Using RADseq to resolve species boundaries in a morphologically complex group of yellow-flowered shrubs (Geleznowia, Rutaceae) Author Anderson, Benjamin M. Author Binks, Rachel M. Author Byrne, Margaret Author Crawford, Andrew D. Author Shepherd, Kelly A. text Australian Systematic Botany 2023 2023-08-03 36 4 277 311 journal article 10.1071/SB23010 1446-5701 10904414 Geleznowia verrucosa Turcz. , Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 22(3): 13, t. I . (1849) Type citation : ‘ Nova Hollandia. Swan River . Drum. Coll. III n. 8 .’ Type : [ Western Australia ], Swan River , [1845], J . Drummond 3: 8 (holo: KW 001001059 image!; iso: BM 001015536 image!; CANB 386497 image!; K 000717329 image! [top and left fragments] image!; K 000717330 [bottom right fragments] image!; MEL 232716 ! [fragments in righthand packet]; P06615731 image!; TCD 0013330 image!; TCD 0013331 image!; possible iso: MEL 232725 !) . Geleznowia sp. Marchagee ( A . Crawford ADC 1353 ), Western Australian Herbarium , in Florabase , [accessed 10 May 2022 ]. Erect single-stemmed subshrub 0.2–0.7 m high; older branches light brown to light grey–brown and glabrous, younger branches yellowish-green with an indumentum of scattered to moderately dense, simple hairs up to 0.05–0.1 mm long. Leaves glaucous green or pale green, elliptic, 2.2–6.8 mm long, 1.3–3.4 mm wide, adaxial surface slightly concave and glabrous or with scattered to moderately dense, simple hairs up to 0.05–0.2 mm long, abaxial surface glandular–verrucose, glabrous or with scattered to moderately dense, simple hairs up to 0.05–0.2 mm long. Flowers 1–6, yellow, terminal inflorescences 12–15 mm long. Pedicel of central flower 2–3.3 mm long, with dense hairs 0.1–0.3 mm long. Bracts (4)5–7, yellow, sometimes tinged red post-pollination, elliptic to obovate, 4.1–8.6 mm long, 2.4–5.5 mm wide; adaxial surface glabrous or with scattered to moderately dense hairs up to 0.05 mm long; abaxial surface glandular–verrucose, glabrous or with scattered to moderately dense hairs 0.05 mm long. Bracteoles 0–8, usually paired below each flower except central flower, narrowly elliptic, 5–6.6 mm long, 1.7–3 mm wide, adaxial surface glabrous or with scattered hairs up to 0.05 mm long, abaxial surface glabrous or with scattered hairs up to 0.05 mm long. Sepals yellow, oblong to elliptic, equal to or longer than petals, 5–9.3 mm long, 3.2–5.2(5.7) mm wide, glabrous or with scattered to moderately dense, simple hairs up to 0.05–0.1 mm long. Petals yellow, narrowly elliptic, 4.6– 7 mm long, 2.4–2.7 mm wide, glabrous. Stamens 10; filaments 3.7–4.1 mm long, broadening at base up to 0.4–0.8 mm wide, glabrous; anthers oblong, 1.1–1.7 mm long, 0.5–0.9 mm wide. Carpels 5, free, with two ovules per carpel, total length 1.5–2 mm , total width 2.2–2.5 mm , verrucose, glabrous or with scattered to moderately dense, simple hairs up to 0.05–0.1 mm long. Style glabrous, 4.2–5.4 mm long, 0.3–0.5 mm wide; stigma obovoid, 0.3–0.8 mm long, 0.6–1 mm wide. Fruit obovoid, 7–7.5 mm long, 8.3–9.2 mm wide. Seeds dark brown to black, 3.6–4.4 mm long, 2.2–3.1 mm wide; aril pale cream 1.9–2.7 mm long ( Fig. 1 d , 15 ). Fig. 15. Geleznowia verrucosa : ( a ) habitat; ( b ) single-stemmed habit; ( c ) multi-stemmed habit showing large numbers of flowers; ( d ) yellowish-green branchlet with small elliptic grey–green leaves and inflorescences with four or five flowers; ( e ) flower showing petals almost as long as the sepals and the obovoid stigma; ( f ) mature fruits surrounded by sepals tinged red. Vouchers: K.A. Shepherd & C.F. Wilkins KS 1736 ( a ); K.A. Shepherd & J.A. Wege KS 1312 ( b ); K.A. Shepherd & B.M. Anderson KS 1845 ( c , e ); A.D. Crawford ADC 1369 ( d ); K.A. Shepherd & J.A. Wege KS 1309 ( f ). Photos: K. A. Shepherd ( a , e , f ); A. D. Crawford ( b , d ); B. M. Anderson ( c ). Distribution and habitat This widespread species occurs from east of Watheroo to Dirk Hartog Island ( Fig. 8 ) in the Geraldton Sandplains and Yalgoo bioregions (Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment 2020). Found growing in flat or gently sloping areas, sometimes in disturbed sites such as road verges or fire breaks, in white to brown or yellow sand, sometimes over laterite or sandstone, in low, dense heath or shrublands associated with Allocasuarina , Acacia , Banksia , Grevillea and Callitris . Phenology Flowering commences in July and extends through to early spring with fruits forming in September to October. Conservation status This species is widespread and not considered to be under threat at this time. Typification The single specimen lodged at the M . G . Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine ( KW 001001059) was used by Turczaninow to write the protologue and is therefore recognised as the holotype ( Mosyakin et al. 2019 ). The bottom two fragments on the specimen at the Natural History Museum London ( BM 001015536) labelled ‘ J . Drummond 3: 8’ (pencil marked ‘a’) represent isotype material, whereas the top three E . Pritzel 644 fragments (pencil marked ‘b’) do not. Five fragments mounted on the top and bottom left ( K 000717329) of a sheet stamped ‘Herbarium Hookerianum 1867’ and two fragments ( K 000717330) mounted on blue paper affixed to the bottom right and stamped ‘Herbarium Benthamianum 1845’ are both labelled as ‘Drummond n. 8’ collections and are recognised as isotypes . On the bottom right of the MEL 232716 sheet is a blue Mueller label with ‘ G. verrucosa Turcz, W.A. J.Dr. 8’ in his handwriting, above are two ‘8’ tags and a packet of fragmented material mounted on the top right that is a match for the protologue of G. verrucosa . As such, this material is also treated as an isotype . The mounted specimen on the left-hand side of this MEL 232716 sheet has a Drummond ‘83’ tag and is an isolectotype of G. calycina (see typification section under that name). The MEL 232725 sheet has a blue Mueller label with ‘ Geleznowia verrucosa Turcz. W.A. J.Dr. ’ in his handwriting but a note in pencil in another hand at the bottom says ‘evidently, no 8’. Paul Wilson noted that this specimen was a ‘probable isotype’ (in sched., 21/9/1999 ); however, here it is treated as a possible isotype . Notes Geleznowia verrucosa is distinguished from other species in the genus by the following characters: subshrub 0.2–0.7 m high with glaucous green or pale green leaves; 1–6 flowers per inflorescence, surrounded by (4)5–7 yellow bracts, 4.1– 8.6 mm long, 2.4–5.5 mm wide, abaxial surface glabrous or with scattered to moderately dense hairs 0.05 mm long; sepals 5–9.3 mm long, 3.2–5.2(5.7) mm wide; and a broad stigma 0.6–1 mm wide. For comparison, see notes under G . occulta . Selected specimens examined WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Kalbarri NP , Ajana–Kalbarri Road , 20 km SE of the Z-bend turnoff, 5 Sep. 1990 , D. E . Albrecht & B . A . Fuhrer DEA 4195 ( MEL , PERTH 04204395 ); 24.1 km W of Kalbarri turnoff from North West Coastal Highway , 18 Oct. 1996 , L . Broadhurst 8 ( Curtin University Herbarium , PERTH 05599040 ); 3.1 km W of T-junction along Coorow–Green Head Road , 31 May 1996 , L . Broadhurst 15 ( PERTH 05496659 ); Indarra Springs Nature Reserve , Moore Road , 5.6 km S of Geraldton–Mullewa Road, SW of Mullewa , 1 Oct. 2007 , A . D. Crawford ADC 1369 ( PERTH 07828713 ); Binnu West Road , 1.8 km E of Telegraph Road , S side of road in drainage ditch, W of Binnu , 2 Oct. 2007 , A . Crawford ADC 1378 ( CANB , PERTH 07828721 ); alongside E side of track alongside railway line running through Marchagee NR, 29 Sep. 2007 , A . Crawford ADC 1353 ( AD , PERTH 07828616 ); Coorow–Green Head Road , 3.5 km E of Carger Road ( SW of Coorow ), 29 Sept. 2007 , A . Crawford ADC 1355 ( PERTH 07752261 ); Yuna–Tenindewa Road , 9.7 km W of Wheeldon–Hosking Road , 11 Sep. 2008 , A . Crawford ADC 1855-2 ( PERTH 08249849 ); 12 km E of Mullewa on the Geradlton Road , 18 Sep. 1982 , L . A . Craven 7618 ( CANB , PERTH 01881361 ); in fruticetis arenosis inter flumina Moor et Murchison , Sep. 1901 , E . G . Pritzel 644 ( BM 000099961 ‘b’ image!; P 06615732 image!); 16 miles [~ 26 km ] SSE of Tamala Station Homestead , 5 Sep. 1972 , A . S . George 11557 ( BH , CANB , PERTH 00969656 ); Kalbarri NP , 5.5 km along road to the Gorges from the Kalbarri–Ajana Road , K . A . Shepherd & J . Wege KS 1308 ( HO , K , MEL , PERTH 08152039 ); 5.4 km NE on Gorges Road from the Ajana–Kalbarri Road , E of Kalbarri , 1 Sep. 2021 , K . A . Shepherd & B . M . Anderson KS 1845 ( PERTH 09507884 ); Bindoo Hill Nature Reserve , 1.7 km W of Byron North Road on Williams Road , 24 Sep. 2009 , K . A . Shepherd & J . A . Wege KS 1312 ( PERTH 08152098 ; US ); 5.8 km S of Eneabba Drive on the Brand Highway , E side of the road, 17 Aug. 2020 , K . A . Shepherd & C . F . Wilkins KS 1712 ( CANB , MEL , NSW , PERTH 09507817 ); 5.4 km NE on Gorges Road from the Ajana–Kalbarri Road , E of Kalbarri , 21 Aug. 2020 , K . A . Shepherd & C . F . Wilkins KS 1736 ( BRI , CANB , MEL , NSW , PERTH 09507833 ); 800 m E on Gorges Road from the Ajana–Kalbarri Road , E of Kalbarri , 21 Aug. 2020 , K . A . Shepherd & C . F . Wilkins KS 1737 ( AD , CANB , MEL , NSW , PERTH 09507841 ); 41.4 km N of the Murchison River Galeana Bridge on the North West Coastal Highway , 22 Aug. 2020 , K . A . Shepherd & C . F . Wilkins KS 1741 ( CANB , MEL , NSW , NY , PERTH 09507868 ); 5.6 km E on Williamson Road from the Yuna–Tenindewa Road , NW of Mullewa , 22 Aug. 2020 , K . A . Shepherd & C . F . Wilkins KS 1742 ( CANB , MEL , NSW , PERTH 09507876 ) .