Water mites of the family Hygrobatidae Koch from southern Africa (Acari: Hydrachnidia) Author Smit, Harry text Journal of Natural History 2005 2005-12-23 39 38 3369 3405 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222930500256284 journal article 10.1080/00222930500256284 1464-5262 5220482 Subgenus Inflatibates subgen. nov. Diagnosis Male. Capitulum fused with first coxal plates, first coxal plates fused. Apodemes of anterior coxal plates short. Glandularia of fourth coxal plates well distanced from suture line of third and fourth coxal plates. Genital field with three pairs of acetabula, gonopore large. First leg of male modified, I-leg-5 swollen with distally two long, heavy setae. PII with ventral extension. Female. Without subgeneric characters. Typus subgeneris. Hygrobates inflatipes sp. nov. Remarks The new subgenus differs from Hygrobates s.s. in the unusual modified first leg of the male: I-leg-5 is swollen in distal half, with two long, heavy setae and many fine setae. Moreover, in most Hygrobates species the glandularia of the fourth coxal plates are located near the suture line of the third and fourth coxal plates, while it is located more near the middle of the fourth coxal plates in the new species. Females are without subgeneric characters.