Contribution to the Description of Pupae of the Western Palaearctic lymantriids (Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae)
Patočka, J.
Turčáni, M.
Linzer biologische Beiträge
journal article
Laelia coenosa
(HÜBNER 1808)
figs 81-84
Here, we list more precise description and figure some more detailed characters of this species as addendum to papers
PATOČKA (1992)
and PATOČKA & TURČÁNI (2005).
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:1 museum Vienna, 1 museum Berlin.
P u p a of male: 16.5
5 mm
, female 17 6.6 mm. This one medium stout on male and stout on female, rounded anteriorly, prior end more strongly tapering caudad, brown, dark brown on male, exuvia brighter. Movable segments brighter, ochre on caudal part. Sculpture fine, locally scabrous, wrinkled mainly on notum on position of verruca with secondarily setae. Abdominal segments 1-3 with groups of bright clubbed scales in the centre of dorsum, these ones less developed on female. Secondarily setae long, yellowish, present also on postclypeus. Postclypeus of male tubercle-like elevated, labrum round at the end, labrum of female cut-out caudad. Mandibles rather differentiated on male mainly. Labium and maxillae approximately the same in length and these ones conspicuously long, medium narrow. Maxillae of male rounded at the end, slightly more pointed on female. Prothoracic coxae wedge like and rather shorter on male, these ones slightly longer than maxillae on female. Antennae of male wider, round at the end, reaching to approximately of ¾ of forewings length and their ends conceal by each other. Antennae extend far beyond prothoracic coxae. Antennae of female shorter, narrower and reach to approximately half of forewings, these ones separated from each other, their ends not conceal by each other. Prothoracic legs reach to almost ends of mesothoracic legs, these ones join to each other shortly (on female slightly longer). Mesothoracic legs join to (especially on female) long ends of metathoracic legs. Thoracic spiracle slit-like. Metanotum medium deep and rather roundly cut out in obtuse angle, its frontal projections rounded. Anal field large, steeply merges to the base of cremaster. Cremaster of male the same in length, this one of female shorter than wide on base, slightly flattened and tapering dorsoventrally, rounded at the end on male, obtuse on female. Cremaster with secondarily setae on sides and with group of slender fixing hooks at the end. Its surface without more conspicuous sculpture.