Review Of The Palaearctic Species Of Dirhinosia Rebel, 1905 (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) Author Tokár, Z. Author Gozmány, L. text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2004 2004-09-15 50 1 63 74 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.12586928 2064-2474 12586928 Dirhinosia nitidula ( STAINTON , 1867 ) ( Figs 2, 3 , 9, 10 , 21 , 22 ) Gelechia nitidula STAINTON , 1867: 44 Typematerialexamined. Israel : Lectotype m,labelled:“Gelechianitidula/St., Palestine ,Plains ofJordan,Cambridge1865,TristramJ.J.1847,B.M.genitaliaslide m no.12726,WalsinghamCollection, 1910–427” (coll. TNHM ). Additionalmaterialexamined. Turkey :Prov.Hatay, Iskenderunarea ,2–3.V.1993,0– 600m , 1 m , leg. O. KARSHOLT , gen. prep. no. 7737 ZT; Pamphylia , W of Alanya , 2–13. VI. 1991 , 1 m, leg. B. PETERSEN , ZMUC );20kmOv. Bingöl ,17.VI. 1969,1 m ,leg.F. KASY ; ditto, 3 mm , leg. ARENBERGER , gen. prep. no. 7791 & 7792 ZT; Syria : 60 km NO v. Latakia [Lathqiyah], 1 f, leg. F. KASY & VARTIAN , gen. prep. no. 7795 ZT; Lebanon : O v. Saida [Sidon], 9–16.V. 1963 , 2 mm, leg. F. KASY & VARTIAN , gen. prep. no. 7794 ZT (coll. NHMW ) . Description( Figs2–3 ).Wingspan: 11–13mm ;femalesslightlysmallerthanmales.Headand thorax white mottled slightly with shiny ochreous scales. Antenna light brown to brown ringed with white. Tegula and forewing with a yellowish ochreous sheen. Two white fasciae and a longitudinal streak arising from base; the latter extending from costal base towards centre of first fascia but not reachingit.Firstfasciaoblique,extendingfrom2/5ofcostato1/2ofdorsum.Secondfasciaoblique, extending from 3/4 of costa to 2/3 of dorsum. White marginal dots at termen of wings continued to base of fringe. Hindwing light greyish-brown. Male genitalia ( Figs 9–10 ). Uncus broad basally, triangular, pointed. Tegumen broad. Gnathos absent.Distalpartofvalvadilatedapically.Sacculusexceedinghalflengthofvalva,sacculusprocess long, about as long as sacculus base. Saccus pointed, medium in size. Aedeagus long, broad basally, vesica with numerous minute cornuti. Female genitalia ( Fig. 21 ). Apophysis posterior long, about 2.5 times the length of segment VIII. Apophysis anterior a little shorter than VIII segment. Ostium bursae elongate, distally with plicate rotund protrusion, covered with fine spines. Ductus bursae very long. Colliculum very close to ostium bursae. Bursa copulatrix oval, signum a kidney-shaped plate completely covered with spines. Bionomics.Earlystagesandbionomicsunknown.AdultshavebeencollectedinMay–June. Distribution ( Fig. 22 ). Israel , Syria , Lebanon , Turkey . Remarks. STAINTON (1867) suggested in his description (p. 45) that the unnamedspeciesnotedbyZELLER inthe“Isis”of1847,p.36,isthesamespeciesas Dirhinosia nitidula .