New records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region of Russia Author Grichanov, Igor Ya. text Amurian Zoological Journal 2021 XIII 1 4 11 journal article 10.33910/2686-9519-2021-13-1-4-11 add_ISSN_here 11088815 2D8C02D1-C65D-4848-9638-01FB3D6C10A6 Campsicnemus lumbatus Loew, 1857 Material: 1♂ , Shapsha env., near river, 30 m asl., 61.087 ° N , 69.442 ° E , 14– 16.07.2010 . Distribution: Type locality: Poland : “aus hiesiger Gegend” [= Meseritz]. Palaearctic: Austria , Belarus , Belgium , Czech Republic , Estonia , Finland , France , Germany , Hungary , Kazakhstan , Latvia , Netherlands , Poland , Romania , Russia ( Bryansk , Kaliningrad , Krasnodar , Krasnoyarsk , Leningrad , Mordovia , Moscow , Pskov , Ryazan , Rostov , Tatarstan , S Ural), Slovakia , Sweden , Switzerland , Ukraine ( Kherson , Odessa ). New for Khantia-Mansia.