Two new species of Xanthophius Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Staphylininae, Xantholinini) from China with notes on X. filum (Kraatz) Author Zhou, Yu-Lingzi Author Zhou, Hong-Zhang text Zootaxa 2013 3626 3 363 380 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3626.3.5 db96a252-af87-42ea-918c-8d7b64d86c3c 1175-5326 221592 550465AD-FD65-4CF8-B6E5-6AE4189A12DB 3. Xanthophius filum ( Kraatz, 1859 ) ( Fig. 7 A–G; Fig. 8 A–G) Kraatz, 1859 : 111 ( Leptacinus ; Type locality: Ceylan ); Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914 : 293 (catalog); Cameron , 1932 : 10 (characters; Ceylon , India ); Scheerpeltz, 1933 : 1301 (catalog; Philippines ); Cameron , 1933 : 383 (Sumatra); Coiffai, 1982b: 231 (Assam) ; Coiffait , 1982 b : 241 (characters); Bordoni, 2002 : 579 ( Xanthophius ; characters; Hongkong ); Smetana, 2004 : 698 (catalog); Bordoni, 2007 : 76 (catalog); Bordoni, 2009b : 100 ( Cambodia ). Syn.: Leptacinus beesoni Cameron , 1932 : 12 ( Type locality: India , Dehra Dun: NimNadi); Bordoni, 2002 : 579 (synonym of Xanthophius filum ); Smetana, 2004 : 698 (catalog; synonym of Xanthophius filum ). Leptacinus difficilis Cameron , 1933 : 384 ( Type locality: Not cited but presumably Sumatra); Bordoni, 2002 : 579 (synonym of Xanthophius filum ); Smetana, 2004 : 698 (catalog; synonym of Xanthophius filum ). Leptacinus filiformis Scheerpeltz, 1957 : 233 , 307 ( Type locality: Indonesia , Sumba: Mau Marru); Bordoni, 2002 : 579 (synonym of Xanthophius filum ); Smetana, 2004 : 698 (catalog; synonym of Xanthophius filum ). Leptacinus goropanensis Coiffait, 1982a : 49 ( Type locality: Nepal : versant sud-est du Col deGoropani, ouest de Pokhara, 2150 m ); Bordoni, 2002 : 579 (synonym of Xanthophius filum ); Smetana, 2004 : 698 (catalog; synonym of Xanthophius filum ). Leptacinus ophtalmicus Coiffait, 1980 : 264 (replacement name for oculatus Coiffait ); Herman, 2001 : 83 ( Allolinus ); Bordoni, 2002 : 579 (synonym of Xanthophius filum ); Smetana, 2004 : 698 (catalog; synonym of Xanthophius filum ). Leptacinus oculatus Coiffait, 1977 : 215 (subgenus Allolinus ; [preoccupied]; Type locality: Bhutan : Samchi, 300 m ); Coiffait, 1980 : 264 (synonym of ophtalmicus ); Bordoni, 2002 : 579 (synonym of Xanthophius filum ); Smetana, 2004 : 698 (catalog; synonym of Xanthophius filum ). Leptacinus sinuatocollis Scheerpeltz, 1957 : 233 , 309 ( Type locality: Sumba: Mau Marru); Bordoni, 2002 : 579 (synonym of Xanthophius filum ); Smetana, 2004 : 698 (catalog; synonym of Xanthophius filum ). Leptacinus vuldiformis Coiffait, 1977 : 214 (subgenus Allolinus ; Type locality: Bhutan :Samchi, 300 m ); Herman, 2001 : 83 ( Allolinus ); Bordoni, 2002 : 579 (synonym of Xanthophius filum ); Smetana, 2004 : 698 (catalog; synonym of Xanthophius filum ). Material examined. CHINA : Beijing : Chaoyang District: Olympic Forest Park, 24 male , 75 m , 25.VII.2010 , Zhou Yulingzi collected; Haidian District: 1 male , Furongli, 17.V.1996 , Hao Chenggang collected; Shanxi: Qinshui Co.: Lishandahe Reserve Station, 1 male , 1216 m , 0 7.28.2012 , Huang Xinlei collected; Liaoning: Tangguangzi Co.: Tanggangzi Hot Spring, 1 male ,1937.07.24 (IZ-CAS). Description. Measurement (N=3). BL= 4.15–4.26 mm , FL= 2.05–2.25 mm , HL= 0.65–0.70 mm , HW= 0.50–0.55 mm , PL= 0.65–0.73 mm , PW= 0.45–0.50 mm , EL= 0.62–0.75 mm , EW= 0.61–0.67 mm . Body nearly cylindrical and of small size. Body coloure: head black; antennae and pronotum reddish brown, except apical half of segment 11th yellowish brown; elytra, legs and maxillary and labial palpi yellowish brown; abdomen brown, except posterior 1/5 of segment VII–VIII yellowish. Head ( Fig. 8 A). Subrectangular (HL to HW ratio 1.25), tempora subparalleled, posterior angles narrowly rounded. Dorsal integument without microsculpture; but with extensively distributed medium-sized punctures, puncture intervals equal to 1–2 punctures’ diameter. Median longitudinal region impunctate; deflexed portion of tempora without any punctures. Each side of cranium with a puncture on epistoma, 3–4 punctures located in frontal furrow, two anterolateral punctures near antennal insertion, a midlateral puncture about a distance of 2 punctures’ diameter from dorsal margin of eye, temporal puncture and occipital puncture not apparent; also with an oblique row of 4–6 punctures between frontal furrow and anteocular furrow. Frontal furrows relatively long, not longer than eye’s length, anteocular