Description of the larvae and pupae of eight species of the tribe Sitonini Gistel, 1848 (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) from Central Europe Author Sprick, Peter text Zootaxa 2017 2017-09-28 4324 3 401 435 journal article 31941 10.11646/zootaxa.4324.3.1 24a2ebdb-c5cb-46ef-9302-e491aceb8802 1175-5326 998318 8135023D-Ab89-4B5A-Ae7D-A67189C7Cbe7 Sitona waterhousei Walton, 1846 ( FIgS 27–29H ) Body : LeNgTH: 4.9–5.7 MM, MAXIMUM WIDTH (AT THe leVel OF PROcOXAe): 2.5–2.8 MM, HeAD WIDTH (eYeS INclUDeD): 1.0–1.1 MM, PROTHORAX WIDTH ( AT WIDeST PlAce ): 1.1–1.3 MM ( , ). EYeS RelATIVelY bIg, ecceNTRIcAl cONVeX . BODY elONgATe, WHITe. PRONOTUM clOSe TO TRAPeZIUM-SHAPeD, APPROXIMATelY 1.4 TIMeS AS WIDe AS lONg. MeTANOTUM AlMOST TWIce AS lONg AS MeSONOTUM. AbD. I–VI OF AlMOST eQUAl leNgTH, AbD. VII SeMIcIRcUlAR, AbD . VIII NARROW, AbD. IX DISTINcTlY SMAlleR THAN THe PReceDINg. UROgOMPHI RelATIVelY lONg, WITH Well ScleROTIZeD APIcAl PART. FIGURES 27–29(a). Andrion regensteinense , pupa, habitus and chaetotaxy. 27a—total (ventral view), 28a—total (dorsal view), 29a—total (lateral view) (ur—urogomphi, setae: as— apical, d— dorsal, ds— discal, fes— femoral, ls , l —lateral, mts — mandibular theca, os— orbital, pas— postantennal, pls— posterolateral, rs —rostral, sos— superorbital, sls— superlateral, vventral , vs— vertical). FIGURES 27–29(b). Charagmus gressorius , pupa, habitus and chaetotaxy. 27b—total (ventral view), 28b—total (dorsal view), 29b—total (lateral view) (ur—urogomphi, setae: as— apical, d— dorsal, ds— discal, fes— femoral, ls , l —lateral, mts — mandibular theca, os— orbital, pas— postantennal, pls— posterolateral, rs —rostral, sos— superorbital, sls— superlateral, vventral , vs— vertical). FIGURES 27–29(c). Sitona cylindricollis , pupa, habitus and chaetotaxy. 27c—total (ventral view), 28c—total (dorsal view), 29c—total (lateral view) (ur—urogomphi, setae: as— apical, d— dorsal, ds— discal, fes— femoral, ls , l —lateral, os— orbital, pas— postantennal, pls— posterolateral, rs —rostral, sos— superorbital, sls— superlateral, v— ventral, vs— vertical). FIGURES 27–29(d). Sitona hispidulus , pupa, habitus and chaetotaxy. 27d—total (ventral view), 28d—total (dorsal view), 29d—total (lateral view) (ur—urogomphi, setae: as— apical, d— dorsal, ds— discal, fes— femoral, ls —lateral, os— orbital, paspostantennal , pls— posterolateral, rs —rostral, sos— superorbital, sls— superlateral, vs— vertical). FIGURES 27–29(e). Sitona lineatus , pupa, habitus and chaetotaxy. 27e—total (ventral view), 28e—total (dorsal view), 29etotal (lateral view) (ur—urogomphi, setae: as— apical, d— dorsal, ds— discal, fes— femoral, ls —lateral, os— orbital, paspostantennal , pls— posterolateral, rs —rostral, sos— superorbital, sls— superlateral, v— ventral, vs— vertical). FIGURES 27–29(f). Sitona macularius , pupa, habitus and chaetotaxy. 27f—total (ventral view), 28f—total (dorsal view), 29f—total (lateral view) (ur—urogomphi, setae: as— apical, d— dorsal, ds— discal, fes— femoral, os— orbital, paspostantennal , pls— posterolateral, rs —rostral, sos— superorbital, sls— superlateral, vs— vertical). FIGURES 27–29(g). Sitona obsoletus , pupa, habitus and chaetotaxy. 27g—total (ventral view), 28g—total (dorsal view), 29g—total (lateral view) (ur—urogomphi, setae: as— apical, d— dorsal, ds— discal, fes— femoral, ls —lateral, os— orbital, paspostantennal , pls— posterolateral, rs —rostral, sos— superorbital, sls— superlateral, vs— vertical). FIGURES 27–29(h). Sitona waterhousei , pupa, habitus and chaetotaxy. 27h—total (ventral view), 28h—total (dorsal view), 29h—total (lateral view) (ur—urogomphi, setae: as— apical, d— dorsal, ds— discal, fes— femoral, os— orbital, paspostantennal , pls— posterolateral, rs —rostral, sos— superorbital, sls— superlateral, vs— vertical). Chaetotaxy . SeTAe OF UNeQUAl leNgTH AND SHAPe, YellOW OR bROWN, ON HeAD, ROSTRUM AND THORAX HAIR-FORM, bASeD ON PROTUbeRANceS, ON AbDOMINAl SegMeNTS HAIR- OR THORN-lIke, THe lATTeR bASeD ON PROTUbeRANceS. ROSTRUM WITH A PAIR rs ; HeAD cAPSUle beARINg 1 vs , 2 sos 1-2 , 2 os 1-2 AND pas ( FIgS 27H, 29H ). PRONOTUM WITH : 2 as 1-2 , 2 ds 1-2 , 2 sls 1-2 AND 2 pls 1-2 ( FIgS 28H, 29H ). All SeTAe OF PROTHORAX PlAceD ON SMAll PROTUbeRANceS, RelATIVelY lONg, eQUAl IN leNgTH, eXcePT pls 2 AND sls 2 beINg SMAlleR THAN ReMAININg SeTAe. MeSO- AND MeTATHORAX eAcH WITH 4 PAIRS OF d 1-4 ; THRee PAIRS lONg, Well VISIble, THe ReMAININg VeRY SHORT AND SOMeTIMeS AbSeNT ( FIg. 28H ). TeRgAl PARTS OF AbD. I–VI eAcH WITH 4 PAIRS OF PROTUbeRANceS WITH SHORT , THORN-lIke SeTAe, OF WHIcH 3 FORM A RegUlAR TRANSVeRSe ROW AlONg THe POSTeRIOR MARgIN, NeXT ONe PlAceD lATeRAllY. SeTAe NO. 1–3 DISTINcTlY bIggeR THAN NO. 4, SO AT FIRST VIeW cHAeTOTAXY OF eAcH SegMeNT SeeMS TO cONSIST OF 3 PAIRS OF SeTAe ONlY. CHAeTOTAXY OF AbD. VII cONSISTS OF 4 PAIRS OF SeTAe AlMOST eQUAl IN SIZe, OF WHIcH 2 PAIRS ARe PlAceD POSTeROMeDIAllY, NeXT TWO PAIRS lATeRAllY. AbD . VIII WITH TWO PAIRS OF SeTAe, eQUAl IN leNgTH AND PlAceD IN THe ceNTeR ( FIgS 28H, 29H ). EAcH UROgOMPHUS beARS A PAIR OF SHORT SeTAe.