The Neotropical cuckoo wasp genus Ipsiura Linsenmaier, 1959 (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae): revision of the species occurring in Brazil Author Lucena, Daercio A. A. Author Kimsey, Lynn S. Author Almeida, Eduardo A. B. text Zootaxa 2016 4165 1 1 71 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4165.1.1 849dbc61-4869-4aad-9b10-27e0fef420a8 1175-5326 267533 2D809845-D7A0-4612-BB9E-0A4AC2BF8890 Ipsiura neolateralis ( Bohart, 1966 ) ( Figs 135–140 ) Neochrysis ( Ipsiura ) neolateralis Bohart, 1966 : 143 . Holotype Ƌ [examined]: USA, Illinois, Franklin County, West Frankfort (BME). Ipsiura neolateralis : Bohart 1985 : 710 . FIGURES 135–140. Ipsiura neolateralis , paratype Ƌ. 135. Habitus, lateral view. 136. Head, frontal view. 137. T3, posterodorsal view. Scale bar = 1 mm. 138. Spots of S2, ♀ (left) and Ƌ (right). 139. Ventral view of genital capsule, digitus omitted on right side, scale bar = 0.5 mm. 140. Distribution, previous (red circle) and new (green square) records. Diagnosis. Ipsiura neolateralis most closely resembles I. catamarcae Bohart and I. venezuelae Bohart. It can be distinguished from these and other Ipsiura species by the following combination of characters: fore femur flattened distally, produced ventrally into a tooth-like projection (fore femur flattened distally but not projecting ventrally in I. venezuelae ); TFC forming a rectangular enclosure, distinctly angulate laterally, closed medially (round, longer than broad, and usually interrupted medially in I. catamarcae and I. venezuelae ); fore wing with short M distal to discoidal cell (long M in I. venezuelae ) and metanotum cristate (punctate to irregularly serriform in I. catamarcae and I. venezuelae ). Male description. Body ( Fig. 135 ). Length: 8.9 mm. Coloration: head predominantly green; F1 light brown green; mesosoma metallic bluish green, with faint bluish highlights on dorsum, particularly on pronotum and mesoscutum; metasoma metallic bluish green, with bluish purple transverse stripes on dorsum of T1 and T2; T3 with broad lateral whitish spot; wing membrane light brown, with brown veins; femora and tibiae greenish; tarsi brown, meso- and hind basitarsus greenish brown. Head: TFC forming rectangular enclosure, angulate laterally, closed medially ( Fig. 136 ); F1 longer than broad, 1.3× as long as F2; scapal basin densely covered with silvery pubescence. Mesosoma: fore femur with distinct flattened area on distal margin, producing ventrally into a toothlike projection, diameter of distal area subequal to diameter of proximal area; fore wing with short M distal to discoidal cell, R1 shorter than stigma (as in Fig. 190 ); dorsal surface of pronotum wider than head; lower lateral pronotal surface irregularly punctate anteriorly, with distinct posterior area delimited by transverse ridge; metanotum serrated to cristate medially; mesopleural lower posterior margin carinate, with distinct tooth-like projections. Metasoma: T3 with six acute distal teeth ( Fig. 137 ), with well-developed pit row, marked by large and deep foveae, with strongly convex prepit swelling; S2 spots large, touching medially ( Fig. 138 ). Punctation: fore femur impunctate on outer surface; largest punctures on T1, mesopleuron and metanotum; definite punctures on dorsum of head, meso- and metasoma, shallow punctures mostly on T2 and T3. Genital capsule ( Fig. 139 ): cuspis slightly