A new gecko of the genus Tarentola (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Eastern Cuba Author Díaz, Luis M. Author Hedges, Blair text Zootaxa 2008 1743 43 52 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.181585 3ff099f1-06d0-4f40-9899-694bdaf2c358 1175-5326 181585 Tarentola crombiei , new species Fig. 1 A, 2A Holotype . MNHNCu 4624, an adult male from La Mesa de Leo Prada ( 20º05′11′′N , 074º20′42′′W ), a marine terrace at the W side of the mouth of Río Jauco, Maisí, Guantánamo, collected by Luis M. Díaz on August 4 of 2005. Paratypes (n=55). Males (21) : MNHNCu 4626–28 with same data as the holotype ; MNHNCu 4638–42, and 4664, from Siboney, Reserva Ecológica Siboney-Juticí ( 19º57′40′′N , 075º42′59′′W ), Santiago de Cuba , collected by Luis M. Díaz and Antonio Cádiz on April 19–22 of 2007; MNHNCu 4647, same locality, but collected on June 20 of 2007; CRT 976, 978, 979, 984, 985, 987, and 988, from Puerto Escondido, east of Guantánamo harbor, Guantánamo province, collected by Charles T. Ramsden in June of 1914; USNM 335759–760, peak of John Paul Jones Hill, U.S. Naval Base, Guantánamo Bay, collected on 19 March 1987 by S. Blair Hedges, Carla A. Hass, and George Zustak; USNM 315882, 315884, John Paul Jones Hill, U.S. Naval Base, Guantánamo Bay, collected in 1988 by Ronald I. Crombie, Linda Gordon, and George Zustak. Females (26) : MNHNCu 4625, from Reserva Ecológica de Hatibonico, Guantánamo, collected by Luis M. Díaz on April 16 of 2001. MNHNCu 4629–37 with same data as the holotype ; MNHNCu 4643–44, from Siboney, Reserva Ecológica Siboney-Juticí, Santiago de Cuba , collected by Luis M. Díaz and Antonio Cádiz on April 19–22 of 2007; MNHNCu 4645–46, same locality, but collected on June 20 of 2007; CTR 974, 975, 977, 980, 981, 983, 986, 989–991, with the same collecting data; MFP 757, Puerto Escondido, collected by C. T. Ramsden on July 6 of 1914; USNM 315883, John Paul Jones Hill, U.S. Naval Base, Guantánamo Bay, collected in 1988 by Ronald I. Crombie, Linda Gordon, and George Zustak; USNM 315880, Kittery Beach Road, near Graffiti Hill, U.S. Naval Base, Guantánamo Bay, collected in 1988 by Ronald I. Crombie and Linda Gordon. Juveniles (1) : USNM 315881, Windmill Beach Road, 1.9 km from Windmill Beach, U.S. Naval Base, Guantánamo Bay. Sex not determined (7): MCZ 8506, from Cabo Cruz, Granma, collected by Thomas Barbour in 1913; MCZ 11873, 11878, La Patana, Maisí, Guantánamo, collected by V. J. Rodríguez and F. R. Wulsin (respectively) in 1916. MCZ 96531, La Patana, Maisí, Guantánamo, collected by F. R. Wulsin in 1916; MCZ 9435 from Puerto Escondido, east of Guantánamo harbor, Guantánamo province, collected by Charles T. Ramsden in 1914; MCZ 68937, U.S. Naval Base, Guantánamo Bay, collected by R. V. Lando; MCZ 141573, Cuzco Beach, U.S. Naval Base, Guantánamo Bay, collected in 1974 by W. E. Haas. Diagnosis. Tarentola crombiei has a small adult size: maximum SVL= 57.8 mm versus 120 mm in T. americana americana , and 92 mm in T. a. warreni ( Schwartz, 1968 ) . It has inconspicuous transverse folds among rows of enlarged tubercles (as usually present in T. americana ); a tendency towards a lower number of dorsal tubercles in the axilla-groin distance despite a slight overlap (15–19, versus 18–25 in T. americana ); lower number of ventral scales (35–45 versus 47–62 in T. americana ) in the same distance; dorsal tubercles giving place to ventral scales without a definite zone of transitional scales (as present in T. a. americana ); tendency for a lower number of subdigital lamellae in the fourth toe with only a slight overlap (10–14, versus 14– 21 in T. a. americana ); lower number of subdigital lamellae in the first toe (8–12, versus 13–18 in T. a. americana ); fourth toe dorsal scales arranged in 5–9 transverse rows ( 10–13 in