A new species of freshwater crab of the genus Hypolobocera Ortmann, 1897 from Colombia (Crustacea: Decapoda: Pseudothelphusidae), including a key to the species of the genus distributed in Colombia
Campos, Martha R.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Bogotá, Colombia
Alexander, Moises
Corporación Autónoma Regional del Centro de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia
journal article
Key to the species of
1. Lateral lobe of first male gonopod with triangular process (Campos 2014: fig. 106B–D)......................................................................................................
Hypolobocera alata
Campos, 1989
- Lateral lobe of first male gonopod without triangular process................................................... 2
2. Distal mesial side of first male gonopod with triangular lobe (Campos 2014: fig. 128B, D).....................................................................................
Hypolobocera kamsarum
Campos & Rodríguez, 1995
- Distal mesial side of first male gonopod without triangular lobe................................................ 3
3. Cephalic surface of first male gonopod with accessory lobe parallel to lateral lobe (Campos 2014: fig. 118C, D)...............................................................................
Hypolobocera cajambrensis
Prahl, 1988
- Cephalic surface of first male gonopod without accessory lobe................................................. 4
4. Cephalic surface of first male gonopod with prominent tuberculated ridge parallel to lateral lobe (Campos 2014: fig. 116B, C).............................................................
Hypolobocera buenaventurensis
Rathbun, 1905
- Cephalic surface of first male gonopod without prominent tuberculated ridge...................................... 5
5. Lateral lobe of first male gonopod ax shape (Campos 2014: fig. 124B–E)..................................................................................................
Hypolobocera emberarum
Campos & Rodríguez, 1995
- Lateral lobe of first male gonopod not ax shape............................................................. 6
6. Lateral lobe of first male gonopod place far from apex (Campos 2014: fig. 112B–E)......................................................................................................
Hypolobocera beieri
Pretzmann, 1968
- Lateral lobe of first male gonopod place near to apex......................................................... 7
7. Lateral lobe of first male gonopod convex in lateral view (Campos 2014: fig. 132C).......................................................................................................
Hypolobocera malaguena
Prahl, 1988
- Lateral lobe of first male gonopod not convex in lateral view................................................... 8
8. Lateral lobe of first male gonopod with narrow expansion distal (Campos 2014: fig. 140B–D)...................................................................................................
Hypolobocera mutisi
Prahl, 1988
- Lateral lobe of first male gonopod without narrow expansion distal.............................................. 9
9. Lateral lobe of first male gonopod elongated, narrow (Campos 2014: fig. 126B).........................................................................................................
Hypolobocera gorgonensis
Prahl, 1983
- Lateral lobe of first male gonopod not elongated, and narrow.................................................. 10
10. Lateral lobe of first male gonopod semi-circular............................................................ 11
- Lateral lobe of first male gonopod rectangular............................................................. 13
11. Apex of the of first male gonopod with prominent rounded papilla near spermatic channel (Campos 2014: fig. 114E)...........................................................................
Hypolobocera bouvieri
Rathbun, 1898
- Apex of the first male gonopod without prominent papilla near spermatic channel................................. 12
12. External margin of lateral lobe of first male gonopod, fringed with tiny spinules (Campos 2014: fig. 134B–E)...........................................................................
Hypolobocera martelathami
Pretzmann, 1965
- External margin of lateral lobe of first male gonopod devoid of spinules......................................... 15
13. Lateral lobe with lateral external margin smooth (Campos 2014: fig. 138B, D)....
Hypolobocera murindensis
Campos, 2003
- Lateral lobe with lateral external margin crenulated or with spines.............................................. 14
14. Lateral external margin of lateral lobe crenulated (Campos 2014: fig. 108B, C)....................................................................................................
Hypolobocera andagoensis
Pretzmann, 1965
- Lateral external margin of lateral lobe with conspicuously spines (
Fig. 2A, C–E
Hypolobocera ituangoensis
n. sp.
15. Mesial lobe of first male gonopod semi-circular in distal view................................................. 16
- Mesial lobe of first male gonopod sub-triangular in distal view................................................ 17
16. Mesial lobe of first male gonopod with an acute spine on internal side (Campos 2014: fig. 130E)...........................................................................................
Hypolobocera lloroensis
Campos, 1989
- Mesial lobe of first male gonopod without spine on internal side (Campos 2014: fig.120E)..............................................................................................
Hypolobocera chocoensis
Rodríguez, 1980
17. Meso-caudal projection of spermatic channel ending in semi-acute papilla (Campos 2014: fig.146D, E)..........................................................................................
Hypolobocera velezi
Campos, 2003
- Meso-caudal projection of spermatic channel ending in rounded papilla......................................... 18
18. Meso-caudal projection of spermatic channel with row of spinules on internal side (Campos 2014: fig. 142F)..............................................................
Hypolobocera noanamensis
Rodríguez, Campos & López, 2002
- Meso-caudal projection of spermatic channel without spinules on internal side.................................... 19
19. Apex with conspicuous rounded teeth on caudal-cephalic border (Campos 2014: fig. 122C–E).................................................................................................
Hypolobocera dentata
Prahl, 1987
- Apex without teeth on caudo-cephalic border.............................................................. 20
20. Apex outline sub-triangular with lateral border semi-acute.................................................... 21
- Apex outline sub-triangular with lateral border straight (Campos 2014: fig. 144E)..................................................................................................
Hypolobocera rotundilobata
Rodríguez, 1994
21. Apex with prominent sub-triangular spine on caudal side of spermatic channel (Campos 2014: fig. 110C–E)............................................................
Hypolobocera barbacensis
Campos, Magalhães & Rodríguez, 2002
- Apex without spine on caudal side of spermatic channel (Campos 2014: fig. 136D, E).....
Hypolobocera meineli
Prahl, 1988