Two new genera and eight new species of jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae) from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China Author Lin, Yejie Hebei Key Laboratory of Animal Diversity, College of Life Science, Langfang Normal University, Langfang 065000, China Author Li, Shuqiang Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China text ZooKeys 2020 952 95 128 journal article 1313-2970-952-95 B06E0C6B6A964AEA8BE1D121929504FD 835A323141EB524086056EB62986585C Genus Megaeupoa gen. nov. Type species. Megaeupoa yanfengi sp. nov. Etymology. The generic name is a combination of the word Mega and Eupoa , referring to the large size and evolutionary relationship of this new genus. The gender is feminine. Diagnosis. Megaeupoa gen. nov. resembles Brettus Thorell, 1895 morphologically by the stout RTA, long, undulating embolus, membranous conductor and the epigyne has one tortuous copulatory duct, but it differs in the following: an absence of ventral fringes of long, dense hairs on legs I (Caleb, Acharya and Kumar 2018), RTA stout, slightly longer than wide in lateral view (vs. the RTA is three times longer than wide in Brettus ), half of the embolus is obscured by the embolic sheath (vs. uncovered in Brettus ), terminal apophysis present (vs. terminal apophysis absent in Brettus ); in the female, the vulva has two pairs of spermathecae (vs. one pair of spermathecae in Brettus ) and the copulatory ducts are curled (vs. copulatory ducts straight in Brettus ). Description. Male. Total length 4.96-5.64. Carapace red-brown, covered with dense, brown setae, posteriorly with white stripes of setae, cephalic part black or brown. Fovea longitudinal. Clypeus black to brown, covered with several white setae. Chelicerae yellow-brown, with five promarginal and 9-13 retromarginal teeth. Endites pale brown. Labium pale brown, covered with brown setae. Sternum colored as endites, covered with brown setae. Legs brown, with long, white, dense setal ring and black ring pattern. Abdomen elongated oval, dorsum with one pair of stripes of dense white setae, transverse dark brown stripes medially; venter pale brown, covered with setae. Palpal patella covered with dense, white setae dorsally; tibia slightly wider than long, with ventral apophysis, RTA stout, slightly longer than wide in lateral view; cymbium longer than wide; bulb longer than wide; embolus long, undulate, half of the embolus covered by embolic sheath, other half covered by lateral terminal apophysis; conductor membranous, sheet-shaped, adjacent to embolus; median apophysis small; lateral terminal apophysis whip-like, terminal apophysis distinct, stout. Female . Total length 5.51. Habitus similar to those of male except paler. Epigyne as long as wide; with posterior hood; windows large, oval; copulatory openings located medially; copulatory ducts curled on either side with two pairs of spermathecae; primary spermathecae small, situated anteriorly, secondary spermathecae large. Composition. This new genus includes two species: Megaeupoa yanfengi sp. nov. and Megaeupoa gravelyi (Caleb, 2018), comb. nov. Distribution. China (Yunnan), India.