New species of Anabarhynchus Macquart (Diptera: Therevidae) from arid and monsoon tropical Australia Author Ferguson, David J. Author Irwin, Michael E. Author Yeates, David K. text Zootaxa 2013 3680 1 55 95 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3680.1.5 1b7b0df0-2a82-4b61-9a9d-173697bfd207 1175-5326 284038 BCF7D433-F6FA-4152-8A04-6B6065DC13F0 Anabarhynchus parilus Ferguson sp. n. ( Figures 11 , 12 , 13 ) Type material. Holotype : Male. AUSTRALIA : Queensland: 15.16S 144.59E , 14 km W by N of Hope Vale Mission, Qld. 10.X.1980 , D.H. Colless (At Light) ( ANIC _29:028785) ( ANIC ). Condition: Pinned dorsally with stainless steel pin; glue repair to costal margin of wings; good condition. Paratype : 1Male , 1Female . AUSTRALIA : Queensland: 15.145S 145.07E , 7km N of Hope Vale Mission QLD, D.H. Colless (At Light) ( ANIC _29:028788) ( ANIC _29:028787) ( ANIC ). Diagnosis. Lower frons slightly raised upper frons flat with faintly rugose-striation. Male frons width at anterior ocellus 2.6x ocellus, female 2.9x ocellus. Upper frontal setae short semi-erect, lower frons setae erect. Lower frons with distinctive pair of large black spots. Scutum grey with indistinct lines. Wing cell m3 open. Postspiracular pile present; katepisternum sparse pile anterodorsal; prosternal furrow without pile. Forefemur, 2 pd ; mid-femur, 1 pd , hind femur 1 av ; all femora yellow-brown except basal half forefemur dark brown. All femora dorsally with appressed pale pile, ventral pile erect; admix with sparse short black setae predominantly on dorsal apical half. Abdominal integument yellow-brown in the male, blackish-brown in the female. Description. Male: Body length: 6.5mm . Wing length: 6.5mm . Head. Integument black. Lower frons slightly raised, upper frons flat, faintly rugose-striated; frons width at anterior ocellus 2.36x ocellus; ocellar tubercle flat; antennal base positioned low on frons, face and lower frons slightly protruding; parafacials and area between antenna and eye bright grey; lower frons with distinctive large velvet black spots; area between spots at middle bright grey, upper frons brownish grey; short appressed setae at upper frons, lower frons setae erect near half length of scape. Scape length 2.3x width; scape grey, pedicel buff-grey, 1st segment of flagellum basally broad and brown, several dark setae to dorsal and ventral basal half, flagellar style brown three quarters length of flagellum. Occiput convex with grey pubescence, several indistinct rows of black macrosetae 26 each side; postocciput area to gena grey, with long, pale, hair-like pile. Palpus yellow brown with pale hair-like pile; labellum brownish grey, prementum setae brown; oral cavity gloss black without pubescence cover. Thorax. Integument black. Scutal chaetotaxy black (pairs): np , 4; sa , 2; pa , 1; dc , 2; sc , 2. Scutum with thin brown dorsal line within broader grey band, margined with pale grey line, irregular brownish grey marks margin laterally raised grey areas pre and posttransverse suture; scutal surface with short black setae. Postspiracular pile present; katepisternum with sparse pile anterodorsally; prosternal furrow without pile; pleuron and coxae grey pubescence, coxae with long pale hair-like pile admixed black macrosetae. Wing. Cell m3 open; weakly hyaline with grey tint, brown veins, stigma pale brown infuscate; costal setae beyond humeral cross-vein biserially arranged. Haltere . Pedicel buff-brown; scabellum dorsally and ventrally buff-brown. Legs. Forefemur 2 pd; mid-femur 1 pd; hind femur 1 av; forefemur basally half dark grey, apically yellow-brown with grey pubescence basally; mid and hind femur yellow-brown with pale yellow-grey pubescence ventrally; all femora dorsally with appressed pale pile, ventral pile erect; admix with sparse short black setae predominantly to dorsal apical half; all tibia and basitarsus yellow-brown; Abdomen. Integument yellow-brown and brown; anterior bands tergites 2–4 mottled brown with dark appressed pile, laterally yellow-brown, posterolaterally white with pale erect pile; tergites 2–3 posterior marginal band bright white when viewed