New species of Bidessonotus Regimbart, 1895 with a review of the South American species (Coleoptera, Adephaga, Dytiscidae, Hydroporinae, Bidessini) Author Miller, Kelly B. text ZooKeys 2016 622 95 127 journal article 1313-2970-622-95 E69EDCC45841428493B9AE8D866A8EB4 Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Dytiscidae Bidessonotus tibialis Regimbart , 1895 Figs 3, 27, 37 Bidessonotus tibialis Regimbart , 1895: 337; J. Balfour-Browne 1947 : 447; Young 1969 : 2; 1990 : 357; Bistroem 1988 : 18; Nilsson 2016 : 99. Bidessus (Bidessonotus) tibialis , Zimmermann 1920 : 62. Bidessus tibialis , Blackwelder 1944 : 76. Bidessonotus sobrinus J. Balfour-Browne, 1947: 445; Young 1969 : 2; 1990 : 358; Bistroem 1988 : 18; Nilsson 2016 : 99; syn. n. Diagnosis. Specimens have the elytra relatively uniformly-colored except in some specimens with darker and lighter markings, but poorly evident. The prosternal process is lanceolate and distinctly sulcate. The male genitalia are diagnostic with the apical blade moderately slender and distinctly and abruptly curved with the dorsal margin rounded and with a distinct anteroventral rounded prominence (Fig. 27a,d). The right lateral lobe has the apical segment very slender, as long as the basal segment and somewhat expanded apically (Fig. 27b). The right lateral lobe has the apical segment broader, apically obliquely truncate and somewhat expanded (Fig. 27c). Discussion. This species and Bidessonotus sobrinus are extremely similar, and Young (1990) thought they are probably the same species, a conclusion with which I agree. He did not formally synonymize the two, but they are regarded here as subjective synonyms ( Bidessonotus tibialis Regimbart , 1895 = Bidessonotus sobrinus J. Balfour-Browne, 1947, syn. n.). Specimens have been collected mainly from a variety of habitats, both lentic and slow lotic. Distribution. Bidessonotus tibialis is widespread in northern South America with records also from Bolivia, Brazil and Peru (Fig. 37) suggesting the species may be more widespread in the continent that current records indicate. Young (1990) reported this species from Brazil, Bolivia and Peru, and (as Bidessonotus sobrinus ) from Colombia, Panama, Suriname and Venezuela. Examined specimens include the following: Bolivia: Dpt Sta Cruz, Prov Chiquitos, mud puddle in road, 1.8km SSW San Jose 17°40'51"S 60°44'33"W , 325m 27 Jun 1999, KB Miller (42, KBMC); Dpt St Cruz, Prov Chiquitos, 2.7km S San Jose, pool in stream, 17°52'20"S 60°44'26"W , 333m, 27 Jun 1999, KB Miller (9, KBMC); Dpt Sta Cruz, Prov Ichilo, 1.2km SSE Buena Vista, marsh, 19 Jun 1999, KB Miller (1, KBMC); Beni; 1.8k E San Borja, muddy pool, 14°52'02"W 66°43'45"W , 15 Jul 1998, KB Miller (1, KBMC). Brazil: Cuyaba, Aug (1, KBMC). Colombia: Meta, Villavicencio, 10 km S, 4.080°N , 73.684°W , 03 Mar 1969, PJ Spangler (8, USNM). Guyana: Pirara Ranch, Caskew Lake, 3.616°N , 59.666°W , 27 Apr 1995, Spangler & Perry (1, SEMC). Region 9, Along road to Parabara, creek crossing at Mushai Wao, 2.159°N , 59.292°W , 01 Nov 2013, Short, Isaacs, Salisbury (2, SEMC); Region 9, Farm pond on ranch, nr. Kusad Mts., 2.853°N , 59.922°W , 28 Oct 2013, AEZ Short (4, SEMC); Region 9, Karanambo, 3.749°N , 59.299°W , 02 Apr 1994, PJ Spangler (12, USNM); Region 9, Katu Wao River near ranch house, nr. Kusad Mts., 2.890°N , 59.850°W , 26 Oct 2013, Short, Isaacs, Salisbury (2, SEMC); Region 