A rich fauna of subterranean short-range endemic Anillini (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) from semi-arid regions of Western Australia Author Giachino, Pier Mauro https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1167-5447 World Biodiversity Association onlus. Private: via della Trinita 13, I- 10010 San Martino Canavese (TO), Italy p.maurogiachino@libero.it Author Eberhard, Stefan Subterranean Ecology Pty Ltd, 227 Coningham Road, Coningham, TAS 7054, Australia Author Perina, Giulia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0349-3803 Collections and Research, Western Australian Museum, 49 Kew Street, Welshpool, WA 6106, Australia text ZooKeys 2021 2021-06-16 1044 269 337 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1044.58844 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1044.58844 1313-2970-1044-269 DE81899437314028BBE9C53C4CE220AC 8EC99E5110F45866A56F56BA7EA3D3AB Magnanillus salomonis sp. nov. Figs 21-23 Type locality. WA, Pilbara, 50 km N of Tom Price, Solomon Mining Area, Kings deposit, 22°12'00.8"S , 117°57'16.71E . Type series. HT ♂, WA, Pilbara, 50 km N of Tom Price, Solomon Mining Area, Kings mine, 22°12'00.8"S , 117°57'16.71E (WGS84), E.S. Volschenk, N. Krawczyk, 01.March 2010, Trog. trap (FMG005_SM0282_10:8313), WA Museum Entomology Reg. no. 82609 (WAM). PTT: 1 ♂ (remains) 6 ♀♀ and 3 spec. (♂♀?),WA, Pilbara, 60 km NW of Tom Price, Solomon Mining Area, Serenity mine, 22°11'9.24"S , 117°32'49.524E (WGS84), N. Coen, S. Catomore, 20.04.2011, Stygo net haul (FMG008_SOM0039_11:0879 Western Australian Museum Entomology Reg. no. 82641-82650 (WAM, CGi); 1 ♀, WA, Pilbara, 50 km N of Tom Price, Solomon Mining Area, Firetail Mine, 22°07'32.2"S , 117°29'34.6"E (WGS84), G. Pearson and D. Main, 13"Sept 2010, Stygo. net haul (HPRC0211) Western Australian Museum Entomology Reg. no. 82664 (WAM); 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (remains) 1 spec. (remains), WA, Pilbara, 50 km N of Tom Price, Solomon Mining Area, Firetail Mine, 22°06'44.2"S , 117°53'28.8"E (WGS84), G. Pearson and D. Main, 3 Mar. 2010, Trog. trap (FT0541) Western Australian Museum Entomology Reg. no. 82654-82656 (WAM); 1 ♀ (remains), WA, Pilbara, 60 km NW of Tom Price, Solomon Mining Area, Sheila Valley, 22°12'00.39"S , 117°42'14.52E (WGS84), M. Weerheim, S. Catomore, 9 Dec. 2010, Trog. net scrape, (FMG006_SV0267_10:0955), Western Australian Museum Entomology Reg. no. 82613 (WAM); 1 spec. (remains), WA, Pilbara, 60 km NW of Tom Price, Solomon Mining Area, Sheila Valley, 22°14'45.59"S , 117°38'46.71E (WGS84), S. Eberhard, S. Catomore, 05 Oct. 2010, Stygo net haul. (FMG006_SV0443_10:0490), Western Australian Museum Entomology Reg. no. 82614 (WAM). Differential diagnosis. Magnanillus salomonis sp. nov. is easily distinguishable from M. firetailianus sp. nov. by its protonum with basal border ca. as wide as the anterior border. It can be distinguished from M. sabae sp. nov. by its longer metatrochanters, reaching the femoral tooth. It can be distinguished from M. serenitatis sp. nov. by its shorter metatrochanters, not overreaching the femoral tooth. It can be distinguished from M. regalis sp. nov. by its more transverse pronotum, and the clearly curved apex of the metatrochanters. It can be distinguished from M. benneti (Baehr & Main, 2016), M. pearsoni (Baehr & Main, 2016), M. maini (Baehr & Main, 2016), M. magnus (Baehr & Main, 2016) and M. quartermaini (Baehr & Main, 2016) by its more transverse pronotum. Description. TL mm 2.20-2.22 ♂♂, 2.25-2.28 ♀♀. Body elongated, depigmented, testaceous; integument shiny with evident microsculpture and very short pubescence. Head relatively small, narrower than pronotum; excess setae absent. Labium without tooth, mentum articulated. Antennae robust, submoniliform, short, reaching the base of the pronotum when stretched backwards. Fronto-clypeal furrow indistinct; anterior margin of the epistome subrectilinear. Pronotum transverse (max. width / max. length ratio = 1.16), with maximum width at the base of the anterior fourth, and basal border wider than anterior border; sides slightly and irregularly arcuate in anterior part, subrectilinear in the basal half, not sinuate and denticulate before basal angles. Anterior angles obtuse, slightly prominent; posterior angles right, acute. Disc convex, with short and very sparse pubescence; median groove very shallow, hardly evident. Marginal groove wide and flat, enlarged near the base; anterior marginal setae placed inside the marginal groove, almost on the anterior fourth; basal setae slightly located internally on the disk and placed before the posterior angles. Legs long and slender, with metatrochanters long, acuminate, and gently curved and metafemora dentate; metatrochanters (Fig. 22 ) as long as the femoral tooth. Anterior legs missing in all male specimens. Elytra subrectangular, relatively short (max. length / max. width ratio = 1.69), not truncate and not emarginated before the apex. Disc convex, with longitudinal grooves; integument shiny with evident microsculpture, very short, sparse, and upright, pubescence, not longitudinally aligned. Humeri well marked, obtuse; post-humeral margin denticulate, with distinct crenulations up to the base of the apical third; elytral apices separately rounded. Marginal groove wide and evident almost up to the 8th pore of the umbilicate series. Chaetotaxy : scutellar pore large and foveate. Umbilicate series with the first three pores of the humeral group very closed to each other and equidistant; 4th pore farther and placed at the end of the basal third of the elytron; 5th pore placed at the base of the apical third of the elytron; 5th and 6th ones spaced out ca. half of the distance between 6th and 7th; 7th and 8th displaced onto the disc; 7th and 8th spaced from each other as the 8th and the 9th. Three discal setae, first placed before the 4th pore of the umbilicate series, second one placed in the middle of the elytron, the third one placed before the 7th pore. Aedeagus (Fig. 23 ) large, median lobe long, stout, gently curved, with basal bulb small but tight and evident; ventral margin gently curved from basal bulb to apex; apical blade poorly evident, very short. Endophallus without an evident lamella copulatrix, but with two very small, apical, and slightly sclerified, ovoidal areas. Left paramere elongate, reaching the distal third and bearing two setae; right paramere shorter and bearing two apical setae. Etymology. The name comes from type locality "Solomon mining area" and the mythological King of Solomon (in Latin Salomon ). Distribution. Magnanillus salomonis sp. nov. is known from different deposits of the Solomon Mining Area, 50-60 km N/NW of Tom Price, Pilbara, WA. Figures 21-23. Magnanillus salomonis sp. nov., HT ♂ 21 habitus 22 left metafemur and metatrochanter in dorsal view 23 aedeagus in lateral view. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.