A REVIEW OF THE GENUS ENCHODELUS THORNE, 1939 WITH DESCRIPTIONS - OF SPECIES FROM INDIA Author MAQSOOD AHMAD Section of Nematology, Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India Author M. SHAMIM JAIRAJPURI Section of Nematology, Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India text Records of the Zoological Survey of India 1980 1980-01-01 15 1 42 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.8145041 a130b034-7d5d-420a-95cb-b366326a0f34 8145041 Enchodelus (Paraenchodelus) satendri Baqri & Jairajpuri, 1974 ( Fig. 7 , A-M) Dimensions Table 2 . Description Female Body ventrally curved upon fixation, more strongly in posterior half. Cuticle finely striated, its thickness on body 3.5 μm and on tail tip 14-20 μm. Body “pores indistinct. Lip region set ofi` from body by a depression, 1 /4th as wide as body at base of oesophagus, about thrice as wide as high. Amphids cup-shaped with slit-like apertures occupying more than 2/3rds of lip-width. Odontostyle 24-27 μm or 1.9-2.1 head widths long. Guiding ring 1.2- 1.3 head-widths from anterior end. Odontophore linear with small swellings at its base, 29-33 μm or 1.2 of odontostyle length. Maximum width of swellings 3-4 μm. Basal expanded part of oesophagus occupying about 33-45% of neck length. Location of oesophageal gland nuclei and their orifices as given in Table Ill. Nerve ring surrounding the anterior slender part of oesophagus at 45- 50 % of neck from anterior end of body. Cardia hemispheroid, 10- 12 μm long, surrounded by intestinal tissues. Prerectum 3.5-4.2 and rectum 1.2-1.3 anal body-widths long. Vulva a transverse slit, vagina extending 1 /3-2/5 across the body, encircled proximally by cuticularization. Gonads amphidelphic, uterus divided into a proximal glandular and a distal muscular part. Oviduct and uterus distinctly separated by sphincter. Ovaries reflexed, oocytes arranged in single row except in growth region. Sperms are seen in the I-IIU Pl UA-llllal. P“; In \ of Il uterus. Fig.7 -- Enchodelus (Paraenchodelus) satendri (A) Entire female. (B) Entire male.!. (C) Head end, (D) Head end showing amphicl, (E) Expanded part of oesophagus. (F) Posterior female sexual branch. (G-J) Female tail ends, (K å: L) Male tail ends, M Qninnln \' l~\ Li μ1 LYISI-IU \ Bill vuua, kl75i uyluusv. TABLE 2 Dimensions of Eııchodelus (Paraenchodelus) satendri Baori & lairaiouri. 1974
Populations l L mm a b c V / I __ G, . b _, A Udonto- style (μm) A Udonto- phore (μm) ,_ Lut. at m. b. (μm) ,_ Lux. at ta› I (μm) Amphld, width (μm › i n ros Pm om
ı Total vıuı I: Mean uuu Entire range 29 g g | L. 3 JI? 1.21- 1.58 a 27: 23- 32 _ 5/..! | 4.3 - 5.9 L 29; 23-35 J 53.) 49-58 2 LI 16- 27 20 Lv 12-28 25 LJ 23 -27 30.5 JVıJ 26-35 J- 3.5.I 2-5 1 14I 7- 21 8.5 vı-ı 7- 10 4 3 -
I Total vLul I ¡ Mean uuu Entire range 13 3‘ g ¦ I. JJ I. I 4- I.52 26 nu 23 - 30 J« 5.1I 4.1 -6.1 LI 27 23 - 32 UL 45 -80 _. _- LJ. J 22-25 J I. J 30-33 J. J 2-5 l'T-J 9-20 UIJ 7 -IO 3 -!
\ i ') I m Mean, ... - Range 5 2 9 I 1.36 z-av 1.26- 1.47 ... 25f 23 -27 . 5.3 ha 5-5.6 . 3 a! I 26-35 55 44 52-58 I 17I 16- 18 15 14 12- 18 25.5 1.4.4 24-27 30.5 avui 29- 32 3.5 4.4 3 -4 I 13 4 7- 19 v v. 8.5 4 7- 10 4.5 4-!