9, nr. Kusad Mts., large marshy area, 2.870°N , 59.916°W , 27 Oct 2013, Short, Isaacs, Salisbury (3, SEMC); Region 9, Pooled up creek, tributary of Katu Wao River, nr. Kusad Mts., 2.809°N , 59.865°W , 26 Oct 2013, Short, Isaacs, Salisbury (4, SEMC); Region 9, Ziida Karisihizi (Lake), nr. Kusad Mts., 2.829°N , 59.806°W , 25 Oct 2013, Short, Isaacs, Salisbury (1, SEMC); Region 9, Ziida Wao (Creek), nr. Kusad Mts., 2.828°N , 59.809°W , 25 Oct 2013, Short, Isaacs, Salisbury (32, SEMC); Pirara Ranch, Pirara River, 3.535°N , 59.675°W , 24 Apr 1995, Spangler & Perry (3, USNM). Suriname: Para, Paramaribo, 25 km S, 5.578°N , 55.192°W , 12 Jul 1969, PJ Spangler (5, USNM). Venezuela: Guarico, Calabozo, 32 km SW, 8.664°N , 67.552°W , 11 Feb 1969, PJ Spangler (4, USNM); Guarico, Hato Masaguaral, 8.566°N , 67.583°W , 06 Mar 1986, Spangler & Beaujon (1442, USNM). Amazonas, Communidad Porvenir, just S of, 5.341°N , 67.755°W , 15 jan 2009, Short & Miller (17, SEMC); Amazonas, Puerto Ayacucho, N, nr Iboruwa, "Tobogancito" , 5.806°N , 67.438°W , 13 Jan 2009, KB Miller (3, SEMC); Anzoategui, Transect 1, 9.293°N , 64.223°W , 15 Aug 2009, R Cordero (1, SEMC); Apure, Mantecal, approx 10 km W, side road, 7.621°N , 69.061°W , 18 Jan 2009, Short, Camacho, Miller (15, SEMC); Barinas, Ciudad Bolivia, approx 13 km SE, large Hacienda, 8.323°N , 70.470°W , 25 Jan 2012, Short, Arias, Gustafson (11, SEMC); Bolivar, between Caicara & Los Pijiguaos, 7.3498°N , 66.298°W , 12 Jan 2009, Short, Camacho, Garcia, Joly, Miller (30, NMPC); Bolivar, Gran Sabana, 1 km E Pauji, tributary of Rio Pauji, 4.479°N , 61.581°W , 16 Jul 2010, Short, Arias, Tellez (4, SEMC); Bolivar, Los Pijiguaos, outcrop/morichal, 6.593°N , 66.820°W , 12 Jan 2009, Short & Miller (6, SEMC); Bolivar, Rio Caripito, 6.586°N , 67.029°W , 12 Jan 2009, Short & Miller (3, SEMC); Bolivar, Tumeremo, E, on road to Bochinche, 7.384°N , 61.325°W , 13 Jul 2010, Short, Arias, Tellez (14, SEMC); Cojedes, El Baul, 5 km S, large marsh, 8.900°N , 68.321°W , 21 Jan 2012, Short, Arias, Gustafson (4, SEMC); Falcon, Medanos de Coro, 11.436°N , 69.668°W , 09 Jul 2009, Short & Shepard (1, SEMC); Falcon, Tocopero, SE of, 11.448°N , 69.218°W , 10 Jul 2009, Short, Camacho, Inciarte, Garcia, Gustafson, Shepard, Sites (6, SEMC); Guarico, Calabozo, 32 km SW, 8.664°N , 67.552°W , 11 Feb 1969, PJ Spangler (12, USNM); Guarico, Las Mercedes, approx 65 km S, 8.528°N , 66.376°W , 09 Jan 2009, Short, Garcia, Camacho, Miller (30, SEMC); Monagas, Chaguaramas, 4 km S, 8.634°N , 62.765°W , 19 Jul 2010, Short, Arias, Tellez (2, SEMC); Monagas, Morichal Largo & Temblador, small pond between, 9.096°N , 62.726°W , 02 Feb 2010, Short, Garcia, Joly (10, SEMC); Monagas, S of Maturin, Morichal at road crossing, 9.273°N , 62.937°W , 02 Feb 2010, Short, Garcia, Joly (5, SEMC); Tachira, La Pedrera, 10 km E, Mata de Limon, small lagoon on finca, 7.502°N , 71.488°W , 26 Jan 2012, Short, Arias, Gustafson (4, SEMC); Trujillo, Granados, approx 3 km SW, 9.376°N , 70.818°W , 28 Jan 2012, Short, Arias, Gustafson (2, SEMC); Zulia, Puente del Zulia, lagoon on finca, 8.551°N , 72.336°W , 27 Jan 2012, Short, Arias, Gustafson (4, SEMC); Zulia, Quebrada Riencito, 10.860°N , 72.322°W , 30 Dec 2008, Short & Garcia (3, SEMC); Zulia, Sabana de Machango, 10.043°N , 71.007°W , 29 Jan 2012, Short, Arias, Gustafson (3, SEMC). Figure 37. Bidessonotus species, South American distributions.