Dalytyphloplanida (Platyhelminthes: Rhabdocoela) from Andalusia, Spain, with the description of four new species Author Steenkiste, Niels Van Author Tessens, Bart Author Krznaric, Kathleen Author Artois, Tom text Zootaxa 2011 2791 1 29 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.201106 9ac41346-f865-427b-a953-7235817bc11b 1175-5326 201106 Gieysztoria beltrani ( Gieysztor, 1931 ) Ruebush & Hayes, 1939 ( Fig. 8 D) syn. Dalyellia beltrani Gieysztor, 1931 syn. Microdalyellia beltrani Ruebush & Hayes, 1939 New localities in Spain . Doñana National Park, Provincia de Huelva, Spain ( 36°49’27”N , 6°21’40”W ). Llanos del Taraje near Ecomuseo Robledo de la Plancha: muddy temporal pond with Ranunculus aquatilis and sedges ( 25/03/ 2008 ). Doñana National Park, Provincia de Huelva, Spain ( 37°04’23”N , 6°22’28”W ). Laguna de la FAO: permanent water body with submersed vegetation ( 05/04/2008 ). Doñana National Park, Provincia de Huelva, Spain ( 36°58’50”N , 6°29’11”W ). Laguna Dulce: swamp vegetation on the northern edge and floating algae and submersed vegetation on the border of the marsh and open water ( 06/04/2008 ). Doñana National Park, Provincia de Huelva, Spain ( 36°59’26.53”N , 6°26’32.16”W ). Marsh with Ranunculus aquatilis , Calla palustris and sedges near El Palacio ( 06/04/2008 ). Other localities in Spain . Central areas (Sierra de Guadarrama and river Tajo basin, see Gamo & Noreña- Janssen 1998); Navaescurial (Provincia de Avila, Castilla y León) ( Gamo & Mayor 1987 ), La Albufera and el Jardín botánico de Valencia (Provincia de Valencia, Comunidad Valenciana) ( Gieysztor 1931 ). New locality outside Spain . Département du Var, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France . Dry mud from a temporal pond provided by Dr. Alain Thiéry (09/2007) and hatched at Hasselt University ( Belgium ) (10/2007) Material. Observations on live animals and several whole mounts from Andalusia. Studies on live specimens and three whole mounts from France . Remarks. The animals from Andalusia are between 0.9 and 1.1 mm. The stylet is 119–134 µm long and consists of two parts of equal length: a proximal girdle with a fenestra and a distal part with spines (“Fenestratae” subgroup, “Inaequales” group of the Gieysztoria- type in Luther 1955 , see also Discussion of G. iberica n. sp. ), which corresponds completely with the stylet from Gieysztoria beltrani ( Gieysztor, 1931 ) Ruebush & Hayes, 1939 , as described by Gieysztor (1931) and Luther (1955) . This species has only been found in some localities in eastern and central Spain ( Gieysztor 1931 ; Gamo & Mayor 1987 ; Gamo & Noreña-Janssen 1998 ). The animals from eastern Spain measured 0.9–1.4 mm, while the French animals attained a length of 1–1.3 mm. The stylet length of the specimens from Andalusia also falls within the range of other observations from this species (southern France : 125–139 µm; eastern Spain : 100–125 µm; central Spain : 130 µm) (see Gieysztor 1931 ; Gamo & Mayor 1987 ; own observations). Since records from other parts of Europe are lacking, G. beltrani seems to be preliminarily confined to permanent and temporal freshwater bodies of the Western Mediterranean region.