(H) "ei" seer; -. f' I 2 I - 1.19I I 1.14- 1.25 1.44 26 LU 26-27 32 5 4 4.2 - 5.2 5.2 LI 27 29 - 30 34 J I 45-57 52 -- 2 í.5 -—- 2 | LJ-J 22-25 24.5 JL 31 -33 29 JIJ 3 -4 3 I-J 9 - 10 13 IIJ 9- 10 7.2 4- 5 4
iii) Mean Range 17 g g Mean Range 6 3 g* 1.39 121 - 158 1.36 1.26- 1.47 27 22-32 26 23 - 29 5.0 4.3 - 5.7 JIU 4.1 - 5.9 28 23-33 LI 26 - 32 53 49 - 57 I L 64-80 22 17-27 _- 22 18-27 _- 25 23 -27 L¬l' 23 -25 26-35 JL 31 - 33 4 3-5 JIJ 3 -4 11 9- 13 /.J 9- 10 8.5 7- 10 8 U J 7- 10 4.5 4-5 4 -5
(iv) Mean Range 3 g g Mean Range 3 3 J 1.45 1.42- 1.49 1.41 1.31- 1.52 « A SH ' v 30 - 31 28 27 - 30 5.7 55 - 59 5.3 51 - 56 32 30- 34 29 29 - 30 53 51 -55 \JJ 57-69 '18 15-21 - i? 17-21 - 25 24- 26 L T 23 -25 31 30-32 J l 30-32 4 3-5 4 3-5 ii 9- 13 10 8 - 12 9 8 - 10 8.5 7- 10 4.5 4 -5 4 3 -5
() Mean Range 3 g g Mean Range 2 a a 1.43 1.35- 1.52 1.45 1.39- 1.51 27 25-30 28 26 - 30 5.3 5 - 5.6 4 5.8. u 5.5 - 6.1 27 23 -32 25 LJ 23 - 26 51.5 51 -52 UU 62-70 25 24-26 -- 2e 25-28 -_ 24 23.5 - 24.5 LJII 2324.5 33.5 33-34 4 I 30-32 3 24 3 4 2 -4 i? 17-21 ı I 17.5- J 15-20 8 7-9 u- 8.5 4 7- 10 4 3 -5 4 3 - 5
Habitats and localities: i) Soil around roots of grasses from Municipal Gardens, Mussoorle, Uttar Pradesh. ii) Soil around roots of Marchantía sp .. from.Tallital, Nainital, Uttar Pradesh. iii) Soil around roots of Marchantia sp .. from Tiphintop. Nainital, Uttar Pradesh. iv) Soil around rôots of Marchantía sp .. from leolikot, Nainital, Uttar Pradesh. v) Soil around roots of mosses from Pauri Road. Lansdowne. Garhwal, Uttar Pradesh.
¿ ion of hid Rectum (μm) Pre- rectum / ı |ını\\ Umm; ÀBD Taii / ABD Spi- cules Í I~ \\ \[6111] No. of v. m. rıınıs aupp.
"SI Jo a ı I 26-46 Iññ IUU I-I\ I I-I\ äU-ibU "Sfi É JL.: a I an 26-57' I É 1.3 I I a A i ' i-LU - - - -
J 39I 32-46 I ‘ 126 p? 80- I 73 \ 30.5 JYIJ 26-35 1 I:. 6 V I. 4- l. 9 I 48U 42-53 6 5-6
33 JJ 28-38 I 94I 72- 1| 6 J 34I 29-39 1.4 I l-l.7 _ _
34 32-36 26 I \ 108 IV I 00- I I 5 101 L! 27.5l s! 26-29 26 _ i I:.é Ú I. 4- I. 9 1.4 45 IJ 42-48 _ 6 6 _
28-46 40.9 35-46 60- I 50 144 123- 165 3 1 26-36 3 1. 5 30-33 1.6 l. 3-2.0 1.5 1.4-1. 6 - -- 49 45-53 _ - 6 6
31 27-35 38 JU 33 -43 79 50- I 08 \ 105 JJ 80- I 30 30 29-3 I J I 31.5«J 30-33 1.5 I.4- 1. 6 I IJ I.4- I. 6 - _ “ 43 TJ 42-44 _ - 5 5
31 26-36 38 36-40 86.5 79-94 144 i 15- 173 3 I. 5 30-33 34 33 -35 1.6 I.2-2.0 I: J 1.4- 1.6 _ _ "I-I 44,5.Q 43-46 __.. _ é f‘ Ü 6
Tail 1.4- 1.6 anal body-widths long, conoid with rounded terminus, slightly ventrally curved with two caudal pores on each side. Male Supplements an adanal pair and 5-6 ventromedians, the latter spaced nearly at regular intervals. Spicules 42- 53 μm or about two anal body-widths along median axis. Lateral guiding pieces well developed. Capulatory muscle bands occupy the area up to the last ventromedian supplement. Prerectum about four and rectum about one anal body-width long.
Habitat and localities Table II. Remarks E. satendri was described by Baqri & Jairajpuri (1974) from soil from the sulphur springs, Manali, Himachal Pradesh. The present populations were collected from Kumaon and Garhwal hills in Uttar Pradesh. They agree fairly well with the description of E. satendri as given by Baqri & Jairajpuri. However, there are minor variations in body dimensions of these specimens. The length of body is comparatively shorter (1.38 - 1.88 mm). The length of odontophore is also short (34-40) μm. The values in parentheses are of the type specimens as given by Baqri & Jairajpuri (1974).