Review of the tribe Aphoebantini Becker (Bombyliidae, Diptera) from Egypt, with description of a new species Author A, Magdi S. text Zootaxa 2007 1630 47 54 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.179379 2ef03314-f7ee-4ea2-9d9f-290b61086904 1175-5326 179379 Aphoebantus wadensis Bezzi, 1925 Aphoebantus wadensis Bezzi, 1925 : 208 . Type locality: Egypt . Diagnosis: Frons dark brown, shining, covered with gray dusts at lower part; hairs on frons and occiput coarse, long, yellowish or brownish whit or both; face bare at upper part with yellowish white beard at oral margin; antennae black. Thorax and abdomen covered with yellowish short scaly hairs; all bristles and hairs of thorax and abdomen yellowish or brownish white mixed with some white ones. Male genitalia (fig. 4) dark brown, gonocoxae with a short narrow apical part, aedeagus broad at base, conical, and as long as aedeagal sheath which has a spine at tip. Spermatheca (fig. 6) with an elongated bulb having a constriction at its apical third. Distribution: Palaearctic: Egypt and Israel . Lectotype designation: Bezzi (1925) described this species based on an unspecified number of specimens captured by Efflatoun Bey from Wadi Hoff (south eastern of Cairo) in 10.3.1922 . As many other type specimens, they were preserved in the personal collection of Efflatoun Bey who transferred them to the collection of the Entomological Society of Egypt (ESC) . Only one male and one female with the same data and having red type labels are preserved in ESC . They are in a fair condition. The best preserved of them (male) is here designated lectotype . Material examined: Lectotype , male, Wadi Hoff, 10.3.1922 (Efflatoun) here designated ; paralectotype , female, same data. [ESC]. 1 female , W. Zohleiga, 25- 29.3.1925 (H.C.E & M.T); 1 female , W. El-Gabow (Helwan), 7.3.1925 (Farag); 1 male , female, W. Murrah, 1.3.1925 (H.C.E & M.T); 1 male , female, Wadi Wirak (North Galala), 4.4.1937 (Tewfik); 1 male , W. Hoff, 10.3.1930 (Farag); 2 males , Ein Gedeirat, 13- 22.4.1938 (Shafik); 4 females , 3 males , W. Rishrash, 16.4.1938 (E,T); 2 females , W. Zohleiga, 25- 29.3.1925 (H.C.E & M.T); 1 male , W. Assiout, 10.4.1925 (Sh.M). [ EFC ].