Three new species of armoured scale insect (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha Diaspididae) from Iran Author Moghaddam, Masumeh Insect Taxonomy Research Department, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection (IRIPP), Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, P. O. Box 19395 - 1454, Iran. text Zootaxa 2021 2021-06-24 4991 2 371 379 journal article 5539 10.11646/zootaxa.4991.2.10 3336077c-5d7c-46a8-8995-bfa7c252653f 1175-5326 5030370 F9EC011B-5595-4D2F-A834-D5CD758C6A4D Hemiberlesia uramanica Moghaddam sp. n. ( Fig. 3 ) Field characters: Adult female appearance in life is not recorded. Material examined. Holotype , adult female, IRAN , left label: 1739 / Kurdistan / Sanandaj / Shoysheh / 3.vii.2007 / Alt. 1437 m . / N35˚19′26.5″ / E46˚35′46.1″; right label: Holotype / Hemiberlesia uramanica Moghaddam sp. n. on Cotoneaster vulgaris / ( Rosaceae ) / coll. M. Moghaddam (HMIM). Paratypes : IRAN , 2 adult females together on 1 slide, with same data on left label as holotype slide; right label: Paratype / Hemiberlesia uramanica / Moghaddam sp. n . (HMIM). Slide-mounted adult female ( Fig. 3 ), n = 3. Body pyriform to circular ( 0.72–0.92 mm long and 0.64– 0.60 mm wide). Cuticle membranous, except for parts of pygidium. Antennae each with 1 long seta. Anterior and posterior spiracles each without associated disc pores. Pygidium with 3 pairs of lobes; median lobes (L 1 ) well developed, each almost rectangular, with 1 or 2 notches at apex. Second lobes (L 2 ) smaller than L 1 , dentate at apex. Third lobes (L 3 ) reduced, each represented by a sclerotized prominence. Plates distinct, dentate at apex, never longer than a median lobe; plates numbering 2 between median lobes, 2 between L 1 & L 2 and 3 between L 2 & L 3 ; absent from margins lateral to third lobes.Anal opening located 0.82‒0.88 (0.88) times length of anal opening from base of median lobes, anal opening 17‒18 (18) µm long. Perivulvar pores absent. FIGURE 3. Adult female of Hemiberlesia uramanica Moghaddam sp. n. Dorsum. Macroducts 1-barred, each relatively long and slender; 2 or 3 macroducts present between median lobes; 3 or 4 between L 1 & L 2 ; 3 or 4 between L 2 & L 3 ; and present in oblique rows on segment V . Ducts on prepygidial segments smaller than pygidial ducts, present on submarginal and submedian areas of abdominal segments III and IV ; also on submarginal areas of segments I and II , and singly on each side of metathorax. Paraphyses small, present on inner edges of L 1 , L 2 and L 3 . Venter. Microducts present mainly near margins of pygidium, and near margins and in submedian areas of prepygidial segments; microducts also present on medial areas and near margins of meso- and metathorax. Sclerotized apophyses distinctly present on pygidium. Perivulvar pores absent. Comments. The adult female of H. uramanica sp. n. is similar to that of H. rapax (Comstock) in having: (i) no perivulvar pores, and (ii) antennae each with a single seta, but differs in having (character-states for H. rapax in brackets) (i) 2 or 3 median ducts between median lobes (ducts between median lobes absent); and (ii) numerous dorsal submarginal and submedian macroducts, present in distinct groups on abdominal segments III and II (segments III and II with sparse ducts, scattered on submargins). Etymology. The name is based on the locality name, Uraman (a famous area in Kurdistan province ), and the Latin suffix ‘ -ica ’, denoting origin.