Culicoides Latreille and Leptoconops Skuse biting midges of the southwestern United States with emphasis on the Canyonlands of southeastern Utah (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) Author Phillips, Robert A. 2962 Desert Road Moab, UT 84532 USA text Insecta Mundi 2022 2022-01-28 2022 907 1 214 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.6391684 1942-1354 6391684 CBD29188-143B-44DF-BE21-1654D50D8621 Leptoconops ( Holoconops ) reesi Clastrier and Wirth Leptoconops ( Holoconops ) reesi Clastrier and Wirth, 1978: 42 (key; female, male; fig. female antenna, palpus, spermathecae; Utah ). Leptoconops kerteszi , misidentified: Rees and Smith 1950 (in part; biology). Leptoconops ( Holoconops ) kerteszi , misidentified: Wirth 1952a: 113 (in part; key; female; male genitalia; biology). Fox 1955: 263 (key; taxonomy). Wirth and Atchley 1973: 45 (in part; key; female, male; fig. female wing, head, genitalia, spermathecae, hind tibial comb, fore tarsomeres 1 and 2, male genitalia; biology). Diagnosis. ( Table 13 ) Body, including head capsule, light yellowish brown, femora and basal portion of tibiae brown, apical portion yellowish, all tarsomeres 1, usually 2, yellowish; median pair of distal clypeal setae ≥0.8 as far apart from each other as from corresponding lateral setae (as in Fig. 10 L . knowltoni ); palpal segment 3 sensory pit as deep as wide, broadening internally on female (as in Fig. 32 L . foulki ); mid tarsomere 1 without submedian spine. Female: stigma triangular, pointed; clypeus with one to three smaller proximal setae in addition to the four distal setae, distomedian pair out-of-line distad of lateral setae by ~0.7 their distance apart; antenna with 11 flagellomeres; flagellomere 11 without submedian black seta; flagellomere 4 dorsal hyaline sensory seta distal and medial to long black seta, out of axial alignment with corresponding sensory setae on flagellomeres 5–10 (as in Fig. 30 L . sublettei ); hind tarsomere 3 ~1.7× longer than 5; spermathecae somewhat pyriform, with caplike diverticulum (as in Fig. 28 L . foulki ); cerci>3× longer than wide ( Fig. 1 ). Male: tergite 9 with distal shoulders abruptly narrowed to base of adjacent apicolateral processes, without dorsal process, ventro-posterior setae separated by ~2× as much as separation of apicolateral processes (as in Fig. 20 L . knowltoni ); gonostylus with three ventral setae within 0.4–0.6 of gonostylus length, apical lamelliform expansion barely covering apical tooth (as in Fig. 23 L . foulki ); tarsomere 5 basal seta short, erect, curved (as in Fig. 26 L . foulki ). Distribution. British Columbia , Saskatchewan , south through Idaho , Wyoming , Utah (Box Elder, Juab, Millard, Salt Lake, Toole counties), Colorado , to New Mexico . Adult behavior. Known hosts are human and sheep ( Clastrier and Wirth 1978 ). Remarks. No L . reesi were examined.