Revision of Sciasmomyia Hendel (Diptera: Lauxaniidae), with eight new species Author Shi, Li Author Gaimari, Stephen D. Author Yang, Ding text Zootaxa 2013 3691 4 401 435 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3691.4.1 a8dd0364-f549-46af-bedc-95ae4d62ef39 1175-5326 246473 ED41FE28-0EF2-41DA-BC04-BE9F4F0F44AE Sciasmomyia supraorientalis (Papp, 1984) ( Figs 83–87 ) Lyciella supraorientalis Papp 1984: 172 . Type locality: Russia . Primorsky Krai, Khasan Region, Kedrovaya Pad Biosphere Reserve. Type : Holotype male (ZMUM). Papp 1984: fig. 22 (habitus), figs. 23, 24 (male genitalia). Shatalkinia supraorientalis . Papp & Shatalkin 1998: fig. 19 (habitus), figs. 27, 28 (male genitalia). Shatalkin 1999: 544 (in key). Sciasmomyia supraorientalis . Shatalkin 2000: 41 (combination). Schacht et al. 2004: 49 (in key). Lee & Han 2009: 210 (redescription, distribution), fig. 1 (habitus, head, scutellum), fig. 2 (male & female terminalia). Remarks. This species was thoroughly described and figured by Papp (1984) and redescribed and figured by Lee & Han (2009). Therefore, the species is not redescribed here, and genitalic illustrations are given for males in Papp (1984) and Papp & Shatalkin (1998), and for males and females in Lee & Han (2009). This species is darker overall than most other species of Sciasmomyia ( Figs. 83–85 ) (except S. leishanensis and S. tubata , and some speciments of S. longissima ), with very little yellow. Also, the wing is entirely hyaline except for some brown clouding around crossveins r-m and dm-cu , the tips of Sc, R2+3 and R4+5 and M1; veins are pale brown, except dark brown along areas with brown clouding. The coloration of the abdominal tergites vary slightly in different individuals ( Figs 86, 87 ). The male and female genitalia further separate this species from the others in the genus. Material examined. RUSSIA , Primorsky Krai : Khasan Region, Kedrovaya Pad Biosphere Reserve, 21. IX. 1980 , A.I. Shatalkin (2 paratype 3, HNHM). CHINA , Taiwan : Arisan, 6. VI. 1932 (13, 1Ƥ, USNM); N-Nantou Co., Road No. 14, NE Puli Royen, Shi-Reg., Meifeng, ca. 24º06'N / 121º10'E , 2200 m , 10–11. V. 2001 , W. Schacht et al. (1 3, 1Ƥ, CSCA; 2Ƥ, ZSMC), 9–11. IX. 2002 (13, ZSMC); N-Nantou Co., Road No. 14, NE Puli Royen, Shi-Reg., Tsuifeng, ca. 24º06'N / 121º11'E , 2200 m , 28. VI.–2. VII. 2000 , W. Schacht et al. (13, 1Ƥ, CSCA; 13, 1Ƥ USNM, 13 ZSMC); Hualien Co., Jungyang Mts., Butterfly Valley, S Guangfu, near Fuiuan, ca. 23º35'N / 121º21'E , 350 m , 13–15. V. 2001 , W. Schacht et al. (1Ƥ, ZSMC); Kaohsiung Co., Jungyang Mts., Tengir, Endemic Spec. Res. In., ca. 23º07'N / 120º47'E , 1700 m , 14–19. IX. 2002 , W. Schacht et al. (2Ƥ, ZSMC). Yunnan Province : Tengchong, 2000 m , 31. V. 2007 , Xingyue Liu (13, CAUC). INDIA , Himachal Pradesh , Dalhousie, 18. VI. 1961 , [Paul] Oman (1Ƥ, USNM). JAPAN , Honshu, Aichi Prefecture : Mt. Sanage-yama, 430 m , 36°10’N 173°10’E , 10. VII. 1989 , A. Takano (1Ƥ, CNC), 19. VI. 1989 (13, CNC); Kyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture : Mt. Shakadake, 26. IV. 1963 , S. Ide (23, CNC), 6. IV. 1963 (13, CNC). NEPAL , Kathmandu : Godavari Forest, 1830 m , 14. VII. 1967 , Canadian Nepal Expedition (13, CNC), 21. VII. 1967 (1Ƥ, CNC), 21. VII. 1967 , Malaise trap (1Ƥ, CNC), 30. VII – 17. VIII. 1967 , Malaise trap (23, 1Ƥ, CNC), 2. VIII. 1967 , Malaise trap (2Ƥ, CNC); Godavari Forest, Pulchoki Mountain, 2440 m , 27. VII. 1967 , Canadian Nepal Expedition (13, CNC), Pulchoki Mountain, 2010 m , 14. VII. 1967 , Malaise trap (1Ƥ, CNC). THAILAND , Chiang Mai : Doi Inthanan National Park, Kew Maepan Trail, 18°33.162'N 98°28.81'E , 2200 m , 9–16. II. 2007 , Y. Areeluck, Malaise trap T1795 (1Ƥ, QSBG). FIGURES 8387. Sciasmomyia supraorientalis (Papp, 1984) . Non-type male and female. 83. male habitus, lateral view; 84. male head, anterior view; 85. male thorax, dorsal view. 86, 87. female abdomen, dorsal view. Distribution. Japan (Honshu, Kyushu), Korea (Gangwon-do, Gyeonggi-do, Gyeongsangbuk-do), Russia (Primorye region). New records for China ( Taiwan , Yunnan), India (Himachal Pradesh), Nepal (Kathmandu), and Thailand (Chiang Mai).