T. a. americana ) (see Fig. 2 for pattern comparisons); the toe marginal scales (dorsal view) are not conspicuously different from the submarginal scales (they are distinctive in T. americana ) ( Fig. 2 ); one egg per clutch (two eggs adhered to each other in T. a. americana ); eggs fusiform shaped and usually not attached to the substrate (rounded, variably depressed in T. a. americana , and commonly attached to different surfaces). Regarding coloration, adult individuals of T. crombiei and young T. a. americana of similar size are easily separated because the later generally has better defined body bands than the former. The new species shares with T. a. warreni the condition of dorsal tubercles transitioning to ventral scales without a conspicuous zone of granules; however, the Bahamian subspecies, beside been larger in size, differs from T. crombiei by having a higher number of dorsal tubercles and ventral scales in the axilla-groin distance (which are within the referred range of variation of T. a. americana ). At the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, the new species differs from T. americana by 22% sequence divergence ( Weiss and Hedges, 2007 ). FIGURE 1. Male MNHNCu 4664 of Tarentola crombiei n. sp. (A), from Siboney (Reserva Ecológica Siboney-Juticí), Santiago de Cuba, (B) an adult male of T. a. americana from the same locality, and (C) an adult male of T. a. americana (MNHNCu 4653) from Cueva Ambrosio, Península de Hicacos, Matanzas province. Escale bar= 1cm. Description. Size small [males SVL: 45.7–57.8 (x=51.8; n=16), females: 36.3–56.6 (x=48.4, n=18)]; head length 25–31% (x=27%, n=34) of SVL; head width 72–82% (x=78%, n=34) of head length; snout width 71–81% (x=75%, n=34) of head width; eye diameter 25–37% (x=31%, n=34) of head length; tail 1.1–1.2 times longer than body. Dorsum covered by slightly pointed, enlarged keeled tubercles arranged in 14–17 (mode 16, n=33) transversal rows at midbody; ventral scales smooth, cicloid, and imbricated, forming 26–38 (n=34) rows at midbody; interorbital scales 12–15 (n=33); 0–3 scales bordering the mental; scales around naris 3 (n=34); first toe lamellae 8–12 (n=34); ventrolateral folds present, delimiting dorsal tubercles and ventral scales; ear opening height/width: 0.6–1.5 (x=1.1)/ 0.3–1.0 (x=0.5). Males with hemipenial bulges at the base of tail, bearing arched series of 3–4 enlarged and projected rounded scales. All measurements and counts are shown in Table 1 , compared with those of Cuban Tarentola americana . TABLE 1. Measurements and meristic data for two species of the genus Tarentola . Values are the mean and the range (in parenthesis), or the range and the mode (in parenthesis) for the supra- and infralabial scales, and postmental scales, respectively. Tarentola crombiei n. sp. Tarentola americana Males Females Males Females (N=16) (N=18) (N=17) (N=11) Color in life: Pale gray to brownish gray. A wide dark postocular stripe extends to the insertion of the forelimbs. This stripe is flanked below by a longitudinal row of white to light cream colored tubercles. The lines on the top of head are narrow, diffuse or fragmented, often forming reticulations, but sometimes they are nearly absent. There are specimens with such lines fused at the level of the occiput. Generally, there are 6–7 barely defined transvere zones on the body between the limbs, containing scattered black tubercles bordered by transvere rows of white tubercles. Some specimens have no defined transverse dark zones, but only a scattered arrangement of white and dark brown to black tubercles. Tail with gray to dark brown bands which are sharper and more intensely colored distally. Regenerated tails have small dots and flecks. Enlarged supraciliary scales at the anterior border of eyes are whitish cream.