shorter than gonostylus; digitus narrow, clavate apically, longer than cuspis; cuspis broad basally; gonostylus and cuspis setose apically; aedeagus lobes elaborate. Female. Same as male, except for the characteristic shape of S2 spots as shown in Fig. 138 . Variation. Body length 8.6–8.9 mm. Host. Unknown. Distribution. Costa Rica ( Guanacaste ); El Salvador ( La Libertad ); Mexico ( Chiapas , Jalisco , Nayarit , Sinaloa , Tamaulipas ); USA ( Arizona , Arkansas , Illinois , Kansas , Maryland , Nebraska , South Carolina , Texas , Virginia ) ( Fig. 140 ). Material examined. USA : Illinois , Franklin Co. West Frankfort , vii.3.1963, coll R.M. Bohart Collector / Holotype Ƌ [BME] . USA : Texas , Austin 6.viii.1953 coll. J.C Gillaspy / Paratype 1Ƌ [BME]. Brownwood 11.ix.1920 coll. M.A Cazier / Paratype 1Ƌ [BME] . Texas , Liano Co. coll. E.Gillas / Paratype 1♀ [BME]. Liano coll. J.E Gillaspy / Paratype 1♀ [BME]. Nueces River Uvalde 2.vii.1917 coll. J. Bequaert / Paratype 1Ƌ [BME] . Arkansas , Pyatt 2.vii.1957 coll. J.C Downey / Paratype 1♀ [BME] . Illinois , Crab. Orchard Lake Williamson coll. J.C Downey / Paratype 1Ƌ [BME] . Kansas , Stocktoy / Paratype 1♀ [BME] . Texas , Texas / Paratype 1♀ [BME] . USA : Bourbon ? 1915 coll. R.H Beamer / Paratype 1Ƌ [BME] . EL SALVADOR : La Libertad , Quezaltepeque coll. D. Cavagnaro & M.E. Irwin / Paratype 1♀ [BME] . MEXICO: Chiapas , 3 mi North Petalcingo 21.viii.1963 coll F.D Parker & L.A Stange / Paratype 1Ƌ [BME] . Jalisco , 3 mi s.e. Plan de Barrancas 8.vii.1963 coll. F.D Parker & L.A Stange / Paratype 1Ƌ [BME] . Morelos , 6 mi south Temixco 16.vii.1963 coll. F.D Parker & L.A Stange / Paratype 1Ƌ [BME] . Sinaloa , 8 mi south Elota 26.viii.1963 coll. F.D Parker & L.A Stange / Paratype 1Ƌ [BME]. Mazatlan 10.ix.1957 coll. R & K Dreisbach / Paratype 1Ƌ [BME] . Nayarit , Navarrete 28.vii.1953 coll. D. Rockefeller / Paratype 1♀ [BME]. Additional material. COSTA RICA: Guanacaste , EJN 14km South Canãs 28.x.1985 , 1♀ , coll. F.D Parker [BME]. Prov. Liberia 6.viii.1964 , 1♀ , coll. M.G Naumann [BME]. MEXICO : Chihuahua , 2 mi North Temoris 22.viii.1968 , 1♀, coll. T.A Sears; R.C Gardner & C.S Giaer [BME]. Colima , 23 mi North Manzanillo 26.viii.1970 , 2♀ , coll. MS & JS Wasbauer [BME] . Jalisco , Guadalajara, 1Ƌ 1♀ [BME] . Sinaloa , Concordia 4.vii.1963 , 1♀ , coll. F.D Parker & L.A Stange [BME]. Tamaulipas , Matamorosa 21.v.1979 , 1♀, coll. J.R Lara [BME]. USA : Arizona , Madera Cyn. Pima County 21.viii.1977 , 1♀ , coll. R.W Brooks [BME] . Maryland , NW Branch Pk Montgomery 19.ii.1971 , 1♀ , coll. M.S. Menke [BME]. Nebraska , Lincoln , 1♀ , coll. R.W Dawson [BME]. South Carolina , Aiken 6.vii.1958 , 2Ƌ , coll. R.R Suelling & M.D Suelling [BME]. Texas , Bexar County 8.ii.1931 , 1♀ , coll. H.B Parks [BME]. El Paistle Kenedy County 4.xi.1978 , 1♀, coll. J.E Gillaspy [BME]. Kleberg County 2.v.1985 , 1Ƌ 1♀ , coll. W.J Pulawski [BME]. Kleberg County 3.v.1985 , 1Ƌ , coll. W.J Pulawski [BME]. Liberty 6.v.1934 , 1♀ [BME]. 8 mi W Premont Duval County 7.iv.1980 , 1♀ , coll. J.R Lara [BME]. Site 55 Kleberg County 21.ii.1975 , 1♀ , coll. J.E Gillaspy [BME]. Same data except 7.ix.1980 , 1♀, [BME]. Williamson , 1Ƌ, coll J.E Gillaspy [BME]. Washington DC vii.1944, 1 ♀, R.M Bohart [BME] . Virginia , Hoods Richmond , 1Ƌ, coll. G.W Underhill [BME]. Comments. The redescription above is based on a paratype male from USA : Texas , Nueces River Uvalde.