evaporitebearing Succession At Govone, Northwestern Italy - Preliminary Results Author Martinetto, Edoardo Author Bertini, Adele Author Mantzouka, Dimitra Author Natalicchio, Marcello Author Niccolini, Gabriele Author Kovar-Eder, Johanna text Fossil Imprint 2022 2022-08-26 78 1 157 188 journal article 10.37520/fi.2022.007 2533-4069 ? Cunninghamioideae gen. et. sp. indet. Pl. 5, Fig. 21 M a t e r i a l. Pollen grains of? Cunninghamioideae occur in all the analysed samples, usually in high quantity. R e m a r k s. Formerly, Cunninghamioideae were included in Taxodiaceae , e.g., Page (1990) . After a taxonomic reassessment ( Gadek et al. 2000 , Farjon 2005 ), Cunninghamioideae and Taxodioideae are considered subfamilies of Cupressaceae .Pollen of Cunninghamia SCHREB. has been reported, e.g., from the Middle Miocene deposits of Lavanttal ( Austria ; Grímsson and Zetter 2011 ), from Neogene deposits of Georgia (Transcaucasia) ( Shatilova et al. 2018 ). Macroremains have been described from the late Oligocene to Pliocene of Central Europe ( Kovar 1982 , Walther 1989 , 1999 , Mai and Walther 1991 ), as well as from the Middle and Late Miocene of Romania ( Givulescu 1975 ). Light microscope studies of Cunninghamia pollen morphology were carried out by Jimbo (1933) , Wodehouse (1935) , Erdtman (1943 , 1957 ), Ueno (1951) , Van Campo-Duplan (1951) ; recently, Bouchal and Denk (2020) extensively described the pollen morphology of C . lanceolata (LAMB.) HOOK. under both the optical microscope and SEM. The abundant pollen grains from Govone do not show diagnostic features under the light microscope, despite having a morphology quite comparable to Cunninghamioideae . For an unquestionable attribution to this taxon, a SEM morphological study would be necessary, as recommended by Bouchal and Denk (2020) .