Description of a new genus and two new species of Forsteriini Tippmann, 1960 from Peru (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
Audureau, Alain
Santos-Silva, Antonio
journal article
Morvanica demezi
Audureau & Santos-Silva
sp. nov.
Figs. 5–8
. Integument mostly dark brown, almost black on some areas; anteclypeus and labrum dark reddish brown, with irregular dark brown areas interspersed; palpi reddish brown; pedicel, basal 2/3 of antennomeres III and IV, basal half of antennomeres V–VIII, and basal quarter of antennomeres IX and X reddish brown; protibiae reddish brown, darkened posteriorly, narrowly dorsally, widely ventrally; basal half of meso- and metatibiae reddish brown; pro- and mesocoxae dark reddish brown; tarsomeres I–IV reddish brown, and V reddish brown with black apex; central area of abdominal ventrites II–V slightly reddish.
. Frons finely, moderately abundantly punctate; with light yellowish-brown pubescence partially obscuring integument, distinctly shorter close to eyes. Vertex with sculpturing as on frons; with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, except dense macula close to upper eye lobes, interconnected by slightly dense V-shaped band. Area behind upper eye lobes with sculpturing as on frons; with light yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument. Area behind lower eye lobes and genae with sculpturing as on frons; with dense light yellowish-brown pubescence obscuring integument, except narrow, glabrous and smooth posterior area of genae. Antennal tubercles finely, moderately abundantly punctate (punctures distinctly finer than on frons); with pubescence as on frons. Postclypeus with sculpturing and pubescence as on frons in wide central area, glabrous and smooth laterally; with a few long, erect yellowish-brown setae on sides of wide central area. Labrum finely, abundantly, partially confluently punctate on posterior half, nearly smooth anteriorly; with short and long erect yellowish-brown setae on posterior half, nearly glabrous on anterior half, except short, moderately sparse fringe with yellow setae in anterior margin. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.62 times length of scape; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 1.12 times length of scape. Antennae 1.7 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at basal quarter of antennomere IX. Ventral surface of antennomeres III–IX with long, erect, thick dark setae, distinctly sparser toward IX, especially from VII; scape with light yellowish-brown pubescence, sparser and browner on wide center of dorsal surface; antennomeres with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument on light area, sparser, yellowish-brown on dark area. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.74; pedicel = 0.12; IV = 1.51; V = 1.31; VI = 1.24; VII = 0.95; VIII = 0.81; IX = 0.71; X = 0.63; XI = 0.54.
. Pronotum coarsely, densely punctate, except small, smooth central area after middle; with nearly cordiform yellowish-brown pubescent band on center of anterior half, sparse, longitudinal yellowish-brown pubescent band on center of posterior quarter, wide, moderately dense yellowish-white pubescence laterally, and narrow, sparse yellowish-white pubescent band close to anterior margin. Sides of prothorax coarsely, densely punctate; with yellowish-white pubescence partially obscuring integument. Prosternal process coarsely, abundantly punctate; with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument. Prosternal process centrally as wide as 0.2 times width of procoxal cavity. Ventral surface of meso- and metathorax coarsely, abundantly punctate laterally, gradually finer and sparser toward central area; with light yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, denser laterally. Scutellum with yellowish-brown pubescence obscuring integument.
. Coarsely, abundantly punctate on basal half, slightly finer and sparser on distal half; with yellowish-brown pubescent band along suture, wider close to scutellum; with irregular, oblique grayish-white pubescent band close to sutural band, from anterior sixth to after middle, narrowed on its central area, distinctly widened at its apex; another irregular grayish-white pubescent macula near posterior sixth; remaining surface with irregular yellowish-brown pubescent maculae, and large, irregular, nearly glabrous areas.
. Femora with yellowish-brown pubescence, with areas with sparse brownish pubescence on outer side of meso- and metafemora. Protibiae mostly with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument dorsally and laterally, dark brown ventrally, especially toward apex; meso- and metatibiae with yellowish-white pubescence basally, yellowish-brown on remaining surface, except dark brown pubescence on dorsal sulcus of mesotibiae.
Morvanica demezi
, holotype male:
Dorsal habitus;
Lateral habitus;
Head, frontal view;
Abdominal ventrites.
. Ventrites finely, moderately sparsely punctate; with dense yellowish-brown pubescence laterally, distinctly sparser centrally.
Dimensions (mm)
. Total length, 7.30; prothoracic length, 1.55; anterior prothoracic width, 1.30; posterior prothoracic width, 1.40; maximum prothoracic width, 1.50; humeral width, 1.90; elytral length, 5.05.
Type material
male from
: Satipo (
La Calabaza
2,300 m
, local collector (
, formerly
. The new species is named to honor Patrick Demez (Spa,
) who donated several specimens of
to the first author.