Two New Species of Epuraea (Orthopeplus) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) from Mexico Author Cline, Andrew R. Author Carlton, Christopher E. text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2004 2004-06-30 58 2 261 270 journal article 10.1649/620 1938-4394 10104448 Epuraea ( Orthopeplus ) setosa Cline , new species ( Figs. 2 , 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 27–31) Type Series. HOLOTYPE ($). El Slto Dgo , Mex. , 5-VI-1937 , E. S. Ross Collection , Cal. Acad. , Lorin R . Gillogly Collection Donated to the Calif. Academy of Sciences May 1990 . Pygidium in one glycerin vial, genitalia in second vial . PARATYPE ($). MEXICO , El Salto Durango , 9,300 9 , Juan Manuel collector, 3-8-VI- 1937 , Van Dyke Collection. Cal. Acad. , Lorin R . Gillogly Collection Donated to the Calif. Academy of Sciences May 1990 . Elytra , legs and head in glycerin vial. All above types deposited at CAS . PARATYPES : (1 #, 1 $). MEXICO : Nuevo Leon , Cerro Potosi , 10,300 ft , VII-14-16-1970 ; und. pine bark. Deposited at MCZ , Harvard University . Description. Body uniformly dark reddish black to brown. Minute fine grey pubescence scattered across entire dorsum.Length:mean¼ 2.25 mm, Width:mean¼0.9 mm, Depth: mean¼0.7 mm. Head broad with two distinct fossae on each side of the vertex, the fossae connected by a furrow extending between them at the same level as the orbit ( Fig. 2 ). Head surface with punctures minute, width,1 eye facet diameter, some punctures fused, surface finely rugulose throughout. Labial palpus with terminal segment broadly obtuse, ovoid, and much larger than preceding two segments (Fig. 5). Maxillary palpus with terminal segment subequal to preceding two segments (Fig. 8). Basal two segments subquadrate. Terminal segment with small pit at apex, pit not covering entire apex rather only in medial area. Antennal club oval. Terminal segment tapered at apex, longer than either of the preceding segments. Many setae originating from each of the club segments. Third antennal segment elongate, longer than segment two. Antennal grooves short and convergent. Pronotum distinctly concave along anterior margin.Concavity extending posteriorly approximately one-eighth the length of the pronotum. Lateral margins explanate throughout the length of pronotum (Fig. 14). Surface densely punctate, punctures separated by,1 puncture width. Scutellum triangular, all sides approximately equal in length,all angles distinct.Elytra surface closely punctate,similar in density to pronotum. Apices separately rounded to expose the majority of the pygidium. Lateral margins moderately explanate. Epiplura narrow, extending to near the elytral apex. Pygidium broadly triangular with base slightly concave, apex nearly truncate. Apical margin with two rows of long setae. Moderately punctate, less so than the elytra or pronotum, punctures lacking around basal and lateral borders (Fig.17). Prosternal process in ventral aspect narrowed between coxae,and extending beyond procoxal margins. In lateral aspect, pronounced over coxae with posterior face straight (Fig. 11). Mesocoxae extremely narrowly separated, almost abutting. Abdominal sternite 1 subequal in length to sternites 2–4 combined. Abdominal process forming somewhat rounded tip between metacoxae. Ventral view of the anterior margin of the pronotum forming straight line to lateral angle with no pronounced lobe. Protibia only slightly expanded in apical third. Lateral margin with fine crenulations. Apical spine small, only as large as first tarsomere. Small broad flat teeth on apical posterior margin.Medial border with short series of setae. Central ridge prominent along middle area of the apical half of the tibia. Mesotibia with medial margin evenly curved to apex. Setae originating from medial margin in apical two-thirds of the tibia. Numerous setae present on the lateral margin. One shallow lateral fossa present. Paired equal apical spines present. Several broad flat teeth along apical margin.Metatibia dilated in apical third,otherwise slender.Lateral margin evenly sloping as in mesotibia. Both lateral and medial borders bearing numerous short stiff setae. Apical spine twice as long as the broad flat teeth on the apical margin ( Fig. 30 ). Figs. 27–31. Male genitalia of E. ( O. ) setosa . 27) Tegmen, lateral view; 28) tegmen, ventral view; 29) median lobe; 30) eighth abdominal sternite; 31) eighth abdominal sternite. Scale bars ¼ 0.20 mm for Figures 27–29, and 0.40 mm for Figures 30–31. Aedeagus overall moderately sclerotized. Tegmen in lateral aspect moderately curved with distinct constriction on phallobase ( Fig. 27 ), and two distinct apico-ventrally projecting setae. Tegmen in ventral aspect robust, notch present on phallobase, and three short stiff setae apically on each paramere ( Fig. 28 ). Median lobe with simple opening ( Fig. 29 ). Eighth abdominal sternite with prominent lateral flanges, anterior edge truncate with anteapical incision, sclerotized ridge along entire margin and extending onto lateral flanges ( Fig. 30 ). Anal sclerite broadly concave with numerous setae projecting from the apical margin ( Fig. 31 ). Ovipositor slightly compact, somewhat similar in overall appearance to E. ( O. ) quadricollis . Gonocoxites moderately sclerotized, almost adjacent apically. Basal area with narrow indentation, heavily sclerotized on both sides of the indentation. Apical border of each gonocoxite with small socket, from which a gonostylus originates. Gonostylus elongate oval with a long seta arising from its terminus. Two long setae extend from the apical border of the gonocoxites. Two shorter setae are present proximally from the terminal setae (Fig. 20). Fig. 32. Geographic distribution of the three species of E. ( Orthopeplus ). The stippled regions indicate the presumed distributions of each species. The question mark indicates the likely location of the Texas ‘‘state only’’ record for E. ( O. ) quadricollis . Etymology. Specific epithet ‘‘setosa’’ derived from the two long rows of setae on the pygidial apex, the numerous setae on the antenna, and the two prominent setae apico-ventrally on the tegmen. Diagnosis. Epuraea ( Orthopeplus ) setosa is easily recognized from the other two E. ( Orthopeplus ) species by a suite of external characters including: the obovoid shape of the terminal segment of the labial palpi, the two rows of long setae on the pygidium, antennal segment 3 longer than 2, pronotum densely punctate with punctures,1 puncture width apart. The tegmen has two distinct apico-ventrally projecting setae, constriction on phallobase, median lobe with simple opening, and very broadly concave anal sclerite. The gonocoxites have slender elongate gonostyloids, and more setae on the gonocoxite base. Notable intraspecific character variation includes the number of teeth present on the protibia apex, one specimen had three teeth and the other had four. Distribution. This species has been collected from the central Mexican highlands near Durango and Cerro Potosi in Nuevo Leon ( Fig. 32 ).