2841 Author Wang, Chunxia Author Li, Shuqiang text Zootaxa 2011 2011-04-29 2841 1 90 journal article 1175­5334 Leptonetela quinquespinata ( Chen & Zhu, 2008 ) Figs 44–47 Qianleptoneta quinquespinata Chen & Zhu 2008: 12 , figs 1–11 Leptonetela quinquespinata (Chen & Zhu) . Lin & Li 2010: 67 Type material examined. Paratypes : 1 male and 1 female ( MHBU ), Zhijin Cave , Zhijin County [ 26°50´N , 106°50´E ], Guizhou , China , 19 January 2008 , H. Chen & Y. Zhang leg. Diagnosis. Leptonetela quinquespinata is similar to L. parlong sp. nov. , but can be distinguished by the presence of nine promarginal cheliceral teeth and six small retromarginal teeth ( Fig. 47C ); six spines on the retrolateral surface of male palpal tibia, with the basal one longest ( Figs 44D , 46B ); and the A-shaped median apophysis in the male ( Figs 44B , 47D ). Description. Male: total length 2.12 ( Fig. 44A ). Prosoma 1.10 long, 0.87 wide. Opisthosoma 1.25 long, 0.70 wide. Sternum 0.60 long, 0.60 wide. Prosoma yellow, somewhat quadrate, with one seta situdated in the middle of carapace. Without eyes, with a pair of setae on ocular area. Median groove invisible, cervical groove and radial furrows distinct, dark yellow. Clypeus 0.12 high, slightly sloped anteriorly. Chelicera ( Fig. 47C ) yellow, with nine promarginal teeth and five small retromarginal teeth. Endites, labium, sternum and legs yellow. Leg measurements: I 11.56 (3.30, 0.39, 3.25, 2.75, 1.87); II 10.19 (3.00, 0.37, 2.75, 2.37, 1.70); III 8.97 (2.62, 0.35, 2.45, 2.20, 1.35); IV 10.62 (3.10, 0.37, 2.90, 2.60, 1.65). Leg formula: I-IV-II-III. Femur I–IV with one thin spine ventrally and basally. Tibia I with two short spines dorsally (position 0.3 and 0.6), tibia II with three short spines dorsally (0.3, 0.3 and 0.6), tibia III with two long spines dorsally (0.3 and 0.6), tibia IV with five short spines dorsally (0.2, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8). Male palp ( Figs 44C–D , 46A–B ): tibia with four trichobothria dorsally and six spines retrolaterally, with the basal one longest; tarsus with four strong spines distally. Tip of the bulb ( Figs 44B , 47D ): median apophysis A-shaped, conductor lamellar, embolus spoon-shaped. Opisthosoma yellowish, ovoid, decorated with brown stripe. Female: similar to male in coloration and general features, but with a larger body size and shorter legs. Total length 2.50 ( Figs 45A–B ). Prosoma 1.00 long, 0.90 wide. Opisthosoma 1.46 long, 1.20 wide. Sternum 0.60 long, 0.60 wide. Clypeus 0.11 high. Leg measurements: I 10.54 (2.87, 0.35, 2.92, 2.65, 1.75); II 9.13 (2.60, 0.33, 2.50, 2.10, 1.60); III 6.07 (1.62, 0.30, 1.60, 1.50, 1.05); IV 9.58 (2.80, 0.31, 2.65, 2.30, 1.52). Internal genitalia ( Figs 45C , 47B ) with a pair of spermathecae and sperm ducts, atrium fusiformed. Distribution. China ( Guizhou ).