Snout-vent length 51.8 (45.7–57.8) 48.4 (36.3–56.6) 99.8 (78.0–114.5) 92.2 (75.2–112.0)
Head length Head width 14.2 (12.0–16.4) 11.1 (9.4–13.0) 13.2 (11–15.8) 10.2 (8.5–13.0) 25.3 (19.9–28.8) 21.3 (17–25.4) 23.4 (18.5–27.7) 19.2 (15.0–25.3)
Eye-naris distance 4.4 (3.8–5.1) 4.1 (3.2–5.0) 8.3 (6.4–9.4) 7.8 (5.9–9.4)
Eye diameter Axilla-groin distance 4.4 (3.2–5.0) 21.3 (17.3–25.0) 3.9 (2.8–5.0) 20.3 (13.9–23.9) 7.2 (5.8–8.4) 42.5 (33.4–50.4) 6.8 (5.7–8.3) 38.5 (32.2–48.0)
Supralabial scales 6–8 (mode 7) 6–8 (mode 6) 7–9 (mode 8) 7–9 (bimodal 7–8)
Infralabial scales Postmental scales 5–7 (mode 6) 0–3 (mode 1) 5–7 (mode 6) 0–3 (mode 2) 6–8 (mode 6) 0–3 (mode 1) 7–8 (mode 7) 0–3 (mode 2)
Interorbital scales 13.4 (12–15) 13.2 (12–15) 15.2 (11–18) 14.6 (13-16)
Dorsal tubercles in the axilla-groin dis- tance 16.3 (15–18) 17.2 (15–19) 21.4 (18–23) 21.9 (17–25)
Ventral scales in the axilla-groin dis- tance Transversal series of dorsal tubercles 41.3 (36–45) 16.2 (15–17) 41.2 (35–44) 15.7 (14–17) 53.7 (47–62) 18.7 (17–20) 54.6 (44–61) 18.3 (16–22)
Transversal series of ventral scales 31.3 (26–38) 32.1 (29–36) 36.2 (31–43) 36.7 (32–40)
First toe lamellae Fourth toe lamellae 10.3 (8–12) 12.2 (11–14) 10.1 (9–12) 12.1 (10–13) 15.5 (13–18) 17.0 (14–19) 14.7 (12–18) 18.0 (15–21)
Fourth toe dorsal rows of scales 7.2 (6–9) 7.3 (5–9) 11.4 (10–13) 11.4 (10–12)
Color in alcohol: The body is tan or whitish gray, with black and white blotches and stripes not conspicuously arranged in bands. FIGURE 2. Fourth toe dorsal arrangement of scales in (A) Tarentola crombiei (paratype male MNHNCu 4646), and (B) T. americana , both from Siboney (Reserva Ecológica Siboney-Juticí), Santiago de Cuba Province. Scale bar= 1 mm. Description of the holotype : SVL: 49 mm ; tail length: 56.5 mm ; head length: 12.8 mm ; head width: 10.5 mm ; eye-naris distance: 3.8 mm ; eye diameter: 4.6 mm ; axilla-groin distance: 19.1 mm ; ear opening height/ width: 1.0/ 0.5 mm ; supralabial scales: 6; infralabial scales: 5; scales around naris: 3; postmental scales: 2; interorbital scales: 15; dorsal tubercles in the axilla-groin distance: 16; ventral scales in the axilla-groin distance: 36; transversal series of dorsal tubercles: 16; transversal series of ventral scales: 33; first toe lamellae: 12; second toe lamellae: 13; fourth toe dorsal rows of scales: 7.
Distribution. Known from seven localities along of the southern coast of Granma, Santiago de Cuba , and Guantánamo provinces ( Fig. 3 ). Etymology. The species name is a patronym for Ronald I. Crombie in recognition of his contributions to West Indian herpetology and for his early recognition of this distinct species. Ecological observations. The region inhabited by Tarentola crombiei is the driest part of Cuba and receives annually about 400–800 mm of rain ( Fig. 4 A–C). The mean habitat is a coastal xerophytic scrub that grows over semidesertic lowlands and karstik marine terraces. During the day, all the lizards collected at the type locality were found inside dry plants of the genus Agave ( Fig. 4 C). In Siboney (Reserva Ecológica Siboney-Juticí), nine specimens were collected actively at night in less than five square meters while perching on scrubs, at heights of 0.5–3.0 meters above the ground (perch diameter < 5 cm ). A female obtained at this locality was in the process of shedding and was observed rubbing her snout on the leaf of a small epiphytic bromeliad ( Tillandsia sp.) to assist in the process. At Reserva Ecológica de Hatibonico, a female (MNHNCu 4625) was found during the night on the walls of small volcanic elevations known as “monitongos.” Several communal nests of Tarentola crombiei were collected at the type locality and Reserva Ecológica de Hatibonico in dry clumps of Agave sp. ( Fig. 4 D). Eggs were white, slightly fusiform shaped, and measured 11.0–13.3 x 8.2–9.9 mm (mean= 12.1 x 9.1 mm , n=12). Single eggs were seen through the ventral skin of females, or were laid in captivity by pregnant individuals. Tarentola crombiei and T. americana occur together in the same habitat, although the later is more easily seen than the former because it frequents human dwellings. Clutches of T. crombiei and T. americana were both found in the same dry plants of Agave sp. (in Reserva Ecológica de Hatibonico). Eggs of T. americana were bigger, usually depressed, round shaped, and always laid in pairs strongly attached to each other and to the substrate. Hatchlings of T. crombiei obtained in the laboratory from collected communal nests measured 23.8–25.7 mm (mean= 24.6, n= 5) in SVL, and 20.3– 23.2 mm (mean= 21.7, n= 5) in tail length. The following insects were found in the feces of Tarentola crombiei (from six adult specimens kept in the same collecting bag): cockroaches (Blaberinae and Blattidae ), crickets, an elaterid beetle, and ants ( Camponotus sp.). Very small stones were also present in several stools. In the surroundings of Río Jauco, local people use the vernacular name “ pega ” (singular) for both species of Cuban Tarentola , considering adults of T. crombiei as young individuals of T. americana .