Four new species of Sapindaceae from the Guianas Author Acevedo-Rodriguez, Pedro Department of Botany, MRC- 166 Smithsonian Institution, P. O. Box 37012, Washington D. C. 20013 - 7012, USA text PhytoKeys 2011 2011-11-29 7 11 20 journal article 1314-2003-7-11 FFF6790CFFDE396AFFCD5F62E92EFF9E 576099 Paullinia oldemanii Acev.-Rodr., sp. nov. Fig. 3A-J Latin A Paullinia venosa Radlk. foliis menores, foliis rachides alatis et foliolis distalis obovatis diversa. Type. French Guiana. Fleuve Oyapock, 300 m apres le camp saut Moutouci, Oldeman B-3223 (holotype: US; isotype: CAY). Description. Liana to 10 m long. Stems terete, minutely sericeous-pubescent, lenticellate; cross section with a single vascular cylinder. Stipules ca. 1mm long, deltate, early deciduous. Leaves 5-pinnate foliolate; petioles 1-5 cm long, unwinged, glabrous; rachis 1-1.8 cm long, narrowly winged or margined, glabrous; leaflets 6-9.5 x 2-3.5 cm, chartaceous, elliptic, oblong, or rarely lanceolate, glabrous except for the minute hairy domatia in the secondary vein axils, distal leaflet obovate, the base decurrent on distal leaflet, obtuse on laterals, and obtuse to truncate on proximal ones, the apex obtusely acuminate to nearly caudate, margins sinuate, the lateral and proximal leaflets with a glandular tooth on both margins near the base; tertiary venation finely reticulate. Thyrses 7-13 cm long, axillary, racemiform, solitary, the axes ferruginous-tomentulose; cincinni sessile, few-flowered; bracts and bracteoles minute, deltate. Pedicels 1.5-2 mm long, articulate near the middle, ferruginous-tomentulose. Calyx sparsely appressed-pubescent, sepals 5, concave, with ciliate-glandular margins, the outer ones ca. 1.5 mm long, ovate to rounded, the inner ones 3-4 mm long; petals ca. 4 mm long, oblong, rounded at apex, shortly clawed at base, adaxially papillate; appendages as long as the petals, crest of posterior appendages with 2 corniform projections at apex, lateral ones with 1 corniform projection, these ca. 1.7 mm long; nectary with 2 deltate, pubescent lobes ca. 1 mm tall; filaments 2-4 mm long, of unequal lengths, pubescent on lower half; anthers ca. 1 mm long, ellipsoid; gynoecium ferruginous-tomentulose, clavate, with three stigmatic branches. Capsule (immature) unwinged, long-stipitate, smooth, nearly globose. Distribution and ecology. Known from French Guiana and Brazil (Amazonas), in riverside and moist forests. Additional specimens examined. French Guiana . Oyapok River, Oldeman B-3418 (MO), Saut Kouamantapere , Oldeman T-662 (CAY); Saut Tainoua, riverside forest, de Granville 387 (CAY, MO, US). Brazil. Amazonas; ca. 4 kn NW of Balbina dam, Thomas et al. 5354 (NY). Discussion. Paullinia oldemanii seems to be closely related to Paullinia venosa Radlk. as they share similar vegetative and fruit morphologies. Paullinia oldemanii however differs from Paullinia venosa by its abaxially puberulent leaflets 1.7-7 cm long (vs. glabrous and 3.5-17 cm long), distal leaflets obovate (vs. oblong or lanceolate), leaf rachis narrowly winged or margined (vs. terete, unwinged) and its calyx of 5 sepals (vs. 4 sepals). Etymology. The specific epithet honors Professor Dr. R.A. Oldeman, collector of the type specimen . Figure 3. Paullinia oldemanii A Flowering branch, with detail of distal portion of leaf, showing glandular teeth near the base of lateral leaflets B Cincinnus C Flower bud D Staminate flower, lateral view E Posterior and lateral petals with adnate appendages F Staminate flower with part of perianth removed, showing nectary lobes and stamens G Stamens and nectary lobes, anterior and lateral views; H Pistillode I Fruiting branch J Fruit. A-H from Oldeman B-3223 (US),; I-J from Thomas et al. 5354 (NY).