furrows distinct and long, with 1–2 tiny punctures. Eye medium-sized, shorter than the length of tempora (eye: tempora = 0.15: 0.41 mm ). Epistoma narrow and subrectangular. Distance between antennal insertions ( 0.16mm ) being longer than that from antenna to eye ( 0.10m ). Antennae. Scape stout, thickened apically, subequal to the length of three subsequent antennomeres combined, 0.20mm long; antennomere II elongate, 0.09 mm long; III elongate, shorter than II, 0.07 mm long; IV and V transverse, subequal in the length and 0.05 mm long; last antennomere 0.15 mm long, equal to length to three preceding antennomeres combined. Neck. Wide ( 0.20 mm ), narrower than half the width of head. Pronotum. Subrectangular, broad (PL to PW ratio 1.46), of the same length as head, but slightly narrower. Anterior angle well-defined and protruding laterally, lateral margins sinuate, widest at anterior 1/3 and narrowest at posterior 1/3, posterior angles broadly rounded. Dorsal integument without micropuncture, but bearing a pair of admedian rows of 11–12 punctures, a pair of lateral rows of 10–11 punctures, and also a few irregular punctures near anterior and lateral margins of pronotum. FIGURE 7. Xanthophius filum (Kraatz, 1859) : A. male tergite VIII; B. male sternite VIII; C. male tergite X; D. male sternite IX; E. aedeagus, ventral view; F. right paramere, dorsal view; G. endophallus at rest, ventral view. Scale bars 0.15 mm. FIGURE 8. Xanthophius filum (Kraatz, 1859) : A. head; B. pronotum; C. elytra; D. aedeagus, ventral view; E. parameres and endophallus at rest together, ventral view; F. parameres and endophallus at rest together, dorsal view; G. endophallus at rest, ventral view. Scale bars 0.30 mm. Elytra. Subrectangular (EL to EW ratio 1.01), of the same length as pronotum, but wider. Humeri well developed, lateral margins divergent posteriorly, hind margin rounded. Dorsal integument bearing 4–5 rows of punctures on each side, interspaces between rows of ca. two punctures’ diameter; deflexed portion of each elytron with 1–2 rows of denser punctures. Legs. First four segments of protarsi stout but not dilated, and those of meso- and metatarsi not slender. Last segment of protarsi and metatarsi slightly shorter than the length of II–IV combined, respectively; last segment of mesotarsi equal to the length of II and III combined. Abdomen. Cylindrical, broadest at segment VII. Tergites III–VII slightly shiny, each segment without any microsculpture, and also distributed with small punctures, interspaces between punctures about 2 punctures’ diameter. Each tergite without a basal impression near anterior margin. All abdominal sternites shiny, with microstriae and punctures as those on tergites. Male ( Fig. 7 A–G; Fig. 8 D–G). Abdominal segment VIII entirely covered with punctures, posterior margin of tergite subtruncated, and that of sternite slightly rounded ( Fig. 7 A, B). Tergite IX symmetrical, connected mediobasally. Sternite IX asymmetrical, with arcuate lateral margins, sharp base, and rounded apex ( Fig. 7 D). Tergite X symmetrical, broadest at apical 1/4, sharply narrowed at apical 1/5, with broad and subtruncated base, and slightly concaved posterior margin ( Fig. 7 C). Aedeagus small ( Fig. 7 E; Fig. 8 D), basal bulb subspherical, 0.47 mm long. Parameres symmetrical, not attached to basal bulb, slightly broad and extended to dorsal side ( Fig. 7 F; Fig. 8 F). Internal sac corkscrew-shaped, with three large spinulate structures at apical part, and thicken lateral margins of basal part. Distribution. China ( Hongkong , Shanxi, Beijing), India , Nepal , Bhutan , Myanmar , Laos , Vietnam , Thailand , Cambodia , Sri Lanka , Philippines , Indonesia (Sumatra, Java, Sumba, Lombok). Remarks. This species is widely distributed and was found for the first time in North China , north of Yellow River ( Fig. 2 ). Specimen from Shanxi possesses longer head and elytra. The specimens from Olympic Forest Park (Beijing) were all found on the surface of light green, cylindrical sound-box ( Fig. 1 B), which are scattered in Salix matsudana forest ( Fig. 1 A). Interestingly, male individuals tend to aggregate together before nightfall and one or two females appear(s) occasionally in this aggregating population. We illustrated the morphology of the everted endophallus in Fig. 9 : bs , composed of four spines; sas , composed of a ring of smaller spines; ass, formed by a larger, curved and well sclerotized plate.