The genus Enicospilus Stephens, 1835 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ophioninae) in Saudi Arabia, with twelve new species records and the description of five new species Author Gadallah, Neveen S. 49A46DDD-80CD-45FF-BC27-B37DBACF5E58 Entomology Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt. & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 49 A 46 DDD- 80 CD- 45 FF-BC 27 - B 37 DBACF 5 E 58 & Corresponding author: n _ gadallah @ hotmail. com Author Soliman, Ahmed M. 638A9208-CA78-4161-91B4-914B531F8933 Plant Protection Department, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, P. O. Box 2460, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia. & Zoology Department, Faculty of Science (Boys), Al-Azhar University, P. O. Box 11884, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt. & Email: amsoliman @ ksu. edu. sa, ammsoliman @ gmail. com & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 638 A 9208 - CA 78 - 4161 - 91 B 4 - 914 B 531 F 8933 Author Rousse, Pascal B06C2640-700A-429B-AA2F-1BE09251C845 38 rue des Primevères, 35160 Le Verger, France. & Email: rousse. pascal @ wanadoo. fr & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: B 06 C 2640 - 700 A- 429 B-AA 2 F- 1 BE 09251 C 845 Author Al Dhafer, Hathal M. 6117A7D3-26AF-478F-BFE7-1C4E1D3F3C68 Plant Protection Department, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, P. O. Box 2460, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia. & Email: hdhafer @ ksu. edu. sa & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 6117 A 7 D 3 - 26 AF- 478 F-BFE 7 - 1 C 4 E 1 D 3 F 3 C 68 text European Journal of Taxonomy 2017 2017-11-09 365 1 69 journal article 21958 10.5852/ejt.2017.365 3f1f3f51-000b-4993-8f40-b4201479de91 2118-9773 3838291 11B4AFCD-23A0-4170-BB02-9AD628C16925 Enicospilus splendidus Rousse, Soliman & Gadallah sp. nov. 3ECBEFEA-22CE-4D5D-848B-B146591DBAB9 Figs 5C , 9A , 13A , 17A , 21A , 28A , 32A , 33B, 33C Diagnosis Moderately large sized, dark reddish brown overall, with bright yellowish to white on most of the head and mesosoma and few markings on metasoma; metasoma black posteriorly; mandible with upper tooth 1.6 × as long as lower tooth; clypeus hardly convex in profile, ventral margin truncate; face subquadrate, 1.1 × as high as wide; antenna short, with 52 flagellomeres; mesopleuron finely transversely striate, metapleuron with somewhat coarser striation; basal transverse carina of propodeum distinct, anterior area of propodeum finely rugose, posterior area foveolate; proximal sclerite weakly sclerotized; fore tibia with three longitudinal rows of dispersed but regularly arranged short spines along outer surface. Etymology From Latin, in reference to its astonishing and splendid appearance and colour. Type material Holotype SAUDI ARABIA : , Riyadh , Deirab , light trap , 24°30.367′ N , 46°37.166′ E , alt. 645 m , 25 Oct. 1985 , leg.? ( KSMA ). Description Male ( 1 specimen ) MEASUREMENTS. B 18; F 13; AI 0.6; CI 0.52; ICI 0.46; SDI 1.3; NI 1.8; ML 0.3; CT 1.7; OOL 0.38; POL 0.38; FI 0.5; Fl1 2 1.6; Fl 20 3.0. COLOUR. Dark reddish brown overall, with yellowish white on the following parts: head (except a narrow longitudinal line extending a short distance after fore ocellus to base of clypeus), clypeus, labrum and palpi, posterior margin of head around occipital carina, mandibles (except teeth ferruginous), pronotum (except a small reddish triangular area just above tegula), mesoscutum (except for three reddish brown lobes, of which middle one doesn’t reach posterior margin and lateral ones do not reach anterior margin of mesoscutum), tegula, scutellum, two longitudinal oval patches on postero-lateral part of propodeum, postscutellum, subalar prominence, latero-ventral side of mesopleuron, a small area just above mesocoxa, most of metapleuron (leaving a small upper area reddish brown in colour). Metasoma darker than rest of body, with T2 and T3 above and almost all remaining tergites patterned with yellow, last sternite (subgenital plate) black; legs with coxae, trochanters and femora distinctly darker in colour than rest. Wings hyaline, fore wing with pale brown pterostigma, base of Rs+2r as well as uppermost part of Rs & M and 1A of hind wing pale brown to yellow, otherwise all veins are dark brown to black. HEAD. Mandible moderately twisted, with upper tooth 1.6 × as long as lower tooth, bare and without groove on outer surface; clypeus smooth, hardly convex to flat in profile, ventral margin truncate; malar space 0.3 × mandibular base; face subquadrate, 1.1 × as high as wide, rather smooth; gena constricted behind eyes; occipital carina complete; ocelli enlarged; antenna with 52 flagellomeres. MESOSOMA. Pronotum medio-dorsally normal, unspecialized, transversely wrinkled laterally; mesoscutum finely shagreened; epicnemial carina distinct to level of ventral corner of pronotum; postpectal carina distinct only laterally, above bases of mesocoxae, otherwise indistinct; notauli indistinct; scuto-scutellar groove smooth; scutellum nearly smooth, carinate to near apex; mesopleuron finely transversely striate, metapleuron with somewhat coarser striation; basal transverse carina of propodeum distinct but weak, anterior area of propodeum nearly smooth, posterior area finely foveolate. WINGS. Proximal sclerite weakly sclerotized; central sclerite totally absent; Rs+2 r slightly sinuate basally; cu-a subopposite Rs & M by about 0.25 cu-a length; hind wing with 7 distal hamuli on R1. LEGS. Fore tibia with three longitudinal rows of regularly arranged dispersed short spines along its outer surface; hind coxa elongate; hind tarsal claw with short, widely spaced teeth; outer mid and hind tibial spurs much shorter than inner spurs (0.23 × and 0.25 × respectively). METASOMA. Metasomal T2 slightly longer than T1, T2 height 0.4 × its length; thyridium distinct, ellipsoid. Female Unknown. Distribution Saudi Arabia .