posteriorly; sternites closely resemble tergites; epandrium yellow-brown with short black setae; gonocoxite yellow-brown with brownish-grey pubescence, long black setae. Terminalia. Paratype male (ANIC_29:028788): epandrium ( Fig. 13 a), two and quarter times wider than long, narrowing posteriorly, setae on posterior margins. Gonocoxite ( Fig. 13 b), slightly onion shaped when viewed ventrally, posterior ventral edge with short rounded lobe shaped outer gonocoxal process with pair of smaller lobes towards ventromedial plane. Joined along hypandrium. Gonocoxal apodeme reaching anterior margin and moderately sclerotised. Inner gonocoxal process claw-like; apical end directed inward, basal inner edge flared with several strong, black, peg-like setae to inner middle edge. Gonostylus elongate, ventrally directed, apically ends curve dorsally with elongate setae on inner dorsal surface directed inward. Ventral lobe short. Aedeagus ( Fig. 13 c, d): distiphallus posterior ventrally directed, ventral end with a pair leaf-like appendices lateral to orifice, elongate dorsally directed crest above orifice, posterior edge with full length groove. Parameral sheath moderately sclerotised; anterior dorsal projections of the aedeagal sheath short and weakly sclerotised. Lateral ejaculatory apodeme narrowly band like. Ventral apodeme narrow, weakly sclerotised, apical end weakly flared laterally. Ejaculatory apodeme long, cylindrically with raised dorsally ridge. FIGURE 11. Anabarhynchus parilus sp. n. , holotype male, (ANIC_29:028785): lateral view. FIGURE 12. Anabarhynchus parilus sp. n. , holotype male, (ANIC_29:028785): oblique view. FIGURE 13. Anabarhynchus parilus sp. n. , paratype male terminalia (ANIC_29:028788): A, epandrium, left dorsal view, right ventral view; B, gonocoxite left dorsal view, right ventral view; C, aedeagus, dorsal view; D, aedeagus, lateral view; paratype female (ANIC_29:028787): E, furca; F, female sternite 8, ventral surface. Scale line= 0.5mm. Variation. Male. Frons width at anterior ocellus 2.6x ocellus; occiput macrosetae 22 each side. Female. Frons width at anterior ocellus 2.9x ocellus; occiput with 18 macrosetae to each side. Abdominal integument blackishbrown. Tergite 2–7 anterior bands when viewed anteriorly are dark brown, ventrally black. Terminalia. Paratype female (ANIC_29:028787): sternite 8 ( Fig. 13 f), generally of oval shape; darkly sclerotised; anterior margin with wide shallow indented section; posterior lateral margins narrowing posteriorly; moderately strong setae arranged medially in two areas either side of central mid-line; posterior margin with weaker setae. Furca ( Fig. 13 e), posterior frame thin; middle frame with broad and long, angular curved plate, third the length of furca; anterior frame projected anteriorly, flaring sub-apically; anteroventral lobe as curved beam, connecting the two anteriorly directed frame elements; apically with deep indentation. Etymology. The species epithet is derived from the Latin ‘ parilis ’ meaning similar; in reference to the frons markings being very similar to the frons markings of A. monteithi Lyneborg. Comments. Described from three specimens collected near Hope Vale Mission, North West Cooktown, North Queensland, in October. Anabarhynchus parilus sp. n. , and A. monteithi are closely related, both have large black round marks on the lower frons, this character separating them both from all other Anabarhynchus species. Anabarhynchus parilus sp. n. , can be identified from A. monteithi by being smaller, abdominal integument yellow-brown, katepisternum with pale filiform pile, elongate dorsally directed crest above orifice with its posterior edge with full length groove. Sternite 8 anterior margin with wide shallow indented section, narrower and evenly tapering posteriorly and two areas of densely arranged setae either side of central mid-line. Middle frame of furca with enlarged curved sclerotized plate, that’s a third the length of furca. Clearly closely related to A. monteithi , subsequently A. parilus sp. n. , is placed in the monteithi species-group as described by Lyneborg (2001) .